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Everything posted by Dozer

  1. That last photo looks like a breaching dolphin, haha! Great report
  2. When I needed the cops, they showed up to late, I'm not blaming anyone for it, but I've lost faith. When I needed help with a violent drunk family member, my neighbours showed up to help, I talked with our lawyer friend and he told me everything I needed to tell the police they needed to hear to take the drunk away, after hearing the stories they still didn't take them away. After I told our lawyer friend what happened, he called them lazy. Last week at a party I had some idiot cop tell me he's going to "arrest me for being drunk", while I JUST showed up and cracked my first beer I understand the job is hard, but get a damned system in place.
  3. That is a serious leg burn in the one photo! Looks lke a blast
  5. Awesome story, you didn't accidentally gauge out his other eye did ya? He's sorta screwed then, I think Just playin'.
  6. These video's show up from time to time here. What is wild about the first video is that while he is reviving the smaller fish, another larger pike comes and slams it. Look closely.
  7. Not to hijack this thread but you can get a hair cut here in Toronto at Pacific Mall for 8 bucks and I'm sure its not affected by HST. It may be pirated, who knows. OP, great post.
  8. I think we bumped simultaneously
  9. Nice guy I would love to go but unfortunately I can't. Bump it up!
  10. Sorry to hear, its like loosing one of the family. He lived the life from what I can tell from the pictures!
  11. I wish I could spot a cougar. Cougars are dope.
  12. Awesome report! Congratulations
  13. Yummy, looks like you've got a great arsenal. Those rapala slashbaits really move, I just picked up a couple and damn are they ever cool.
  14. I live near the Bluffs in Scarborough. Skunks, foxes, possums, racoons, wild cats, and deers galore. I have a bum living in the forest near my house too. He's got shopping bags on his feet all the time.
  15. Great photo you put together!
  16. I second that.
  17. That bird was doing one of the three things... Creating a scene and leave her babies for safety. She thaught she could fight you because you wren't intimidating enough and she was waiting for your first move. Or... she wanted to be with you and gave you her mating dance. Sorry to hear about the motor. What are you looking for?
  18. Heading south on 62 from Barry's Bay to Bancroft there is a free boat, saw it Tuesday. Not sure if its still there but just passing on the information. It looked a bit old, 15 feet-ish. Just the hull.
  19. http://maps.google.ca/maps?hl=en&q=barry's%20bay%20lakeshore%20drive&rlz=1R2ADRA_enCA361&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl "A" marks the launch.
  20. ... just to add to that, I've kept some cool predatory fish that really take interest to pretty much anything ddangling in the water just at the surface. Conditioned? Quite sure of it, however they're all animals. Count your toes!
  21. They would bite, they have attacked, wear a helmet
  22. Act a fool! Hahaha, sorry I couldn't resist.
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