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Everything posted by Dozer

  1. Good fish! I don't thnk you were fightnig that fish for 15 minutes. Haha, sometime these battles seem like an eternity!
  2. Sorry, my "I" button doesn't register all the time.
  3. I was there a few weeks backs. Bring jigs, tough line, big hooks and weights. Also, bring some smaller hooks to screw around with the little fish as well, its loads of fun. Live little fish work best for best and you can get them from the local bait shops. But drty peces of shrimp and squd are good too. I fished the St. Petersburg peir, the inverted pyramid, and its nice because you've got a cool bar steps away from where you're fishing. Get live fish and fish around the docks for grouper. Catch a little fish, cut it in half, throw on a big leader and weight and cast that sucker out, be ready. Collect some mussells ( they cover the rocks on low tide ) and fish the hard shelled creatures near the peirs posts in the water for sheepshead. If you have a net, a long one, bring it. Although someone on the per will usually have a gaff of some sorts. Feed the pelicans small fish, its a riot, watch out for those black birds ( they look lke grackles ), the moment you don't make eye contact with them they steal your bait, it's REALLY frusterating. Talk with the locals, they'll guide you best. Have fun and take pictures! Also, if the fish looks dangerous, it probably is. Remember stingrays have barbs, loads of them around. Try to fnd some low tide rock area's. They capture creatures at low tide and you can see loads of cool sea life. I wish I was there right now... if you want a really kick ass tiki bar right on the beach next to a peir, go to Coldwater ( on the north part of the island, 15 minute drve from Tampa ) and I think it's at the back of the Hyatt. You can see it from the Coldwater peir, 100 M north of the base of the peir.
  4. That dude makes that fish look like a monster! Wow, what great fish!
  5. Although most will agree, especially wth your last statement about active fish, your first statement I have to somewhat disagree. First of all, why try to go find more fish if there is fish in front of you? Gve those fish an offering of everything you have tried that works! THEN MOVE ON! Finding out what turns those "off fish" on, wil land you a bunch of fish. I cant count the number of times I'm standing over 20 fish, and I put on the magic bait and pump out 5 fish in a half hour.
  6. Yikes! Thats pretty darn cool
  7. Where did you fish? Somewhere around Toronto? Shoot me a PM.
  8. Good luck buddy, I guess we get two in case one goes bad?
  9. Atta boy Chris! I love watching steel snatching food items, especially when its my offering! By the way, nice flies
  10. Hey, I'm looking into purchasing a new to me vehicle. I was looking at purchasing 2008 - 2010 Chevrolet Tahoe or Suburban. Any input from owners? What have you heard? Any mechancs on board? Fill me in please. This is a great place to get an opinion.
  11. Like the bison allready had enough on his plate being burned and all... once you're weak its game over... tough life.
  12. You probably pulled a nut muscle wading around and hook setting every friggin' steel in the river. I hope the best for you buddy, get out and fish!
  13. Yup, I found it, right above where I found the "open all year" stuff. I never fish north of the tracks anyways, yes, I'm still learning and usually just stick with what I know. Anyways, thanks for clearing it up for me.
  14. Wicked fish! I pose like that with some fish too, along with the shoulder rocket launcher and heavy machine gun, haha. Love it when a pattern comes together, great feeeeeessssshhhhhhhhhh
  15. I'm in! Hmmmm, are you ever closer to Toronto? I'm rarely up near Innisfil...
  16. So I'm reading through the regulations, zone 17 and it clearly states all rivers open all year from south side of CNR to Lake Ontario. I've got a lot of people telling me HWY. 2 and south is game. I just googled the regulations and on the .pdf file it states the same thing... Oh yeah, long leads and tangled fish isn't fishing.
  17. Damn, good luck finding her a good home, I feel for you buddy, I'd really hate having to make up a decision between giving up my dog for an idea my wife made. The force is strong in you, you will catch lots of fish in the future.
  18. I've seen a real sweet clip about these, their babies form a wall and cruise around eating plankton and other small critters, and they take turns to run the front, amazing stuff. I want to see some slow motion feeding footage
  19. That harvest is hilarious!
  20. Those fish are awesome!
  21. Cool, CB's are loads of fun and a great source of information like gving away camping police units on the sides of the roads. From what I remember they call them "bears". Channel 19 is the go to, if my mind serves me right. Thats the universal truckers channel. Thats all I remember. Haha, have fun tunin' in on some great conversations
  22. Leaving Scarborough at 6:45 AM, going to be back home around noon... Going to the eastern tribs... Wilmot, Bomanville, etc. Wanna come? Meet at my place or pick up close to 401 between Port Union and Newcastle. It's going to be chilly, and I would like to go wth someone who has general knowledge of whats going on. Bring your own bait, rod, etc. I'm just providing the ride.
  23. Nicely tied jig heads! Very clean work
  24. I have a pond in the backyard thats got some big minnows in it. Honestly, go have fun at Bluffers Park, enjoy salmon fishing! Go there and meet 15 people at any given time and they wll teach you how to catch fish! Bring some marshmellows, some sinkers and hooks. Go to the bridge near the yatch club. Bring your camera and take pictures and show us after!
  25. Haha, time for a new place to fish.
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