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Everything posted by Dozer

  1. Dates?
  2. yes... sklimmed... haha
  3. Hey, I've sklimmed through the site but haven't found anything about the times you guys start and such... I am willing to help out, I love helping out, never know who you meet and what you learn.
  4. Dozer


    24/m/Toronto, single... hahaha!
  5. Not when you went! haha, I'm just playing around. Looks like you had a blast, and yes, that fish is beat right up.
  6. Friggin' cool!
  7. Fishmasters marina in Dunnville. Thats where we go, we wentin a boat once and once from shore, had luck in early AM and right at sundown... Use big rods with stinky baits... choppedup suckers is what we used. Big sinkers... just drop the line and BANG! Take your boat if you can.
  8. My guess is people would find another free site. I wouldn't have a problem paying if the site was this active. I learn something new daily through OFC.
  9. Oh and shore lunch, great avatar picture
  10. Scent... my father added cod liver oil into baits he used to make for rainbow out of cat food, garlic, flour and some other ingredients.
  11. Yikes, where did thatcome from
  12. ... it seems like we're just taking guesses as to whats better and whats worse. Sure we can agree upon a few... Here's what I think. I mean really, wetting your hands before handling the fish? ...look at this, how would your hands be dry if your handling a fish anyways? How would you get it outta the water? With a net? A net does tonnes of slime damamge, even rubber ones "rub" slime off, much less, but still Beaching? Sure thats a threat ( I'm assuming ) to the surface cells of the gill rakes, but they've probably taken worse beatings before with all the debris in chocolate milk water. Beaching on gravel? Are you kidding, unless you can guarentee every rock in the creek is rounded smooth, beaching a fish into gravel can cut and slice open its skin, opening the doors for infection and disease. Just 'cause the fish has slime doens't mean its critter free, bring me a sample of slime, I'll show you under a microscope what is going on. Fish throw slime fairly quickly, I'b be more concerned about the fish loosing energy than loosing a bit of slime. Fish looses lots of energy, is weak, cant keep up with current, dies( unlikely ), a weakend fish is an open door for bugs to take over, think of the fish resting in slow moving water ( after a battle with your 12' rod ) with its belly rubbing on the sand or gravel and slime rubbing off, who cares right, you were 3/4 that day and you have photo's to boot! YEEEHAWWWWWW!! Sorry.
  13. If you're ever around Toronto, shoot me a PM, we'll go hook into some fish
  14. Pffffft, you suck! Haha, look its really quite simple. Talk to people on the river, find out what the fish are sampling and use it. You also have to know what your bait is doing in the water, whether its dragging on the bottom, floating, etc. Fish every part of the river, I find that on clear water days the fish love to sit in log jams. Be stealthy. Maybe there are no fish... last week Monday my local creek was on fire! Last week Wednesday nothing was in the creek 'cause everyone shot up stream? Purchase some books, I read a bunch of books on steelhead and it REALLY helped out. Kenneth R Jaynes' book titled Great Lakes Steelhead fishing goes into a lot of detail. And rather than working different water bodies, stick to one and learn it. Hate to tell you, but good luck landing your first fish. But that first hook up with a brute will make you shake. Are you from Toronto? I'm jokin' about the you suck thing... it takes a while.
  15. ...lived happily ever after... haha Good one.
  16. 3 words, 1 acronym... OFC.
  17. Bluffers wide open, the sail club is open too. Watch out for surfers, I was there a few days ago and there were 6 of them, right outside the boat launch.
  18. Haha!
  19. That, right there, is a killer report with awesome pictures! Nice work:D
  20. Coors and Heinenken?
  21. Do you have a website that you sell your art? Interested.
  23. I love the footy you've got, keep 'em coming. I love them 'cause they show how the fish reacts, how far it chases, how it strikes.... lets me appreciate them more. I think fishing is more than "hey mines bigger than yours!", more about the beauty of the animal.
  24. Spring starts when solopaddler starts reporting on steel... 'cause Chuck Norris said so Nice fish, I cant wait to hook into more steel this season
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