... it seems like we're just taking guesses as to whats better and whats worse.
Sure we can agree upon a few...
Here's what I think.
I mean really, wetting your hands before handling the fish? ...look at this, how would your hands be dry if your handling a fish anyways? How would you get it outta the water? With a net? A net does tonnes of slime damamge, even rubber ones "rub" slime off, much less, but still
Beaching? Sure thats a threat ( I'm assuming ) to the surface cells of the gill rakes, but they've probably taken worse beatings before with all the debris in chocolate milk water.
Beaching on gravel? Are you kidding, unless you can guarentee every rock in the creek is rounded smooth, beaching a fish into gravel can cut and slice open its skin, opening the doors for infection and disease.
Just 'cause the fish has slime doens't mean its critter free, bring me a sample of slime, I'll show you under a microscope what is going on.
Fish throw slime fairly quickly, I'b be more concerned about the fish loosing energy than loosing a bit of slime.
Fish looses lots of energy, is weak, cant keep up with current, dies( unlikely ), a weakend fish is an open door for bugs to take over, think of the fish resting in slow moving water ( after a battle with your 12' rod ) with its belly rubbing on the sand or gravel and slime rubbing off, who cares right, you were 3/4 that day and you have photo's to boot! YEEEHAWWWWWW!!