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Everything posted by Dozer

  1. Welcome aboard! Pick a fish, and start fishing and researching, thats what I'd tell you to do
  2. Only one way to find out! Not sure about the dam, but damn are the fish biting!
  3. I went to a shore fishing spot just for the twilight hours, really slow dragged grubs and gulp leeches produced a bunch of fish ( few walleyes that were around a foot and the biggest being a 1.8 feet ) People with live minnows did best. We were fishing in 4 - 10 FOW. Seems like the little muskies couldn't stop raiding everyones baits!
  4. Here in Canada we can video tape and record anyone as long as someone knows it is happening, I beleive? Even if its only the camera person themself. And no, that cop pulling out the gun is not power tripping, you have to realize cops deal with all sorts of different people, in different states of mind, what if that guy on the bike was cranked on drugs, armed, just finished a robbery and doesn't give two sunfish about anything? The cop took corect action in my opinion.
  5. Well, 'tis the season. Been cleaning mushrooms for the last 6 hours which were harvested this morning. So many mushrooms we had to stop picking them. Back to the cutting board, not looking forward to back pain tomorrow but its well worth it. Anyone else finding unusally high numbers of 'shrooms this year? We've been twice so far and hitting some serious loads, todays hunt yeilded 5 bucket fulls ( between two people ) of superb quality, fresh, firm fungi. The weekenders are sure going to be disappointed, haha.
  6. Tell us what NOT to do... haha
  7. Thats not that bad! Thats pretty normal, hahaha! I've seen much worse... down near my place the water gets real thick with them, like REAL thick, day and night the place is like a flea market. This happened years ago, while down there I watched as these guys would snag big dirty, beat up, white mold looking tissue exposed, skin peeling off fish pull them in under a minute, grab on to the tails of the fish and whack them against the concrete. Multiplied by ten. I was young, drinking, didn't really think anything of it. Last year? some post here involved two people using pitchforks for fishing! Hahaha! I dont go salmon fishing, its disgusting. Who's down for forming a team of 20 deep and going around cutting lines and "teaching" the general public?
  8. I've been working all month on a beach side property on south Simcoe, be careful!
  9. Imagine if they were put on a salmon creek right now? Bizarre indeed!
  10. http://video.ca.msn.com/watch/video/seal-steals-fish/2ji2f4ll?from=imbot_en-ca_m2534 Pretty cool video.
  11. Thats a dirty under bite.
  12. Keep trying! Sorry, couldn't resist... haha
  13. Dude, your girl is super cute, great little fishin' partner.
  14. Love the fish, and the progression of the sunburn is hilarious too
  15. Dozer

    oh ya

    I want to date all three, nice work!
  16. AWESOME!
  17. You must be a good fsherman figuring out patterns, trends and all... Happy fishing
  18. Mmmm, catfish...
  19. 5 - 6 fish a year, mostly on camping / cottage trips wth friends, they never understand how i spend thousands of dollars on equipment and never keep any fish, they don't understand I guess.... Keep pike and walleye, and 1 rainbow for smoking.
  20. Kinda reminds me of those Viagra commercials from last year... " I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Haha, welcome aboard and post pictures
  21. Nice fsh and quite the interesting way of hiding the lure, haha
  22. Drop offs, underwater structure, different bait, different techniques... slow down! Evening time, get a top water and fish around lily pads, twitchng and pausing the bait. Don't yank to fast.
  23. That fish has nice color!
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