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Everything posted by Dozer

  1. Its quite spectacular really, the fish migration upstream... cool video
  2. You must be new, sometimes they want to prevent confrontation.
  3. A day well wasted? You caught fish!
  4. DUDE DONT TRY COKE ( coca cola )!!!! Wow, I must say, at after reading the first few lines I really thaught it was gonna be a bit of a comedy peice but damn, you are making a decision that feels right and best of luck with it. Who's gonna do the yearly moustache posts now?
  5. Kwan, thank you for the laugh dude. Reminds me of the time I was younger and caught a huge pike whle panfish fishing, ddn't want it anywhere near the boat 'cause I was so scared. Adrenalin pumpin' rush isn't it?
  6. You are livin' it up real nice pal.
  7. Oh my wow.
  8. You could possibly be the next big thing.
  9. I guess we're all mellowed out because of summer and the approaching long weekend. I wonder which drection ths post may have went in the deep freeze of winter. Post pictures of the muskies you caught, we REALLY love those
  10. I hear BOQ is really good. Take lots of pictures, we really love pictures! Report back and welcome Youll get a hang of this
  11. This may have been posted before. http://video.ca.msn.com/watch/video/this-dog-is-guilty/1glgv8grd?cpkey=014ecd8a-65e6-4475-8f1b-e860228b2180%7C%7C%7C%7C I'd say he's guilty.
  12. Talk about the fish fighting back. Sucks to be you Breads been mentioned allready, I'm not sure but I thnk my dad swallowed huge peices of bread when he had something jam in his throat. Don't worry about the calories, just go burn them off wth a jog if you're worried aobut it. This sorta reminds me of the time a peice of my buddes retainer broke and he swallowed this 2 inch metal peice. We couldn't stop laughing as hes rolling around from side to side seeking position that didn't hurt as the peice made its way through his intestines. He drank it off and was fine afterwards.
  13. Haha 5:05 and 5:50
  14. Ya, get a chart of the area you're fishing. Lost a downrigger to the water a few years back hunting lakers, sucker just ripped off once the cannon ball jammed between a few rocks. Be careful.
  15. Live bait all the way. Enjoy the tiki bar, its really close to the pier. I was there last year, fished the skyway area, Tampa bridge, and St. Petersberg pier. Not sure what is in season right now, but grouper near St. Petes pier were fun. Talk with locals, don't touch stingrays tails and take pictures.
  16. I'm sure the rice would suck up some moisture. Never had to deal with somethng like this before, my only guess would be to open it up and clean it up real nice. Once the kid turns 16 I think a laptop for Daddy from Santa may be a good idea.
  17. Hey, I've started to fish for carp. Don't have much time to get out for up north trips so 2 - 4 hour sessions for carp around Toronto is enough to give me my fix. I'm really new to carp fshing. Been out 3 times this year to the same spot and I will start venturing in new areas as I gain more confidence in what I'm doing. I have a question regarding the way the fish moves. Last month was my first outing and the spot was LOADED with carp. Any time I'd look into the water I would see 5 - 15 fish. Last week I've been twice only to find a couple fish cruising around and landing a few small fish. The area is a bay off Lake Ontario which I am only assuming is quite shallow. We were hitting fish around 6- 8 feet of water and I'm only guessing it is a shallow bay because I can see logs sticking out here and there. My question is, where did all the big carp go? What should I be looking for? I'm running an 18 inch mono leader wth a hook at the end of my line and weight near my swivel connecting the lines, fishing the bottom with corn or worms. Thanks in advance.
  18. Smallmouth sure aint shy, love snorkelling with smallies.
  19. What'chu sayin' 'bout dem citi folks der boy? To many idiots out on the water. I'm glad to hear they are enforcng safety, but stll doesn't teach many of the idiots how to opreate a boat safely. Stay classy and stay safe.
  20. Mike the pike made Lisa wet?
  21. Everythng previously mentioned is bang on. Gve it some extra time, dont hook set after the first thump all the time. You may also be getting the fish nibbling the foot or half the body, in that case you wont be setting the hook. Always be adjusting your tactics and you will catch more fish. You've tuned in on what they are hitting, good, now you need to adjust getting the hook into their mouths. Expose the hook a little more? Give it a couple "mississippi's", etc.
  22. Wow, that is all I have to say.
  23. Mercman, my question to you is, what did you tell her after she asked?
  24. But yeah, I've fallen victim to angling marketing gigs, kudos to them. I'm happy, they're happy, we all win!
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