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Everything posted by Dozer

  1. Super cool The brown hatchery tray reminds me of when the little brown ants decide to all sunbathe and come out to the surface during the summer months.
  2. Awesome color on that first pike, thanks for report
  3. Super cool
  4. Like all new species in any system, the balance will be thrown off and eventually, everything will come back to balance, a new balance. Hopefully with minimal damage done to what allready exists... I just hope nothing really bad happens. Lets not sit back and watch cormorants show us their "carrying capacity" ( grade 9 science ), we just may get a nice kick in the rear end watching our native populations take a few hits, hopefully they can recover. I'll tell you one thing, get the trout farmers to start crying louder, beause they are taxpayers, their voices will be heard first. Then the MNR will do soemthing. Edit: "Science" and highly eduated people should make the final decisions, we can all agree on that I'm sure, we also have to listen to the "gun weilding red necks" who see changes happening in relatively short periods of time... they can see patterns and make plausible conclusions.
  5. And how many dollars saved?!!?! My question is, how did you quit?
  6. Getting the bathtub out is the easiest part! Chances are you will have to cut out the drywall as the poster above stated... is the tub on the second floor or first floor? Do you have acess to plumb the sucker once its in? Technically it is easy to do, a bit of work is required, but it can be done. Trust me, I would suggest just getting it refinished... if you're not handy. As previous posters have stated, what started off as a bathtub replacement quickly became a bathroom make over. If you have any questions, post pictures, I'm sure we can help you out.
  7. The guy who organized the so called derby probably sold it to his buddies as "a lake filled with walleye and non of those stupid Ontarions fish it! This lake is prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrimeee guys!". An expensive lesson.
  8. Sorry, I'm allowed my views here. Ill informed or not. And I don't like being insulted. I haven't made any attacks on anyone, my orginal post wasn't to insult anyone :| Just how I see things, and from what I've experienced, years of running into high and drunk homeless people downtown Toronto hasn't really made me all to compassionate about this topic. LOOK I'M REALLY A NICE GUY DAMNIT!
  9. I'll go read a book on "phobias". Stemming from the personal attacks from Big Cliff and Dr. Sal. Really guys, that is a personal attack on someone ( me ) who is clearly stupid and ignorant, but really, I dont mind. Lets not start a war here? Keep it civil, as per "The Rules" please.
  10. Like I've stated in my original post, I feel very sorry for those people who really had it bad are are genuinely homeless because thats how life turned out for them. I do not feel sorry for those who have become homeless as a result of them becoming addicted to drugs/alcohol, or their bad decisions and as a result are homeless. I fought back an addiction myself years ago, if hadn't of made the right choices, who knows where I'd be. Could of spiralled out of control for sure. Drop by the shelter in my neighbourhood, you could buy anything you want, anytime. And the police are there often. The city has really tainted my mind. And I agree with Skip, we should move on until it comes up again.
  11. People who have worked with homeless on a steady basis over the years, not from helping them out in shelters, but from interacting with them and getting to know them over the years. And yes, I would take them as a good source, their experiences made them come to these conclusions and they beleive that a lot of them can change. They're telling me a lot of these people become homeless, and deteriorate ( or get comforatble ) within that lifestyle. They're addicts and the addiction takes over. As the years pass by, they start becoming mentally ill, and get worse and worse.
  12. Look guys, I"m saying that there atually are people who HAVE HAD it so bad that they genuinely couldn't do anything about, but from what I'm told most of them can clean up but choose not too. Ahh, now I regret posting
  13. Sorry Gerritt if I had contradicted myself, I didn't mean for that. Thought my idea of why these people are homeless was clear.
  14. Hey guys, Thanks a lot for the resposnses. My idea was that this was a great fshing experience and something you need to experience, guess these places really know how sell. Some sites were calling it " world class fishing ", I'm sure that could be defined in many ways. Thanks again guys for giving us the heads up, we really apprecate it. Would of hated to show up expecting good fishing, and having a hard time catchin' 'em, although we'd still have a great time I'm sure. Catching fish is one of the main factors on the trip we are planning. Thanks for the other suggestions as well.
  15. Mental issues, drugs / alcohol to numb the pain, etc. etc. I persoanlly don't have much experience with homeless people, but from what I hear, 99% can clean up and do better, but choose not too. The 1% REALLY have had some serious issues that have made them homeless, and because of the "homelessness" they've become someone that cannnot be transformed into an everyday average citizen. This is what my friends who are street level cops tell me, its their experience, not mine. These people become accustomed to a life of being homeless and thats good enough for them, in the process of being homeless, they start deteriorating and get worse and worse, beyond repair. Mix drugs and alcohol, lack of support ( not sure ), confidence, and BAM, you're spending the rest of your life on the street. I know it sounds really nasty, and a lot of you will think I'm rude, I'm sorry, but I can't told that these people have it so hard, blah blah blah, no way! LIfe's a bugger, sure, not everyone has it easy and not everyone can deal with problems, but really, if stuff really hits the fan, you loose your house for instance, or whatever, and you don't have any friends to help out and support you, then there's somethng wrong with you from the start. When my friends parents both died when he was young, he starved, had no family to take him, but he realized, damn thats the way things are, life really dealt me a crap hand, and if I don't do something now, I'm screwed. He didn't give up. Look at those punk rocker type skids who live on the streets, washing your windows in the summer, most of them are fully functioning young individuals, homeless, why not get a real job? Life on the street is APPEALING to these clowns. I told one of them not to clean my windsheild, he proceeded to, and when I didn't give him anything, he lifted up my wiper blade arms, lol. Errrrrr. I used to be nice and throw money to 'em until a few years back, this really crusty older dude used to beg for change outside of a restaurant for food, people would throw him change, some people would leave doggie bags from their dinners they didn't finish, I mean, you are asking for money for food right? When he'd collect enough change, he'd walk off and leave the food behind. See him drinking in the alley. My dad was homeless when he came to Canada, he had very little money, no place to stay, no job, no friends, picked up pretty damn well. But again, everyones different, and there are people who are genuinely homeless, that life just wasn't very fair too, and I feel VERY sad for them. And I do respect people who take time out of their own lives to help others, kudos to them. But not every homeless person is homeless because they truely had bad experiences, I beleive most of them became homeless and didn't care to do anything about it, or during the time they were homeless, just got comfortable with that lifestyle. Wait, thats the same thing :/ Sorry if I offended anyone.
  16. ...and for some reason I thought this was going to be a joke of some sorts, like, whats the benefit of having a homeless girlfriend? You can drop her off anywhere! BOOOYAH!
  17. Something to do wth "ice" is my guess.
  18. So, after chatting a bit with a friend, we are driving down to the Gaspe region to fish for Atlantics, for a week or so. Now, I'm not exactly sure we'd want to book a lodge, checking out the prices at some of these places I thnk I'd rather do a Euro trip, also, I'm not sure we want to hire a guide, we figure that we'd go in early to mid June ( dd some ressearch on the runs ), giving us 6 months to do some ressearch. We also plan to go for 7 - 9 days, that way, we could spend a good 2 - 3 days scouting, giving us ample time to find some good sections of river to fish. Now, has anyone ever beeen and could give us some personal experience pointers. We are going to do this trip, but we want to research as much as possible before we go. Thanks OFC.
  19. Great pictures, I always enjoy your posts.
  20. Some very nce fish everyone, great idea for a post live2fish85. This year three of my PB's were replaced by bigger specimens, two of which I don'thave pictures for ( nice fat smallie and a biggun of a walleye, and I mean biggun ). I do have a picture of my steelhead though, which I posted earlier, but here it is again. By the way, hows your recovery coming along? Hope all is well
  21. If that was mercmans dog, he would probably taste it.
  22. Just hide it really well, or dump it when you see them coming, wasn't in your boat at the time was it? So its not yours. Great system
  23. http://www.amanotakashi.net/portfolio/nature_aquarium/index.html Chek out this man, he is the God of the planted tank, Takash Amano.
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