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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. Oh to fish without a parka..........wish i was there dude!
  2. The Bills in T.O. is horrible idea, Stadium too small Ticket Prices are ridiculas, for the 397 $ I spemnt on seasons this year in Buffalo you get 1-2 tickets for 1 game up here. No TAILGATING because everyone up here is too uptight. Crappy corporate turnout like the the Maple Losers! Keep them in Buffalo where the games are fun and affordable.
  3. LUnd boy!! T Thanks a million for the info, i just got 2 optima's and got less than a days fishng out of them because I used my minnkota onboard. I was worried that something was wrong, I will use my other charger on them till I get a new onboard. This explains alot! Tjhanks darren
  4. Fishing at it's finest! Small stream, quiet, no one else around......enjoy it!
  5. Thanks guys and girls! Going back on Thursday and looking for the elusive 50 incher. I really like monster pike, there so confined to certain times and places I think they are alot harder to get then big muskies....well at least south of the 50th. Monster browns are my other passion even tho it doesnt work out as well for them.
  6. Looking for some help on Lake of Bays lakers. Going to the bosses cottage and would like to put him on some fish next weekend but I have never even seen the lake. Have the Navionics chip and I assume the Lakers will be in there usual mid May transitions spots = ALL OVER THE DAMN PLACE! Can anyone help a brother out and throw him a few spots or patterns to look for.......all catch and release and tight lipped . Thanks Darren
  7. That first laker is a real beauty!
  8. Man it is COLD out there tonight, Will be lots of frost up in the Kawarthas. Supposed to warm up near the end of the week.
  9. Might be a little slow this year starting out on Topwaters, the water is very cold this year, hopefully we get some heat and the fish become more active.
  10. Braved the HORRIBLE weather on saturday and headed out to my favorite pike lake looking to get team ten in the books for thhe year. Isolated showers turned out to be a POURING 5 hour rain. Launched at 9 and me and Vothsky headed out to start my milk run of pike spots. Second cast in Chris gets a 4 pound pike and the day is off. We hit alot of different spots, water was very cold ranging from 46 to 50 degrees. No major fish in the main spawning areas in the morning, at leastthe were not active. Moved off the spawning areas and fished some rocky shorelines connected to them and started picking up pike but nothing better then 6 pounds. As the cold front started to pass the fish got really active with about 10 in 10 minutes but still no large fish. decided to head about 5 Miles up the lake to a spot I had seen on a map that should be good. As we got there we saw a boat and 2 guys with fishing rods leaving.... damn , used water!!!! Decided to go in anyway and the the first cast into 16 inches of water by a fallen log I pull out this 37 incher!! That's better! Sorry for the blurry image, camera was still soaked from the crap weather. Next cast....... a 38 inch fish! Fight him and stop lauging....almost exhausted now. retie, check my husky jerk and proceed up the shoreling towards another fallen log. Throw right tight in beside the log and bam another good fish, Chris asks me how big? I say not sure but big!, the water was very tanic. Finally I see a big tail as she powers toward the log! I am hauling back with my 30lb Fireline Chrystal and stop her just inches shy. Spend the next 2-3 minutes really fighting this fish delicatley as the bay is full of sunken timber. Finally Chris does the perfect scoop and 42 inches of thick heavy northern hit the floor. Grab my OFC sign for the tourney and with 2 quick pictures she is pack in the water and full of spunk. Ended the day with 30 pike, only the 3 were big and maybe 10 OOS bass. Great day except for Chris not getting a big one and of course the weather. He still needs to pay his dues on the pike anyway. Doing it all again on Thursday!
  11. I thinik the Zetterberg-datsyuk line is the same offensively as the best on the Penguins. Detroit is much more disciplined team then any in the East. You won't see them giving the blue line up to Malkin or Crosby. Detroit in 6 because of much better team defence and discipline. Also most good young teams have to lose one before they win one.....just like the Wings did to NJ before they wone there last 2 cups. Also have to put Lidstrom ahead of Bourque, better positional player and skater, both are awesome. Lidstrom almost never caught out of position so you never notice him out there. kinda like a good referee.
  12. Have good one Wayne... lets hook up this summer!
  13. They looked great but Dallas looked like a truck had run over them. I ALMOST felt bad for Dallas! Go Wings!
  14. Worse ..... carp herpes!!!!! Can you imagine the cold sore on an old cougar carp!!!
  15. Great report , too bad about the *^%*&% weather!
  16. Costco has Optimas for 199$ . They were 279$ last year.
  17. Unfortanetly natural gas usually follows oil prices by 3 months, the stupid gas prices are from spec buyers who are using gas as a place t put there money that is immune from the aMERICAN DOWNTURN IN OTHER AREAS OF THE MARKETS.
  18. As of last weekend it was mostly frozen over. Boss did a boo around in a float plane and thats what he saw.
  19. Nice specks.......soooooooooooooo jeaolus!!!
  20. BTW Wayne that's my new cottage I had built, saw that it was dirty so I bought a new one. 43 eh......... burrrrr it was 46-52 at honey on the first and fishing was slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  21. Cool looking baits! But then if I was a fish I would have been caught a millions times by now!
  22. Tendinitus can develop from simply having a set of muscled in constant tension. I fish muskies all day but my forearm tendinitus develops worse when I am dropshotting in the winter for perch. The tension without range of movement to releive it does it. Try a forearm strap made for tennis elbow if the problem is in your arm, this will help support the muscle and help take tension off it, helping it oput. Any drugstore has them. I have a bad rotator cuff that acts up, just bring tyelenol!
  23. Great post, spent my youth trampling those same spots........thank you!!!
  24. 7 weeks vacation but family obligations and no money. How is it that you never get time and money at the same time......................depressing............
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