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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. I'm with you on this one, screen them, very very carefully. And when they don't get what they want here, then they run back home. One time only.
  2. And when that now flying ATV continues forward in motion, you have a pretty deadly projectile. Remember it just might smack you in the back of the head.
  3. Drop one shoulder, the brown stuff rolls downhill, sometimes you just have to say pffft and carry on, don't worry about it.
  4. I'll take the brain over radar.
  5. A little foggy out there maybe
  6. Well, it's different to say the least. I think if I tried that, my back would just keep unwinding and I'd spin off like a Tazmanian devil.
  7. Oh ya, frame is much sturdier than those 3/4 inch racks, they can bend quite easily. Remember that weight x speed = crash force. So a 600 lb ATV x 100km/h becomes a pretty hefty weight to try and hold down. Any physics wizards out there?
  8. Doug, his memory is too classified. Pickled perch(pike or whatever you want) Slightly different from raw pickling, I fry my fish first, pat off all the oil or butter, sort of let them drip oil free. Don't have to de-bone them. Pickle juice, 2 cups vinegar, 1/4 cup sugar, bunch of chopped up onions dill and whatever other poison you want to add. Give it a quick boil, let it cool. Stand the fish up in jars pour the cool juice over them and put them into the fridge. Wait a couple days for the juice to permeate the fish, then have at it. Not everyone's taste, but hey, every tongues different. Eat within a month.
  9. Saturdays you swing clockwise, Sundays counterclockwise. Holidays, just wail away.
  10. Not bad, I suppose the second guy back can watch the first guy get crunched if he doesn't calculate the passing distance properly.
  11. Firefox/google, I have no issues wit it. Haven't used IE for a long time other than at work, no choice.
  12. Ha, well beat the bug, got back to normal, then while fishing rough water in Owen Sound during the derby the old L3/L4 disc goes for a _____, they definitely weren't constipated. Couple of percs and other funny meds and I'm humpin around like Quasimoto. Getting old sucks. I wish you could have all those ailments and grow out of them as you get older.
  13. Well after almost 24 hours, things are leaning towards normal, just hands feel a puffed up.
  14. Holy motherin what agony. Frozen this morning in that heat this morning, felt like Fido gettin rid of rusty razorblades.
  15. But I think probably 90% or more of us don't go camping in bear country or give Bubba the chance to go nuts on our coolers.
  16. Yup, picked up a 3cu fridge/freezette for $65 brand new.
  17. Excellent outcome for sure, happy customer.
  18. Maybe someone gave it a bath in glow stick juice.
  19. The Coleman Extreme are my choice, definitely cheaper and do hold ice a long time. Had a small block of dry ice in one that lasted over a week.
  20. Cheaper alternative, although to really get the benefits of syn oil, you may as well go the distance. I use the 100% stuff in my car and truck, once a year oil change for the truck, car gets a filter change half way and a top up. Nothing has blown up or burns oil. I had an old 91 Jetta that was treated the same way, passed air ever other year clean test pretty much at factory spec.
  21. Somebody needs a serious case of butt whoopin, broken fingers so bad they won't even be able to pick their own nose. Damm that sucks.
  22. 78 Diesel rabbit with a lot of miles, had to replace the oil pan gasket, no sludge or build up anywhere, upper engine just as clean. Synthetic since then on everything.
  23. Each area of the country has it's abundant species and other areas completely different. For the more southerly areas, walleye are the favourite for consuming, while the bass, pike and musky for water thrashing excitement. Anglers are starting to consume more bass and pike just to give the others a chance to rebound. I know my father in law loves the trout, Chicoutimi resident, right across the road on the Saguenay, just before St Jean Eudes. My brother in law runs a Pourvoirie up in Mont Valin, outstanding area for fishing the trout.
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