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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Ya, open gently, I had visions of Dawn's crack. nice pic.
  2. Well said comments above, I like to read Brians' and others adventures, but dam, I'm sure we can all go out and find our own honey hole.
  3. Wonder if that will soften up the road..
  4. Exactly, you could drive that stretch at 200 if there was no traffic. Add traffic and a bunch of texting/phoning idiot drivers and you're just waiting for a crash.
  5. A 100 watt panel is shown here, so you can roughly figure out 1/4 more for size. Specs are also shown at the bottom. http://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/coleman-100-watt-12-volt-crystalline-panel-0112099p.html
  6. Sometimes it's the "go to" lake in winter when nothing else is frozen and you have the unscratchable itch to prep for ice fishing.
  7. As long as it doesn't get to what "the other place" charges.
  8. What event would that be? I may be off to the trailer if the weather holds from drowning me, this whole summer has been like water torture.
  9. Don't know if this is the one you are referring to, http://ricelakeretreat.com/?page_id=186 It does list a launch.
  10. Not going into any details, but I know a person who does WETT certifications on a regular basis and some of the horror stories he has told me would make a clowns shoes curl. Rusted out stove pipes, clay chimney liners disintegrated, cracked fireboxes, improper clearances such as stove pipes virtually touching trusses or wall studs, you name it, he's seen it and people curse him when he won't sign off.
  11. Waste of time unless you have sunshine all day and 300+ watts of solar panels. Under the most ideal conditions, a 15 watt panel will give you 1 amp output per hour. A 150 watt panel would give you 10 amps. However, unless your panels are perpendicular and following the sun angle all day long, you'll never achieve that.
  12. Nothing like being on the windward side and vigorously emptying your bailing bucket full of wizz into the air.
  13. Very much so. Don't know if you're on facebook, you can check their site, there's a lot of pictures and comments. https://www.facebook.com/MattawaAdventureCamp/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED
  14. Central Ontario ATV club has gone here before and really liked it so much they are going back again for a weekend stay. http://www.mattawaadventurecamp.com/
  15. You have to look at it from both ways, do you throw good money after bad or cut your losses. It's already 13 years old, who knows what is going to explode next.
  16. Well looks like I'm siding with the pigeon group, maybe a weird cross that ate too much gmo corn.
  17. Ya that does look close but he says it's bigger than a domestic pigeon.
  18. I thought maybe an albino young vulture, but the head isn't the same. I'll have to see if he can get another close up.
  19. Anyone have any idea what this may be? It's been hanging around his yard for about 2 weeks, about the size of a crow. [/url]">http://http://s728.photobucket.com/user/Fisherman1243/media/IMG_0138.jpg.html'>
  20. There's a lot more ringpieces with badges than the average person realizes.
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