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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Just got power back, been out for about 3 hours, winds along the Mulmur Hills still showing around 100+km/h
  2. I'd hate to be in any of the purple areas. https://www.ventusky.com/?p=44.65;-80.21;8&l=gust
  3. Auto correct at it's finest, lol. For anyone wondering otherwise I worked for Doug for quite a number of years and know him probably better than my brother.
  4. You got it, if it isn't lower back pestering me, it's the mid upper back slowing me down.
  5. Snowmobiling is on the way out, last I heard from a couple of dealers, ATV's are outselling sleds by a wide margin simply due to almost year round use. Can't put a snowplow on a sled, well maybe Terry can, lol.
  6. Ya, 3 minutes of a deluge of rain, then 30 seconds of ridiculous wind probably 90+. I pity the poor living at the east end of Lake Erie, over 100 km/h winds.
  7. That's my procedure.
  8. I could live with a nominal fee of about $10 which would only needed to be renewed when the ownership changes.
  9. Mostly what Dan said, mines a 550 with no effort on the ice. If you're getting chains, go for "2 link", they have better coverage. A jump start battery kept warm in a blanket will give you a good boost if needed, don't forget a basic set of cables. Now for the "opinion". Polaris makes some good sleds but their ATV's are a bag of hammers. From personal knowledge, when it gets cold, a lot don't want to start, never mind even turning over. Some of the relays (starter for one)don't like cold and won't work. Some guys have swapped out snowmobile relays which works for some. Fuel injected models work fine, some of the older ones like Honda with a manual choke are good too.
  10. Oh ya, reminds me of my french teacher in '72, she used to wear leather mini skirts with these lime green undies. Every time she reached up to write on the b/b the 3 guys got an awesome eyeful.
  11. I know people with questionable backgrounds and bad habits.
  12. If I have to get an ATV sticker, I will find you...
  13. Is that Wayne, lol.
  14. Darn near giving it away, .90 in Los Angus, .99 in Scarberia.
  15. Nippily all right, good move sleeping in, -7 at Cwood this morning, no bites. Come home make date squares.
  16. Thanks, will check into that.
  17. Does this apply province wide or just to those served by Alectra? I would go with tiered first 1000 kw/h, we rarely go above 350kw/h per month.
  18. Good for resale value down the road.
  19. Been doing it for a long time, just remember to wear boots and push the boat out a bit when climbing in or out. Pick your spot away from pointy rocks
  20. Oh my, maybe I shouldn't complain.
  21. Ya, welcome to the world of cranky back syndrome. L 2,3 and 4 are pooched. I had some of the nerves lightly burned high freq probes and go for cortizone shots every 2 months. I've been in agony since turkey day, bent and twisted to pick up a pair of boots, the "shock" was so back I almost puked up breakfast. Back to the chiro 2 times a week and sparingly taking pain killers. Good luck at your end.
  22. Well natures carwash is definitely working. Sheets of rain, thunder and lightning like crazy, some pretty stiff winds too.
  23. As others have said, depends on your type of fishing and size of boat. Anything 16' and under I would stick to a tiller, the console robs too much space. Over that 17-18 it could go either way. I've got a 16' Princecraft Starfish for 24 years, jig, casted and go downrigging on GBay and have never wished I had a console.
  24. Needs to have his fingers smashed.
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