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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. My son went through one of those ordeals, nuts and bolts, etc, just keep an eye on it, if there's any sign of infection, see the Doc, right away. His oozed, pussed and bled for a long time.
  2. Yes his huts are on the way out, we're going up Friday at lunch, he says he will be ready.
  3. Amen Wayne, some just don't quite understand the complexity of the problem.
  4. I'm bringing up a GMRS radio, I think the general consensus is they use Ch19 to chat on the lake.
  5. Looks like ice conditions are good in North Bay, just got the confirmation from Rob Hyatt that we are good to go for this weekend in his on the ice huts.
  6. Along with a couple of the statements I read above, the first thing they usually say after they end up in the ruhbarb is...."I didn't think that"...ya. You can't fault road conditions, only drivers that are unwilling or too stubborn to conform to weather conditions because they think they are gods gift to a steering wheel. Drive like a Villeneuve and sooner or later you'll end up like one, either in a crash or dead.
  7. The bad thing is it may be the last real cold night until the weekend. Still waiting to hear if the NB trip is a go or not.
  8. Ya, those are the days that if you don't need to be on the road, stay home. No you don't need to go to Timmies for a coffee, or need to go fishing, better to stay home on a bad day and have another day later to enjoy.
  9. That idea with the boat can be done, cheap 2 channel radio, might have to try that at Craigleith.
  10. Don't quote me, but I think I saw a $20K sticker mentioned somewhere last year, don't know if it was Cdn or US. Considering it more or less covers ice hut and transportation, if a guy was to buy one and keep it for 20 years then the price wouldn't be too bad.
  11. Cast right handed for both spinning and levelwinder, retrieve left handed for both, hammer left, saw left, cut left, write right, now if I could only kick azz with both feet, I probably stop falling down.
  12. krawler: What you need is ancient technology...called a "Bag Phone". Don't know how old you are, but the one I have looks like a flat purse, very "not cool", but, has a full 3 watt output. The little dinky phones that have every option except the capability of getting through don't cut my mustard. I camp on the north side of the Meaford Tank Range on GB, it's the only thing that will make the call, the other gadgets can't get a signal or not strong enough to get out. I'm on a pay as you go plan, I can leave it inactive for up to a year without having to re-activate it, I use it May to September.
  13. There is probably a bit of a grey "fudge it" zone, when it comes to the bill and actual price. But, if you think Customs was born yesterday....you might be in for a rude awakening.
  14. Well I guess if that's what it takes to make one of those hooksets...and launch the fish from the water into the boat, okay, I still use no more than 10lb for smallies and no more than 12-15 for salmon, can't remember the last break off or lure lost.
  15. 50 lb braid, why not just drain the lake, or bette yet I can lend you a tractor with a couple yards of clothesline.
  16. The only thing that I can recommend after trying many recipes, is that you must cook(roast) it slow, and keep the temps down around 275 degrees. Start it off in a hot open oiled roasting pan, (Dutch oven is ideal, slow cooker is okay too), sear the meat, then turn the temps down to around 275, add water and put the lid on, check every 1/2 hour to make sure there is some liquid, add what you are allowed to. I would NOT add salt, it takes the moisture out of the meat while cooking, salt to taste afterwards. Make sure you remove any fat from the meat and replace with a bit of beef fat if it's allowed. Deer fat tastes too harsh.
  17. Hmmm, too good to be true, you know what they say. Then if it's a light, you might want to read the rules about fishing with light(s) and particular species.
  18. I haven't, however, whats the big deal between a minnow or heering size fish for that matter. Some people eat anchovies on pizza, they're no bigger.
  19. That's like saying we cleaned out the barn, but brought in some new cows and pigs. Ya, it still smells like crapola.
  20. I'd be more likely to believe the 5/160k warranty is the candy GM has to dangle to remain fluid in the market, in other words, the only way to get rid of their stuff. If the product was that good, it would sell itself.
  21. Was that a clipped pelvic(ventral) fin on the right side?
  22. 9:00 am is almost the afternoon shift, you will have room. If you have some tiny jigs, 1/16th to 1/32nd with tiny tubes, they work too, green, pink or white.
  23. Go to Princess Auto and get yourself a 20Amp/h rechareable. Much cheaper, without all the useless dingers and bells.
  24. Well, it just may be a better thing to not have ice than have people trying to go out there on questionably thick/thin ice and get themselves in trouble.
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