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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Simcoe Bait & Tackle opens at 0700, corner of Tiffin and Innisfil, 2 short blocks back from the Tiffin boat launch.
  2. For that width of boat I definitely would not go higher than the top of the seat. The higher you go, the higher your center of gravity becomes and the boat gets way more tippy.
  3. Yes, they pee all the time, but part of the difference on outboards(some) is that the thermostat is closed and the water just goes through a "bypass" until the egine heats up and then diverts it to regulate the ideal temperature. Engines run more efficiently when warm and if you just blasted cool/cold water through them all the time, it would really have to run rich and pollute like a pig to keep it running.
  4. Same as a flasher except not in a circular format, fast return on the "image".
  5. No, the donut fairy captured me at Country Style, took a drive by and damm near had an accident, couldn't believe how many people there was. But, I will strive to make it next weekend, come snow, sleet or that damm donut fairy.
  6. OLD INFORMATION THAT APPLIED TO BATTERIES 40 YEARS+ AGO Heaven forbid, don't sit on cement, you might have a "discharge" too. Clean the outer case of the battery with water and a bit of soap, some say to use baking soda, if you use that and get any of the solution into the battery, you'll be buying new ones again. Keep the top between the terminals and around the fill holes clean and dry. Charge the battery BEFORE adding distilled water and then gently agitate the battery to mix the water with the acid solution. A good tool for that is an old turkey baster. Charge the batteries at least once a month or better yet, get a "Battery Minder" from VDC Electronics or Battery Tender from Deltran. If you take care of your batteries, there is NO reason they won't last several years. My boat battery is about 6-7 years old, my RV battery is 9. Do yourself a favour and check the following and click on the learning center: http://www.vdcelectronics.com/boating.htm
  7. Honestly, it's cheaper to buy them, 2 or 3 way spreaders, put a small minnow of each hook, lower to the bottom for whities so that it's just touching bottom, when the tip up raises, gently set the hook, it will be a whitie. You can also add another single hook up about 2-3 feet, add a minnow, often lakers will take the offering.
  8. Was there this morning for a quick looksee, couple of guys on the docks doing fairly well.
  9. Top speed is about 35km/h on tires, it's drops to about 25 with tracks. If you get the tracks, I would go with the wider Super track kit with ice cleats for real deep snow. As for maintenance, the newer ones, (2000+) are better, no more shear pins to replace, they have splined axle shafts that go on the sprockets. I just replaced one set of bearings on one of the axles, not a hard job, if you build planes you're mechanically inclined enough to fix these machines.
  10. Actually you're right, that way you can drive right into the ditch. In Quebec, 4 studded snowtires is just like driving in the summer at 120.
  11. Whether you like it or not, you get the meter and the bill, something about getting the shaft again. Really want to save, I got rid of the electric clothes dryer, gas dryer, gas hot water, forced air gas, I don't live by candles, we average about $55-65 in the summer about 65-75 in the winter for the monthly electric bill, and I'm not on one of the locked in rates either.
  12. Ya, y chauffe toutes commes des NewTown (Villeneuve) pas capable de finir un course d'auto sans avoir un crash.
  13. I'm going to try for sunday, weather looks to be clearing and +3.
  14. Do yourself a favour Maureen, get an Ariens, it's quality, mines almost 40 years old and still working fine. You missed the sale last friday night at Home Depot, 15% off list, my son bought one for $930, tax in.
  15. It's amazing when the weather people start cranking out "the sky is falling" jeez every 30 seconds you hear it on the radio/tv, it's winter, lets get on with it. What did the world do 20 years ago, set the alarm clock 1/ 2 hour early, get up, and drive a bit slower. All the aching in the world isn't gonna make it go away. And NO, don't call Mel, he'd probably try and sell cheap snowshovels on the side.
  16. Ya, so is sugar, sugar cane=plant, squeezed, collected, refined=white sugar.
  17. And what's the difference between honey and sugar?
  18. I'm pretty sure that rod holder can be had for about $20 at CTC.
  19. Okay, somebody is going to have to explain the difference between all the different type of sugars out there, like glucose. fructose, bee puke, etc, and then come up with a final conclusion. I'll agree natural unpasturized honey is very good and has a lot of good qualities. Ever see moldy honey, nope, never goes bad, but in esence, it's sugar.
  20. Here's a much better deal, get the to send by courrier: http://www.durhamradio.com/product.php?pro...1747&page=1
  21. You want lodging, here ya go: http://www.lakenipissing.org/lodging.php and then here's some hut rentals: http://www.lakenipissing.org/huts.php
  22. You want ice bungalows close to the GTA?, maybe try the Lake Simcoe board, about as close as you're going to get, don't expect any miracles though. I would go to North Bay area.
  23. West Marine? #@*&, I've been in the Barrie store, I don't know how they manage to stay in business with their prices, right out to lunch, first impression, "it's an Elite store", costs more, must be better syndrome. Now if you had done your research and homework you could have this: www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?_DARGS=/cabelas/en/common/catalog/item-link.jsp_A&_DAV=MainCatcat21276-cat21358_TGP&id=0025874016768a&navCount=1&podId=0025874&parentId=cat21358&masterpathid=&navAction=push&catalogCode=IH&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat21358&hasJS=true A Uniden hand held for $59.99, 5 watt.
  24. Well being on the border of becoming a diabetic, I ended up finding a non sugar, not artificial product called Stevia The other white death powders and liquids are definitely not good for the body, but you just try and convince the big companies how much money they stand to loose. Even Coka cola is now trying to get approval to use Stevia as a natural sweetner inn soft drinks. This stuff is not sugar based, just tastes like sugar though, no caloric increase. One drop is about the same as a teaspoon of sugar/honey. Available at most healthfood stores. http://www.cbc.ca/consumers/market/files/food/stevia/
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