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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Unless you have a friend in the welding business, avoid those Canadian Tire "bolt together" models, they eventually rattle apart.
  2. Amen, well said Oxcowboy. Maybe this thread should be locked up, it's beginning to appear people pay less attention to the loss of human life that happens all over compared to the media sensationalism over a couple of free running dogs, whatever the breed.
  3. Well some people have bad luck with the product and I won't ball everyone intoo the same pot, but, the instructions must be adhered to exactly. I've used it numerous times on aluminum, I only use a stainless steel brush to clean the area to be repaired, no acetone or lacquer or any solvents. If you use a brass or steel(non stainless) it will not work. You may have used a cheap stainless brush, it won't work. I have used both a regular plumbers propane bottle and MAAP gas bottles, both have worked for me. I bought a bundle of the rods at the CNE about 20+ years ago.
  4. What I had understood from the news, the dogs had been let off leash to run uncontrolled. Want to let them run loose, do it on your own property. The cost of livestock is can be quite high, and if something had gone the other way, then what, oh I'm sorry my dog didn't mean to chase/injure your livestock. Sorry doesn't recover the cost. Most all country folk know the rules about free running dogs, some just don't care.
  5. Rick hit that one dead center on the head. A lot of boat mfgrs are too cheap and lazy to spend the extra $10 on a dedicated ground wire to each electrical component. The only sure way to prevent that type of problem is to run a ground wire to the socket of each light, never attach the ground wire to the hull.
  6. Usually by this time of year I see them on the way to work, but this is way too warm, I think they're still on the beach.
  7. Lord liftin C, $134 for a battery and $298 for an alternator, what are you driving?
  8. Or, provided you don't live out in the sticks, take your suspected alternator to your local CTC and they'll diagnose it for free in about 30 seconds. Some of the other auto repair centers will also do it for free.
  9. Sorry, missed the obvious name when you posted it. Don't have one of those, but I saw it at the store. The monitor part looks about the same as the other brand, controls are on the bottom instead. Can't comment about the camera, but I would make an effort to get a 12 volt rechargeable battery pack, or you will be sending a lot of money to the Pink Bunny(Energizer battery). I'm happy so far with my AquaVu. I built a 3/8 plywood box with foam lining to prevent it from banging around in the boat or ATV.
  10. Enie, menie, minie, moe, and for which camera could this be?
  11. Divers licence will suffice until summer at the earliest, NO passport required for Canadians yet. http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/agency/whti-ivh...restre-eng.html
  12. BOAT project B break O out A another T thousand
  13. Lou opens at 0700, 7 days a week. Went out again this morning, ended up going just a bit deeper to about 25-27FOW, spent a nice morning out there, caught fish. Todays extra were a couple of pesky 4" bass, no we didn't keep them.
  14. One trick is to avoid dancing around the hole like a mongoose fighting a cobra, it's sure to garner the interest of the rest of the guys out there. The less you show, the less likely all the gulls will arrive.
  15. Went out to Barrie this morning in front of Centennial Park, perch were biting pretty aggressively, none of the little taptap-suck on the minnow bites. Took home 14 decent sized ones, no jumbos, but at least no annoying minnow robbing dinks either. For those interested, the Tiffin launch is open, but parking is a little tight, either park on the loop or in the parking lot about 100M west of the footbridge, lots of room there. Weather and sore back permitting, I'll try again tomorrow. Met another OFNer, Pikeie at Lou's this morning, hat sure makes a difference.
  16. Like wallyboss said, don't need the snow until later in the season, that crud we've had over the last couple seasons is bad, a couple inches of ice then a foot of snow, a bit of rain to make a crust on top, gives "mushing around" a whole new meaning. Cars/trucks/snowmobiles and atvs having a beatch of a time getting around.
  17. All is fair and well when the weather is in your favour, but, when it turns pizzy for 2 days or more, you know the soupy, foggy weather, well then things can turn just a bit sour. I've lived in my fair share of tents, in good weather and bad. I do my camping in a 22 foot trailer now and even then after a couple days of miserable weather, you have that damp feeling that gets into everything. I would respectfully pass, regardless of the price.
  18. Took a drive up to Bala today, up the 400 on one side across and then down 11 on the other side. Seems anything north of the Gravenhurst area is past the prime, a little more south and it's still nice. Now for some apple/cranberry crunch & icecream.
  19. Remember, don't spend it all in one place and check to make sure of the tax implication. I think it's taxable and check to make sure tax has been taken off, or, roll it into RSP if you have room.
  20. Some things can be a chore like hanging up the food packs. Now if you're using the food packs as a pillow and find Smokey trying to have a late night snack while you're trying to get some shuteye, don't come complaining. You figure out the odds and take your chances.
  21. Here's part of the issue, what were they doing with something that can be construed as a spear... • Possess a spear for the purpose of fishing on or within 30 m (98.2 ft.) of the edge of any waters except when fishing in accordance with the regulations (refer to Non-angling Methods, page 7)
  22. Pictures worth a thousand words, can't wait to see the outcome of this one.
  23. For the important question, No. At minimum you require a current (POL) Possession Only Licence or current (PAL) Possession and Acquisition Licence. The amnesty for non restricted long guns, (rifle/shotgun) has been extended to May 2008, so unless you run into some ornery old phallic protrusion, the POL/PAL should be okay.
  24. Great Lakes Tackle has been closed since early summer
  25. If you don't want anymore guys at this spot, then why not buy it and make it private.
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