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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. No, not weedy everywhere, just random areas, of course more so in shallower water.
  2. Well, whatever it is you're doing for the next while, wish you the best and we'll keep "putting up" with you anytime.
  3. On a spoon, I don't think it matters, although I would put the hook tip towards the convex side(back of the spoon) looks like there would be more tip exposure. Spoons flip/flop and spin. On body baits like Lymans or Ripplin Redfins, I would definitely go tip upwards. After seeing a couple videos, when the fish strikes, it seems like the head of the fish goes downwards so a hook pointing up might make more sense. The hook would end up in something more substatial than the lower jaw.
  4. I would highly doubt that poking a bunch of holes in the "parking lot" had anything to do whatsoever with the parking lot sinking. More than likely was the fact that everyone was parked so close together on ice which was unable to support that amount of weight. There was a similar incident about 3-4 years ago at Lefroy, parked far too close together and when the "final straw" parked, all went under. Matter of fact another dimwit that drove on with trailer and hut last year went through at Gilford, no holes were made for him.
  5. Come on Shelley, don't be a nervous nelly, hitch Chuck up to the portable and go fish. Just make sure you have something for traction, there are some slippery areas.
  6. I'm of the other opinion, I 've found that when lakers roll, it seems to be easier for them to dislodge a treble, (shorter shanks than an siwash hooks) and I use a ball bearing swivel between line and lure, no twisting..ever. Patato Potato
  7. Ya, the new store is LARGE, no more getting pushed pulled and squished toes.
  8. Okay tell me what the difference is between an icefishing transducer and summer one. Maybe a bit different in shape, but they still come wit a mile of wire. What model fishfinder do you have?
  9. Ya, musta been all the grumpin, got mine today, one headache less.
  10. Forgot to mention, they are pretty hard with the parking tickets, don't park within 10M of an intersection, only on one side of the road, etc, I'm sure you'll see the rest.
  11. In the Army with a live SMG over my shoulder, a live 9mm in my holster looking for intruders trying to get into the secure area, clearing about $100 every 2 weeks, my the times have changed.
  12. Straight back up on Gilford Rd about 120M or on the next side street, Nelly St I think it's called, pretty easy walk.
  13. Yes, it was a great day on the ice if you were wearing cleats or chains, chiropractors will be making money shortly. Tomorrows supper caught fresh today. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twRjfFCXcfk
  14. Ditto for me, those cretins sure are quick to throw the bill to the credit card, but where's my card. I guess the printout will have to do for now.
  15. No different than filleting most other fish. Or, scale,gut,lop off the heads and fry like small trout and the meat will fall off either side of the backbone and ribcage. There is a third way, bit more labour intensive unless you've got the knack, lop off the heads, cut along either side of the back just under the skin, blade outwards, grab the edge of the skin and tug back and downwards, the skin/scales will come off with the guts attached. The tailfin makes a good handle.
  16. BPS is having a 1 day sale for certain items on the 26th and then another that runs from the 26th to Jan 6. Got my flyer a couple days ago.
  17. For me Sparroew Lk is somewhere to go in the spring at walleye opener, driver the rivermouth with umpteen other boats. Never caught anything there in the winter. If you go, pay particular attention to where the river comes in, it's a very fast current and thin ice at best.
  18. Hmmm, something wrong with the link, no video for augers..
  19. Ya, with the cost of non toxic shot, it would make the average Joe poor in about 1 day of anything hunting, other than it's totally illegal.
  20. What..no spankies in hip waders with flyrods
  21. Excellent reminder Lew, I'm sure everyone can wait another week for the ice to harden up a bit more, heck, cut down the stuff on the "Honey Do" list first, 'cause without a "Honey" not much will get done if you don't come home again. Accidents happen and those are situations where even when everything is done right, results in something bad. Sheer stupidity on the other hand must be part of some peoples genetics.
  22. Uh oh, that would be bad news, have to check next time I go by there and let you know.
  23. Never mind how thick the ice is, how big are the guys? 7-8" inches, as long as you're not doing a "Lew" snowdance, go for it.
  24. Heck, next time just go to their repair shop, Matheson Dr in Mississasage, good bunch of guys there will help you out.
  25. What's the box look like, something like an AM/FM radio from a car? If so you can get "project boxes that would hold the receiver and a couple of speakers and a small rechargeable battery with a "Y" connector to also plug it into a 12V cigarette lighter/power source on the boat. Red or positive wire gets the fuse, theother to negative. Sometimes there's 2 positive, one is main power, the other is memory, they can be tagged together. I don't know how good the reception will be in the hut, is there an antenna that needs clear sky view?
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