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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. If air is only 20% oxygen and causes corrosion on metal,and, other than a few fish poops and gull dumps in water, I think theres only 2 main elements in water, H2+O, therefore... no corrosion under water??
  2. Honestly, I think Lowrance/Eagle spend more effort getting you a product that works than spending time putting gimmicky "rainbow" colours on the screen to look at.
  3. Notice where the guys from, pretty close to Ottawa, sounds like a few politicians we all know, blue eyed with a little brown horizontal line running through their eyes...down a quart.
  4. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20 There's how.
  5. Just caught this one in time, pays to walk around the trailer now and then
  6. An hour an 15 to quittin time, looks like a little bit of rain on the horizon. Hump day or half way through the week, off to the trailer this morning, pitter patter on the tin roof.
  7. Last time I asked, they didn't want them crushed, something to do with the recycling process to remove the paint.
  8. Get the biggest Wally energizer there, about $90. Remeber to charge after every use.
  9. Well for all those starting the long night shift, this is our morning..
  10. No, those two *%@*(words not allowed to be aired), should have to work and wages garnished to pay that unfortunate truck drivers family for the rest of their lives. They would be driving "black cadilacs" for the rest of their lives for transport. For those that don't know what black caddies are...work boots, not cars.
  11. OW, well I guess we'll avoid that one, thanks for the info Walleyedreamer.
  12. I think that's just great, maybe those that can't follow the simple rules now have an incentive. I couldn't believe the amount of OPP cruisers out today giving out some free passes to traffic court. Some people must just be plain stupid, see the fuzzmobile sitting on the side of the 400, doing at least a 130...what are they thinking.
  13. I have one on mine and although it doesn't have PTT, I'm sure using one on yours will prevent premature wear on the parts.
  14. Very nice photo layout and comments.
  15. Hey, somebody has to drive the command console...
  16. Port of entry, like they said above, wherever you cleared coming through immigration, be it by ship air or land. Complexion, usually goes by fair, medium, or dark, having assisted in a number of forms, I would mark "fair" unless you have a noticeable darker skin tone with a dark hair stubble before shaving, then go to medium.
  17. Hopefully this works, scroll down to section 50, almost at the bottom. http://www.ontla.on.ca/web/bills/bills_det...amp;BillID=1594
  18. Something that just slid past my view that might be of interest to those who may imbibe just enough to get caught in the grey zone. Just an exerpt, there are added measures under the second and third offence which prove to be pretty costly like having to install the ignition interlock. Impaired driving Currently, section 48 OHTA provides for a 12-hour administrative driver’s licence suspension for drivers whose blood alcohol concentration exceeds .05. The licence suspension period is increased to three days for a first suspension under this section, seven days for a second suspension and 30 days for a subsequent suspension. Amendments are made to sections 48.1, 48.2 and 48.3 to parallel some of the wording changes in section 48.
  19. I agree, rules are rules, but, I would really have to take into account the fact that your group was honest about what you caught and, albeit they were in zip lock bags, I would have been more likely to shake an index finger at you. Stiff warning, have a good fish dinner and don't do it again, lesson learned and educated, you would be more likely to help someone else from getting in poop.
  20. Congrats...almost 9...mine were, 9.14 and 9.12, can you say a handful, never mind the mini diapers-pass go get the parachute.
  21. I'm still "stuck" at paying 28.9 m3 without a contract, so I won't complain. I've heard some horror stories about some as high as 41 m3. That's just wrong, but hey, your choice.
  22. Sorry but we all weren't born yesterday, if somebodies trying to get you to sign up for something, major alarm beels should be ringing. They are NOT doing it for the good of you, it's a company with an intent to make money, NOT loose money.
  23. CLACKER BALLS...them things on a string that would just hurt a bit if you got some body parts in the way?
  24. You want guys to vote for someone that is trying to get our girls phone number? BAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. Good thing the floors flat or I'd still be ROTFLMAO.
  25. Right on the money...
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