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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. If the stars align in the right order, I'll get one in the future.
  2. Apple sauce, some folks peel them, others just thoroughly wash them, them cube them up with the core taken out. In a big honkin pot, (like 20 qt) add all the cubed up apples, add 2 cups, maybe 3 if they are drier apples. Cortland, Macs and Spies are great for cooking. Start them on a medium heat, use a potato masher and keep pushing them down, don't let them sit for long otherwise they'll burn. After 20 minutes or so, add 2 tablespoons or more of cinnamon. I add a bit of powdered ginger. Add sugar as required to sweeten, probably 2 cups, keep stirring. When you like the consistency,( I like mine lumpy), turn off the stove, ladle into jars to about 3/4 inch from the top, on goes the lid. Let them cool and into the freezer. I still have a couple from last fall. If you make a lot and want them peeled, invest in the green metal apple peeler, they're around $20, they peel, core and slice all in one run.
  3. Last I just heard they can't keep the Ecodiesels on the lot and can barely keep up with orders. Looks like they will double the line to accomodate the demand.
  4. I've got an Elite 5 HDI, only problem is the audio level for the shallow alarm is terribly feeble even at max setting. I've checked other dispaly models at the stores and both the Elite 5 and 7 have this problem. I called Lowrance and Navico, they've had numerous complaints and all point to the speaker. There's apparantely nothing to be done with an update. Now for the electronic wizards, is there anything out there (reasonable small size) that will act as an external pick up (microphone), amplifier and speaker that will increase the volume to a useful level? I hate dragging cannon balls on the lake bottom, especially around Owen Sound where the depth can vary greatly in very short distances. Thanks.
  5. Unless someone invents a massive battery that is extremely light with oodles of capacity, I don't think you'll get much past the launch.
  6. Well there's this place, http://www.hollandmarine.com/ and http://www.westmarine.com/ or maybe some marine shop closer to you
  7. Okay, okay, bad moment, it's just one of those things that I laugh at, like willy coyote and the roadrunner. What else could go wrong with a merc. Old friend of mine had the upper motor release from the whole lower shaft and assembly, fortunately he only had to float down the river to get back home. Glad the kids are okay and he got a tow. Almost can't see why the shaft would or could shear off, makes no sense. Even if the rear bearing assembly came off, there's 2 bevel gears on the shaft that would prevent any forward/backward movement.
  8. First he needs a truck, just wouldn't look right across the back of a pontoon.
  9. Well someones got to start the laughter.. It's a Merc getting ready to become an anchor.
  10. Well I'm on the other side of the fence here. My wife has a Samsung HEMAROID biggest pain and piece of junk she's ever owned. Quits for no reason at any time, can't shut it off without fear of not being able to restart it, freezes up for long periods of time. We'll never own another of those.
  11. Fingers crossed and wishing your wife the best of health.
  12. From the latest reports, the dead fellow shouldn't have even been driving, under the influence of weed.
  13. If I'm not mistaken there's a place just south of Bolton that rents the larger RV's, sorry can't think of the name.
  14. And if she didn't use all that expensive make-up and facial cremes, she could have one too...
  15. The last year I have, for some unknown reason, I sort of feel naked without it now. It's one of the basic jacket type ones, the only thing I wish they had were a couple of pockets on the outside to slide my reading glasses into.
  16. Sorry for your familys loss, nice that you completed your ride for the cause.
  17. $40 is a bit of a rape though. At $10 I'm sure they could make enough to cover the costs. At $40, there should be heated seats on flush toilets
  18. On either side to prevent any side to side movement and makes it easier to line up when retrieving.
  19. Yep, watched 4 hens with 14 chicks this morning, roughly the size of cornish game hens. I don't hold much hope for them either unfortunately. Now if they were to come by the office we would gladly feed them to help out.
  20. Funny thing in the western hemisphere a lot of people call their boats "she". Now can you imagine your other "she" being put away slightly damp, things go moldy there too. Put your toys away properly before you self relax and they'll be ready to serve you next time.
  21. http://www.homehardware.ca/en/cat/search/_/N-2pqfZ67l/Ne-67n/Ntk-All_EN?Ntt=stainless+staples
  22. Lowes and Home Depot both carry untreated cedar 2x4, 2x6, some are pretty much knotless.
  23. Well I wouldn't put it that way 100%. I had 2 Chevs and will never have another. We had 3 1/2 tons at work that rattled and shook and uncomfortable for me. I don't like their seats, I like to be more upright. I don't mind the older Fords, they were reliable and took quite a beating. The newer ones are okay except I don't like the lowness of the steering even with it adjusted all the way up. They ride nice and quiet and aren't bad on gas. The 3 2011 Dodges have the 4.7 and are gas pigs. Other than that, they work every day without any problems other than regular maintenance. 3/4 and 1 tons like to eat front suspension parts but the transmission (stick) and Cummins just can't be beat. I've never owned a Toyo, a little pricey. As for Nissans, after my sons debacle with his, I sure won't go looking for one.
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