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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Well the mailman dropped off the new purchase yesterday. It doesn't come with any instructions, however I'm sure most of us can figure out the star drag, clicker button and spool drag without to much difficulty. The spool has the tiniest amount of wobble, nothing I'm worried about. To engage free spool, push in the side gold button, to retrieve, just crank, instant anti reverse. I put a 110yd pony spool of 6lb mono on, lots of room left over. One turn of the crank retrieves 16 inches of line. I pulled line a couple of times with different drag settings, seems to come off smooth. Then I put on the smallest snap swivel, free spool and down it goes. Added the tiniest split shot and it takes right off. This was done inside. I took the spool off, there's no grease in there to get stiff and slow things down in freezing temps. So far so good, wait and see how it performs with a perch on the other end.
  2. I bet you're thinking of this one..http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.luckylures.nl%2Finfo%2FMonster-Northern-Pike2.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.luckylures.nl%2Fesox_lucius_record.php&h=442&w=618&tbnid=Oz_VedbTCEcx0M%3A&zoom=1&docid=Yhow6mwhByI48M&ei=gph7VN3nErWHsQSY8YKwAw&tbm=isch&client=firefox-a&ved=0CCcQMygGMAY&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=7155&page=1&start=0&ndsp=19
  3. Here's another that allows leaving the flip over hut attached to the Smitty Sled. http://www.iceshanty.com/ice_fishing/index.php?topic=261490.140
  4. Regular bolts sometimes don't shear all that well, which leads me to believe the sellers a bit of a numpty. Although shear pins are a fail safe, what was he trying to ram through there. Obviously oblivious to his surroundings. What else didn't he maintain.
  5. That's not bad, I have a nitwit with a 40 foot long driveway but parks 2 cars on the lawn and the other 2 on the road. Unfortunately he has 3 kids if they added their IQ together wouln't need 2 hand full of fingers to arrive at the total number.
  6. And probably a couple of stab marks from my fork.
  7. Could be one that sat on the floor and didn't sell. I got lucky the same way with a showroom ATV, 2009 bought brand new in 2011. Got a really good deal on it. zero km and not a speck of dirt anywhere.
  8. No new numbers, no cost, probably just to keep your personal info up to date.
  9. Sons got a trifold on his ford, he's happy with it.
  10. Any chance you have a copy of an old licence. I'd be some cranky too.
  11. Ah fuddle, should make the date bigger in red
  12. Houdini, although most people have never heard of it. We use it in padlocks at work, displaces water, thaws ice, lubricant, all of the good stuff. Try to get the machine into a warm dry place, undo one end of the cable and let it hang low to drain any moisture, then shoot in whatever lube from the top. Cover your snow blower if it's stored outside. http://www.amazon.com/HOUD1-Houdini-Lock-Lube/dp/B00C5JFKKE
  13. Sometimes you can get new in the box, old stock at a good discount. I've got an X67C that does both graph and flasher modes. I used the flasher mode for about 10 minutes one day and that was it, find some tylenol. I like being able to see what was going on for a couple of seconds in history while slurping the coffee and not paying attention. Don't think a flasher will do that.
  14. You mean the validation tag for the licence plate?
  15. Well I just had a quick look, the ski/sled part looked pretty robust, steel skis with UHMW runners. I suppose things could go wrong, I usually avoid the slush beds just for that reason.
  16. Ha, some dealers will put on day old timmmys donuts, just to get you off the lot.
  17. What do you mean uneven wear? Tread bare on the outer edges, inner edges, flat spotting, scalping, etc. Like what Terry said, although if they changed the axle, then the spring mounts on the frame may not be the same spacing from the front (or rear) causing one tire to be more forward than the other. Possibly the surge brakes aren't set up right.
  18. Did a quick lap around Cabelas this evening and what do I see..looks like Eskimo flip overs now have a built in smitty sled. Quite the set up, push down on the hitch and the sled raises for travel and no damage, flip the hitch up and you're on the ice. But ow ow ow, the price. http://www.cabelas.ca/product/72079/eskimo-flipmo2-inferno-shelter-and-lakerunner-sled-combo
  19. Well if I had to stare at one of "those" things, I'd go bowling too,
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