Well the mailman dropped off the new purchase yesterday. It doesn't come with any instructions, however I'm sure most of us can figure out the star drag, clicker button and spool drag without to much difficulty. The spool has the tiniest amount of wobble, nothing I'm worried about. To engage free spool, push in the side gold button, to retrieve, just crank, instant anti reverse. I put a 110yd pony spool of 6lb mono on, lots of room left over. One turn of the crank retrieves 16 inches of line. I pulled line a couple of times with different drag settings, seems to come off smooth. Then I put on the smallest snap swivel, free spool and down it goes. Added the tiniest split shot and it takes right off. This was done inside. I took the spool off, there's no grease in there to get stiff and slow things down in freezing temps. So far so good, wait and see how it performs with a perch on the other end.