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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. And then you get up at 0530 to check the weather and what do you get..Emily stuffed into a distorted sausage casing. Somebody buy her a proper maternity gown to look presentable. and then I'm supposed to eat breakfast..
  2. I understand that the traffic doesn't get to 50 all that often, but for jeez sake, if the roads clear and traffic can roll, at least let it go at a reasonable rate. I don't scream at cyclists, I just upshift, spool the turbo and roll some coal.
  3. Looks like some dim wit is suggesting that the speed limits in Toronto should be lowered to 40km/h, too many people are getting run over and die. I must be from the ancient school of knocks, Elmer the Safety Elephant told me...Look both ways before you cross the street. Maybe they should reincarnate Elmer and add a line... take out the earbuds and quit texting, then look both ways before you cross the street. I always laugh at the adds on TV, you been injured, call D&D, I was crossing the street and a car came out of no where and hit me. They haven't invented teleporters for cars and they don't fall out of the sky.
  4. Is anyone else getting sick and tired of the wah, wah, wah on the weather net every time they expect snow? Then every other radio station has these special weather bulletins. Epic snowfall of biblical proportions on the eastern seaboard(well some got dumped on). WAH!
  5. It would appear parents need to take an IQ test before they procreate. Imagine the ridicule a person could/would suffer. Somebody named me Nutella, I have to stab them with a rusty screwdriver.
  6. Great idea but the price is just a little restrictive.
  7. My bro had his roof done over 20 years ago with aluminum, best move he ever made. It seems the best shingles with proper prep never ever come close to their advertised longevity. It will be metal next time for me too.
  8. They're active all winter. We have a bunch in the pine and spruce forests merrily munching the bark off the trees. Within 6 months, the trees are dead. Fishers do a quick job on them.
  9. And why would you get a ticket for a hitch in the receiver. There was a bunch of Yorkie Porkies that went nuts giving tickets for that last year, Judge threw them all out, told the fuzz to get a life.
  10. Go to the doc, it doesn't cost anything except some of your time. Next stop, get a set of ice chains for your boots, it's safety insurance.
  11. What brand of auger? Some blades fit different augers, most don't.
  12. Speeding doesn't kill, it's the abrupt reduction in velocity over a miniscule period of time with tremendous G forces that kills you. If speed kills, planes wouldn't fly and it would take forever to get to the moon.
  13. I look at it from the other side of the coin. It costs about $50 for a 5lb tank, good for 10 years, $5 a year. It costs about $3.75 to fill or .75 a lb. Good for 4-5 outings, get it refilled on the way home. There's no limit on how many times you can get it refilled within the 10 year period. I don't think you would want to try that with a 1lb throw away tank. Even if you had ten of them, you still have to pay for the initial cost of the 1lb tanks, now who is ahead. You still have to pay for the adapter and take a chance that something might leak. At Costco you pay by the pound, not a flat rate.
  14. That's what I said right from the beginning.
  15. A Tacoma would be really nice if they put a small diesel in it like way back in the '80s, Not fast but pretty cheap to drive and quite capable.
  16. Hahahaha, comes with a tow hook on the front when it dies. Ya, ya I know
  17. And when all else fails, boob cream, crack cream, crack sealer and you still have the corner thumb cracks like grand canyon crevises, go and get some "Amantle" cream, it's not cheap and you have to order it from the US. It's about $15 for a 1 oz tube, good for the winter. Matter of fact, I even tried the 100% udder cream right from a farmer, did nothing but make greasy thumbs.
  18. No, it was only posted as an informative point. When the dealer "can't reproduce" the issue, it might help someone how to explain the problem. Yes I drive a Dodge and you can laugh.
  19. Well here's some video that my son dug up about the Ecoboost problem, obviously well known by now. A flaw inn the system. Marvellous, just....marvellous. Junk. http://youtu.be/F4PJVWOiR4w
  20. Small point, some of them are treated, probably not good for indoor use. http://www.1001pallets.com/pallet-safety/
  21. I feel sorry for the laid off employees, hopefully they can get employment elsewhere. We visited both Target and Wmart in the US back in the early 90's, Target seemed to have better quality in clothing and slightly higher prices. Unfortunately you can only flood the market for so long with the imported stuff to a point of saturation, people will find the lowest price quickly.
  22. If that happened, I'd be using you to pick my lottery numbers..hahahaa
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