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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Doing nothing was not the right thing to do. I understand your trepidation but if we all do nothing idiots jus keep doing it. CO's can come in and search his cottage, his car, his fridge they do not need a search warrant. Im sure they could get the guy. By doing nothing you encourage this behavior. Its akin to watching someone stealing something in a store and not doing anything.
  2. My guess is he was using a marshmallow just didn't want to admit it in the paper. SNAGGER!!!!
  3. Dont move the fishings to good your way. The nice thing about it is only locals are fishing it. Not a lot of outta towners like me.
  4. Help with specks. Once water temps warm up. I find using leadcore line works the best. I try to find flats in the 25-30 foot range next to structure like points and humps. generally 4 colours seems to put you in the fishes range.
  5. The local mentallity down there is pretty brutal. Poaching out of season is incredibly common. Just this spring I was down there crappie fishing and this guy and his girlfiend show up with a fishing rod and a net and start walking up and down the creek looking for steelhead to snag. Lucky they were complete inbreds and didnt see the fish that were sitting right under a tree root. This was in broad daylight right in a Conservation area. Another time on an opener I talked to a property owner to get permission to fish a creek that ran through his property. He gave me permission but told me That I should have been back there in March thats when he was catching them all.
  6. Those are not ling the are mudminnows which are a very hardy minnow species. Looks very primitive like a ling or a bowfin. Nice perch.
  7. I seem to remember Stoty was undergoing some personal problems he might not have the time or this board might not be a priority right now.
  8. Im with you on this one. I dont want him or his family in our country but you know the left, you can guess whats going to happen.
  9. Hey Victor I know your into carp go to the mouth of Black Ash Creek in Collingwood harbour some great carp fishing there. Lake Eugenia's not to far out of the way and has great bass fishiing.
  10. Chicken what your talking about is anecdotal and has no footing in science. Before any decision like that can be made it reallt needs to be studied with some real scientific method.
  11. Sounds fishy to me, his unwillingness and inability to show you ID leaves me to beleive he was lying. Next time it happens whip out your cellphone and call the police yourself he is breaking the law by interfering with your right to fish.
  12. Good to hear that your enjoying yourself. No pics at the end of the whole summer though = no fish!!!!
  13. I guess I'm a cynic but do you think that a guy who stuck needles in his arm for fun wouldn't be adverse to sticking a needle in himself for a contract? He might be clean of the horse but anyone who can hit that many homeruns is not clean of everything.
  14. I dont really go bass fishing much just two places really. One is relatively close to home and is wading a river and the other is at my camp when I need a break from musky fishing. Both places I would onsider it slow if I wasnt getting at least 4 fish an hour with 6 being the norm
  15. Ive got a couple lakes like that. They are awesome. Like Ive always said the best fish is an unedumaceted fish!!!
  16. Rich there are some really nice pike up that way on the Moon around Bala
  17. Bald Eagles are awesome to see. I see them quite often in the last few years why musky fishing on the french.
  18. Well I was using 6 lb test and not having any problems hooking up with the smallies.
  19. 15 minute ride at 23mph we were way out couldnt see any more land to the south of us
  20. So my buddy, his wife,his four year old son and myself went down to Long Point today for some fishing. Headed out of the Kdub at 8am and were on the water out of the PP by 10:15. The bay was very smooth so we headed way out. Im not sure what the area was called but there were a ton of boats parked on it and it was at the very tip of the point. I had no probems hooking into the smallies landing a dozen or so in the 12-14 inch size. All the fish came on Yamamoto grubs split shot rigged using a do nothing retreive. My question is the water was very clear but we couldnt get onto any perch. Were the heck do you find them out there? The water we were fishing was 7-8 ft deep.
  21. Great Job on the release there. The fact that she was thrashing around in the net is a good sign not a bad sign. It means you didnt tire her out to much in the fight. Cradles are just not the way to go for exactly that reason seems you have to really tire the fish out to get it in the cradle. I used a cradle for years but after switching to a Beckman after seeing their effectiveness in releasing fish without stress I would never dream of going back.
  22. A treble hook is consider a single hook but you would still have to pinch the barbs down.
  23. Same car for me only mine was orange with black"racing stripes"
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