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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Mine looked very similar to the one on the guys shoulder blade only twice the size and 3 inches below my belly button.
  2. Good luck hope you catcha boat load. Who are we kidding though we all know bly will be the one with a boatload of fish
  3. I want to thank everyone who convinced me to go to the doctor. A good call. I now have a shunt installed in my hand and will be receiving daily intrvenous treatments as well as daily professional changings of my dressing. Hobo spider bite was the diagnosis. I go back in three days and they will decide whether to go to a stronger antibiotic. Regardless it looks like I will have a small scar. Funny thing was all the doctors and nurses in the hospital kept coming in wanting to see the bite because none of them had ever seen one before. So I was like a temporary teaching exhibit for the staff. Kind of embarassing really when the bite is just above your pubis.
  4. Okay Im convinced and its still super painful. Im going to the clinic after work
  5. The other night while I was sleeping something bit me at about 2am. It hurt like a dude snd its now two days later and it disgusting. Its swollen up and purple and leaks bloody puss with black bits out of the puncture.( I beleive the black bits are coagualated blood.) I'd feel like a wuss if I went to the doctor for it. Ive been treating it with Peroxide and alchohol as well as taking Ibuprofen and antihistamines. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced ? We dont have black widows or brown recluses in the K-Dub but what other kind of spider in SW ontario could do this?
  6. Adding kids into the equation when fishing just makes everything so much better. Great report.
  7. Stop by the Nipigon and Drive just up the road to Alexanders Falls which is actually a dam. You can shore fish and Ive caught specks and lakers from shore there. Also hit the Michopicoten and some of the other rivers between the soo and wawa. Salmon might be sttarting to move in as well as brookies and steelhead.
  8. Go to Bonshaw Provincial Park. Its polluted with small brookies and you can catch the odd big one downstream of the HWY 17 culvert. I had a great time fishing it while I was there for the day http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/index.php3?number=1009918 Another link that will get you a little bit more excited http://hipwader.com/2003/pei-trout-fly-fishing
  9. Take all your rusted tackle put it in a bucket. Cover the tackle in coke for a day. Rinse thoroughly with water and then spray with a little WD-40. Coke will take the rust right off. An to think we drink the stuff.
  10. Awesome report and congrats on your first musky!!!!!!!!!
  11. Call during business hours there is always someone in the office who can answer these questions.
  12. This is a cool way to do this Rich it was a lot of fun for me. Im making you go fish Specks. Because of my name. Personally I wouldnt fish carp if my life depended on it. But I know you enjoy it so if you go carping good luck. But if you go and fish Patterson or Kent better luck.
  13. Call the local MNR. Thats what you should do whenever there is a question about regs cause only they can give you the proper answer.
  14. What they dont tell you is that the sample taken is from the shoulder of the fish which is the leanest and therefore the cleanest part of the fish. Just imagine how bad the fattier parts of the fish are. If I want to eat salmon Ill go fish Colpoys or Thompson's hole in the spring. I would never it a late summer or fall salmon. The hormonal changes that the fish quickly progress through are incredible as they get ready to spawn and die.
  15. Welcome to the board. The more musky fisherman the better.
  16. Last year I was swimming at a beach down were the Detroit River flows into Eire and this bass boat pulls up just down at the end of the beach. They start hooking up with fish big time and I walk in the water almost right up to the boat. They were catching white and smallmouth bass. They were casting to waist deep water and doing quite well there was lots of swimmers just down from them so the fish werent spooked and had run deeper in fact they seemed to be turned on.
  17. Just a word ask at the park office to talk to someone that fishes see if they can put you onto anything at this time of the year. They have always been very helpful to me when I have questions about certain lakes in the back country. As MuskyMike said the park is worth the trip just for the scenery. Do the hike to Foam Lake. Its a freaking long climb but the veiw is amazing. Same with the hike to the mouth of the Baldhead River.
  18. Fishing from shore? The park has mostly trout species in the lakes and they are down deep this time of the year so you might have problems fishing them effectively. You still should be able to get some smalll brookies fishing Baldhead Creek where it crosses the Mijun Rd
  19. Tackle guy was right there is a ton of musky in Katchabazooka as we call it. My single best day of musky fishing was there. 14 fish in the boat and 4 or five missed. This was the best of the bunch and was my PB at 47 inches until I got a bigger one on the French a couple yrs ago Glad to hear you had a good time and it sounds like the bass were on. Keep up the good work nice report.
  20. Beauty Musky for sure. Great Shovelhead on the big girl.
  21. Solo is right on big rivers I use big rods. On the Nipigon and Labrador Rivers ive fished its been a 10ft 10#. I like being able to chuck big flies a long distance in heavy wind and I find that a ten weight does the trick. The ten foot length is also essential for line control.
  22. Some beautys there Dan. Im so jealous that I cant get up to the Nip this year. Do me a favour will you? Catch a bunch more for me and post more pics.
  23. Some nice fish there and a beautiful day to boot.
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