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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. I beleive Jedi is correct regs in the park are normal special regs start just downstream of low level bridge at the lower end and nit quite sure of the upper end.
  2. I concur with Bill, Ive asked a CO and he said he would consider it organic.
  3. If your looking to catch a first musky there is no better place than Head Lake in Haliburton. Its the lake I take everyone to to catch their first. There is a launch thats in good shape. I suggest bucktails and jerkbaits in black and yellow colours heres an assortment of Head Lake fish If you have any questions about specifics just PM me
  4. For my boats that are stashed on back lakes that I have to portage all my gear into I use a bowmount with hand control with a handle extension. I have quick release mounts on the boats in those lakes and just bring my motor and handle in snap em on and Im ready to go. Best Pro of the hand helds is the quick response and control that you have far superior to any foot control in that respect. Biggest Con of coarse is your hands arent always free to cast. Oh and there was this one time that I had a very large musky on and was afraid of it getting tangled in the trolling motor and the boat was to small for my partner to get around me to pull the motor up. So in a panic I just gave it a big yank-extension handle threw me to the floor of the boat and the motor locked into position and trapped me in the bottom of the boat. I wish we would have had a video camera it was hilarious. Im sure it would have won me 100,000 on Americas funniest home videos. Landed the ski though a nice fat 46 incher.
  5. Two of my old customers Levi and Tobias had it all Loomis and Sage flyrods. Top end shimano equipment. Mennonites love fishing. They work very hard and when it was time to play they wanted the best equipment. As to the difference between Mennonites and Hutterites their beliefs are fairly similar. Mennonites stay in seperate family units spread out over a large community. Hutterites are much more cult like, I use to rent a farmhouse from them. They were very nice friendly people but they all lived in one huge complex. They all followed their "leader". David Koresh and the Branch Dividians were an offshoot of a hutterite community. My ex, myself and my son went swimming at the Brethren community pool once. Ive never seen so many extra, fused, and malformed fingers and toes in my life. They were always looking for fresh genetic stock.
  6. If when you boat the fish its starts regurgitating its food-female model fish If you can see lots of fish but only the occasional one hits, its a guy they wont pass up an easy meal If a fish eyeballs your bait critically but doesnt hit, its a female.
  7. You can bring a powerboat on the lake but you can only use your trolling motor. If all you want to do is catch pike might I suggest Puslinch its overun with them. Just dont expect any gators.
  8. At the camp first thing in the morning on the cusp of daylight. I really enjoy those two hours by myself. But the rest of the time Id rather have friends there particularly on the long tough days as they seem to keep you motivated and focused.
  9. Dont be bothered Stoty. Its not your fault or your wifes fault. It just didnt work and society not younger folk is just way more accepting of divorce now than it was 20 years ago. Divorce is now just as acceptable as breaking up with your highschool sweetheart. I think the biggest problem with marraige is most of us arent aware of just how BIG a commitment it is before we enter it. In order for marraige to be a success both people have to make that marraige their number 1 priority on a day to day basis. As a reverend once explained it in a service I attented it is a leaving and a beginning. Every thing in life before hand must be left behind and become secondary to the marraige. If you cant do that you shouldnt get married. Funny but that service was for my old steelheading buddies marraige and sure enough 4 years later divorce by fishing.
  10. Mennonites love fishing, I use to have several for customers and they never thought twice about buying the best equipment.
  11. Skis are hard to find on the French even when you know the spots. The very first time I went I hired a guide for the first two days and we managed to raise only two fish. But both fish were giants. The West Arm seems to be a little easier to read IMO.
  12. If you bumped into me on the lake and I didnt know you I would bald face lie to you in fact ive been known to not set the hook and let fish on the line get away because someone was watching.
  13. My ex-wife and I worked out most stuff before hand ourselves. You can actually hire one lawyer to represent both of you and pump out the legal document. But get started before any animosity does get going.
  14. That statement is so far from the truth I can only assume you have no knowledge of mennonite farming practices. The Conostaga River is basically a flowing sewage line and the reason for this are the mennonite farms that line its banks. I cant beleive the amount of suspended solids that you will see in this river. Mennonites may not drive cars but by no means are they even remotely green. Matter of fact you see them in cabs all the time. So while they may not drive themselves they still use cars. Mennonites are all about getting the job done and they would never let a thing like the enviroment get in their way.
  15. Then it should be relatively painless( all divorces are emotionally devastating) Your both relatively young lots of time left in your lives to find happiness again, best get started down that path now.
  16. Fishing was one of the causes of my divorce. My first bit of advice for you is get a lawyer. A lot of people I know hesitated in doing this and it cost them. The sad truth is if its reached this point your relationship as you knew it is over. Theres a small chance something new might start but its very small. I hope there is no children involved its hardest on them.
  17. Im suprised that no one has mentioned a gaff. Used properly they are an excellent tool for landing and releasing musky. In fact its my prefered method when catching them from a canoe. Fight the fish out bring it boatside slip the point of the gaff inside the mouth and there is a paper thin layer of tissue between the jawbone and the floor of the mouth. Slip the point through here lift just the fishes head out of the water and cut the hooks off with bolt cutters, slide the gaff back out and musky quickly swims away. Years ago I bought this wonderful gaff that closes and has three feet of rope lead here pic of it I cant remember the name of the manufacturer but it is awesome for using from a canoe and allows the musky to remain calm in the water while you prepare to remove the hooks and take a quick picture. When the fish get huge its just time to pull over and handle it from shore
  18. I only hope someday that I can be as good with getting big musky.
  19. No it was beside a bush road and I actually walked right up to within 10 yds of them probably could have got closer even. Just took my time and made no sudden moves.
  20. Im going to guess a bad drag washer. Burned out because you used the reel for salmon or steelhead fishing. Probably needs some new parts. Rear drag reels cant take the punishment of those long runs.
  21. Yes I have these and they are awesome I love them for swimming. To bad you cant snorkle with them.
  22. I dont kow about king theres Dan C and Moosebunk and others but I am certainly happy to be a part of the royal family.
  23. I wouldnt be suprised if he hit the trolling motor prop Ive heard of hit happeneing before. And once on a week long excursion. Every day we came to this perfect spot the same musky would show up and sit just back on of the stainless steel prop on my 250 Johnson and just stare at it for 5 minutes as it slowly turned as we moved with the trolling motor. I actually think he was planning on hitting it if the boat wasnt right there.
  24. Normally first weekend in June is my Musky opener but the regs changed a bit this year so we decided that we would get one last Specky trip in. On the water by 5:15 am. Mozzy's were thick as thieves. Water was higher than Ive ever seen it in 20 years and there must have been some big heavy winds recently as we noticed lots of fresh green blowdowns. Fishing was pretty slow we figured the high water had the fish hunkered down because despite perfect water temps (61 F) and plenty of caddis hatching we never once saw a rise. Canoe control was tough because of gusting winds and roaring current so I didnt get a lot of fishing in and just decided to concentrate on letting my buddy get good presentations. I managed only two fish both around ten inches. Heres a few that John my buddy caught Johns first fish of the morning a chunky ten incher at 5:45 AM A better fish at 12 inches That was the average range for most of the day which is quite dissappointing as this spot continually produces really nice fish. John's always heard about them but has never had a chance to get one. As we get to one of the better spots. John has a really nice fish hit his spinner right at canoeside. But the hooks pull out because he only has about 3 ft of line out and theres no room for error. Hes heartbroken as the fish would have been his best stream brook trout ever. I tell him we'll keep trying this pool as it has produced more than one fish on many occasions. Finally he's rewarded On the way home I mangad some wildlife photos The Ole Gal Mother and Child Thats it for brook trout fishing till next year. Time to concentrate on musky.
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