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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. No you are correct the city hubs are priced higher by corporate. It is also priced higher in places where there is less competition. We have 3 shell stations local and the cheapest one always is the one that has a sheetz across the street. Now sheetz waits for them to post there price and then drops it a penny or two. As far as being less gas dependant that sounds like a great idea and we all can help to some extent. I have a huge carbon footprint due to the van and the pickup truck I drive. While both have the most economical motors I could find that will tow the boats and haul my plumbing supplies it still is a hunk out of my wallet. I can't even comment on my boats sheesh they get about 1.5 miles to the gallon due to there size and the waters I fish. O well the price we pay to have fun fishing with friends and family..... Art
  2. The old method of how gas was sold was price of the fuel paid plus X was the price till the tank was resupplied. Now it is sold just like the stock market. A purchase of fuel by the dealer could net large profits in troubled times. The price is broadcast to the individual dealers from corporate. This is why two of the same dealers separated by just a few miles can have prices that vary up to a couple cents per litre. Not much you can do except buy stock in the companies and use the profits to offset the prices. Art
  3. I will try to book my yearly contest with you to next year Lew. So far I have beaten Lew every outing by not catching a muskie.lol Art
  4. Need some help on something that is happening to often on this thread. Please do not cuss or mock cuss. I know that we are high spirited here but if you just type bull and leave it blank we all will get the idea plus we haven't broken any rules. Thanks Art
  5. BTW I checked on what you did wrong.....NOTHING. Keep your chin up you will soon be the proud owner of a remodeled and painted basement. Art
  6. That is really cool how you carried that bass around from spot to spot over the summer and took the pictures.lol Very nice summer it looks like you got the bass dialed in. If you get to the Washington D.C. area give me a holler we have some of the finest Bassing in the country on the Potomac River. Art
  7. I had a yamaha 80 4 wheelers it didn't tow anything however it would run like a scalded dog. The best part of it was if it got bogged down you just picked it up and moved it. I found that it was an issue if the snow was deeper than the clearance of the chassis. Stay away from the knockoff units they are junk with an attractive price you will break them quickly and find that parts are not easy to find if at all. Art
  8. Well done thanks for showing it to us. Art
  9. My please let me be the second person to welcome you. Art
  10. Sorry to hear Cliff. Your new heater make sure that the Pressure relief valve is piped to a floor drain. We can also install a water alarm that is available thru amazon if you have any problems finding one give me a holler and I will send you one. Art
  11. Way to go Rich I am sure you will be the master in a short time. If you have any old big diameter mono laying around go ahead and spool it up for practice casting. It is easier to control and if it lashes you can pick them out easier than braid. If you need any tips on setting up the backlash or friction nut give me a yell I can walk you thru it easily. Art
  12. When you sell it for $2.00 a foot to the customers it is drilled. lol Art
  13. We use a product call strap iron in the plumbing world. It is flat metal with holes drilled in it. You can bend it as needed and if it where taped to the line you could tweek it as needed to shoot straight down. It would go where you have the rope for now. Art
  14. No don't get me wrong I am sure there is a time and place for shifting into neutral in a driveway is a perfect example. I wanted to point out that it would be a bad way to stop while you are driving with other vehicles on the road like coasting to a stop light . Snow and ice have little effect on me while I drive down here in the South because it is usually less than a foot and goes away in a week. I also drive a full size loaded Ford F150 or a loaded Sprinter (think heavy) vehicles. They both have all of the tricky auto brake and anti skid features so as long as I don't encounter any idiots on the road I am good. Art
  15. I got a mercedes at the age of 45. An eye exam should clear up any questions on your eye sight. You only got one pair get them looked after yearly to spot any issues that can be cured before you regret it. Art
  16. I understand the physics of it and you all have a much better idea on ice driving than I do for sure. My thoughts are to lose your ability to drive out of a slide is counter productive to being able to avoid an accident. While we do not get the same amount of snow and ice down here we actually have poor road clearing capacity the snow and ice comes and goes usually in a week so our amount of snow equiptment is small . The action of a skid or sliding removes your ability to control the direction you are pointing. With a sliding motion if you have traction then you may counter steer to drive around an issue rather than sliding into the issue. I am sure there is a time and place for both methods so far I have not found the slight benefit of neutral to be more to my advantage than being able to drive out of a situation. Our racing mantra was gas gas GAS when in trouble. lol Art
  17. Thank you for the fix as usual MR. Roy. Art
  18. My concern to popping it into neutral is you lose the capacity to get going again in an emergency. Case in point I was at a stoplight on a motorcycle with a friend who usually puts it into neutral so he don't have to hold the clutch. I reved the bike to see if he wanted to race so he kicked it back into gear. Just out of the corner of my eye I saw the car coming up was not going to stop we both gassed it to the side of the car in front of us and when the car did stop he was just short of the car that was in front of us. Art
  19. Check to see if the car has the option for driving lights and if so locate them in the same place. Art
  20. Since you caught some really nice fish I won't hold the Chevy part of your name against you.lol Art
  21. Look for a anti fatigue matt it is made of rubber and has air cells injected in it. It is light and rolls up easily. As far as the hut I would wax the zippers and let it eat. Art
  22. Fishing has always been a part of my life. I used to ride my bike to a local farm pond after school and weekends and fish. I joined the Navy SeaBees and did a lot of saltwater fishing. Once out I went back to river fishing and had a chance to start collecting boats and gear. I faded back from fishing to further my career and opened my own Plumbing business. I still fished but it was not near as often as before. I am now able to go on fishing excursions for 2 weeks a year and fish locally with friends once or twice a week. I also find a trip all by myself a good time to relax and unwind with no pressure to produce fish for everyone in the boat. Art
  23. I am torn about the shirt it gives me the same feeling I used to get in gym class when I climbed up the rope. Felt good but you know it was wrong place wrong time.lol Aret
  24. Hot ham and swiss cheese with a slather of cold mayo and fresh ground pepper. MMMMMMMMMmmmmmm Art
  25. You finish them on corn because you can contain them and get the caloric count up. Finishing on grass is not better just more time in the pasture. Anyway you slice it thank goodness for a good chunk of beef. art
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