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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. screwdriver is very humane it is an instant kill the bleeding out of a fish is a much slower kill.With this said though the primitive nervous system of a fish it is not a big deal how you dispatch your catch. Art
  2. The way fish markets keep their catch is remove the innards and the gills and place the ice under the catch and them a thin layer over the catch. The important part is not to let the fish sit in liquid. If you are not concerned on keeping the fish in the whole condition then fillet the fish and place in watertight baggies and then ice above and below to get it cold quickly. Just to know most fish markets will not go 5 days on ice so eat the first three days and then save for the last two will be a better plan. We have mandatory kill on snakeheads around here and I found a screwdriver thru the head behind the eyes is a fast kill method. Art
  3. I used to ride one of there back in 1986 http://www.powerski.com/montgomery_surfjet.html and yes they are fun but you got to have some really good balance and core strength. Art
  4. You would have less kids if the winter were not so cold..... Good job on your growing family. Art
  5. tough to say but it looks like it is onthe exhaust side of the engine. Do a compression test to start the diagnostic procedure Art
  6. nice trip I would love to get my jetboat on those waters. We have some thin water down here that the smallies are hiding behind every rock. Art
  7. Sad to hear Matt give him a good place in your heart and when your heart finds the room a new friend can move in beside him. Art
  8. We have in the past had people who joined just to sell items or to get on the great deals our members extend to the community. So we have a 20 post minimum to be able to buy or sell for all of our protection. Feel free to P.M. the seller or better yet start posting meaningful comments or a thread to get to the 20 milestone you are wanting. Art
  9. Yup a very nice place to fish I am 100 miles from there and fish it on the warm side in the winter. It is kind of weird though holding a bass in 30 degree weather and the fish is steaming because the water temp. is in the 60's. A trip to the bay is a real treat where the stripers can get up into the high 40's if you have the time. Art
  10. I am guessing you were at lake Anna. They are landlocked stocked stripers a very nice place to fish for sure. The lake has 2 sides a warm and a coolside. The bass population is amazing to fish for and there are some really big flathead catfish to be found as well. Art
  11. Yup it is the nature of the beast being aluminum we tend to ride them hard. I have some good scars on the bottom of my jet boat from pushing rapids on the river. Now the fiberglass boat it very rarely even bumped on a dock .... go figure. lol Art
  12. What is the reason for the rubber glove on diesel? The exposure to diesel on your hands is minimal while filling is it a safety issue or just not wanting diesel on/in the vehicle? Art
  13. Mike this can be fixed by a competent welder. A small hole drilled at the ends of the crack and a TIG weld will make it good as new. The concern I have is why did it crack and is the stress factor still present. The deck needs added support to prevent future stress cracks. Art
  14. Dang it NOW what am I going to get you for your birthday Roy? Art
  15. Is your fuel cell made of epoxy or fiberglass? Many older boat are and the resin breaks down and allows fuel to permeate the foam and areas on those boats. Removal of the fuel cell and replacement is needed if this is an issue. I however would say it is just the tank venting off from temp. change. Art
  16. I want to keep this thread going but lets limit it to the discussion and get past the comment or comments you disagree with. Thanks Art
  17. I have a jingle bell on a strap on my door and that is how my dog tells me it is time to go out. Fix a 1 inch or so bell small strap so it can be poked with his nose and ring and before you take him out ring the bell and then open the door and say good boy go pee or what ever you want to say.. After he pees give him a treat and bring him back in without any playing or wandering. If you want to go outside to play or anything else do not ring the bell just open the door and give him a different phrase. As time goes on he might pick up the habit of using the bell to alert you to other things like the food bowl is empty he wants a treat etc. it is a small price to pay for no scratches on the door and walls or worse missed trips to pee outside. Art
  18. If the drain hole is the bilge pump outlet then it can be back siphoning a big no no. All hull breaches need to be above the scumline at all times unless they have a check valve like on the lines to and from the livewells. Remove the kicker and stand in the front of the boat and have someone check the water line in relation to the bow height.will give you an idea of what weight has to be moved. Art
  19. Glad to see you got a buddy to show you how to fish. lol Art
  20. It is cheaper to rent for a few weeks a year than to own it 365. If the wife is not interested you are going to see a rift between the money you spend on the property for yourself and the money you spend for the two of you. It can get ugly and if you have to bail on the property before it matures because of this rift it will be a loss of retirement income you pissed away in her eyes. Choose wisely grasshopper major financial items need to have both of your blessings. Art
  21. Consider them retired and get a set of new batteries and enjoy the worry free power. Art
  22. Good to hear once you have a picture of what you want then you can discuss the options and get an answer that you both can live with. Truth be told i have run a plumbing business for 20 years treating the customer as gold. I currently have over 4000 customers and have never advertised. At no point did I suggest slapping a patch on it. Filling the hole with resin and a load bearing plate is not a patch and has held for 10 years on my Ranger 150 HP with jack plate with no issues. The customer was not blamed it was simply to get them to think about what they want as an outcome. Sitting in a store yelling in front of customers will not get you the answer you want, It would get you escorted of the property quickly. He made the right choice he discussed it like a mature adult and they both looked at the issue and came to a win win answer. Some of the people here started with "go for blood, get a lawyer, give him bad press" all three are in my opinion the wrong first or even second choice. Your opinion is yours to have and the chances of us working together is non existent not because of your opinion but due to the distance. Be well Art
  23. What is it you really want ? the fact is the boat has 2 holes already in it from the previous motor and you didn't put in a work order for those to be repaired. The person simply made a mistake as an owner of the shop he felt he had the ability to drill 2 holes and mount your motor being around boats all of the years he has owned the place. It wasn't greed that he made the decision to drill the holes he was trying to get your project done so you could go on about your day in a timely manner. He can't make the holes disappear but he can fill them in with a waterproof substance and spread the load out with a plate of aluminum that covers the holes 3 inches out no big deal. If you are out for revenge then you are worse than the guy who made the mistake his was an accident while your motives are to do damage on purpose not a good score in the karma factor. This is why you are finding signs more often that customers are not allowed into the shop because sometimes in the process of repairing car etc. you might have to fix a stripped bolt or other issue that occurs that has no long term bearing on the item but just lets the customer find a reason to be dissatisfied. If it is money then you shouldn't own a boat if 50 bucks back will make you better. If you are looking for justice you will not get it you are not a judge the best you will get is vigilantism which is the exact opposite of justice. This is not aimed at you personally it goes to everyone to think what your goal is and then decide if your action is going to go into a positive direction. Just my say Art
  24. A friend of mine runs a long line boat off the Florida coast and the same rule applies because it would be a way to keep out of slot fish and sell them for thousands of dollars at the dock. It is tough he said to watch an undersized bleeding tuna released right into the pack of sharks that swarm the boat when they are pulling their line. Art
  25. The point is to stock fish for everyone. Once they are in the water it is up to the MNR to make sure the fish are harvested in a legal manner. Not stocking because the resource can be abused is a poor argument for not stocking. It is giving up without attempting to correct an issue. The bright side of the stocking is to show the tourist that their is an effort to bring the fishery back to former glory and that generates an influx of money from another economy that is the best kind of prosperity you can get. Art
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