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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. please return to the topic at hand . For the two people who have differences please just ignore each other it will not go well if this continues to be an issue. Thanks Art
  2. To be fair they are not repairable from a shop. They can be patched by a person though. If they repaired it and charged you only $100.00 you would expect it to preform perfectly for as long as the transducers life and would expect them to repair it for free if water got into the splice and stopped working. Worst would be they repair it and it does notwork %100 as well as it did before. So thats why you got the unrepairable answer. I hit cases in the plumbing profession that I will condemn a faucet and the homeowner decides to fix it himself. after he spends 2 hours and some jb weld he "fixes" it. If I did the same thing and gave him a 2 hour labor bill and a maybe it is fixed it would have been the same price for a new faucet. You can find in a plumbing warehouse a well wire splicing kit. The repair of the wire do as others have advised but while the wire is in two use the well wire splice shield it is a shrink tube with a special ooze inside that when heated to shrink makes the splice permanently water proof. Good Luck Art
  3. I use quite a few senkos rigged in 3 or 4 different ways. I found that if I am fishing with a buddy whenever one of us hooks up the other drops a wacky rigged senko in the water where the fish is going to be landed. It is surprising how many fish follow the hooked fish.Lots of hook ups doing this. Art
  4. how we got from wildfires to border crossing I am not sure. Since the topic is so far off track and was accidently assumed this site is in The US lets put it to bed for now. Art
  5. Happy Thanksgiving I hope you all are surrounded by loved ones and have a great time. Art
  6. Looks like a question for MNR it is a volatile topic that is going South quickly. To the OP you might want to introduce yourself with a little backround so people know you are not trolling the board. Art
  7. I lost my marbles a lonnnng time ago. he he art
  8. Lets not forget the fisherman and there 2 stroke motors . Until it is illegal to have hi performance motorcycles and cars those of use who want to burn fuel in a polluting manner can. With this view though you are looking at the tearing off the leaves of a tree instead of digging up the roots. Art
  9. If you have a bucket of marbles and 40 % of them are blue 20%green and 30 % red and the final !0 % are yellow. The quickest path to separating them is to remove the blue then red, green, and be left with the yellow. However when you are trying to just reduce the amount of marbles you will pick out the easiest ones to recognise which statistically are the red ones. We often apply this "logic" to life where we look for the solution that is the easiest path so we aim for the red marbles or the public masses who are least able to effectively mount a legal challenge. The logical solution is to go after the worst offenders and work your way back to the lesser offenders. This gives you the greatest bang for your efforts expended. Art
  10. I totally agree with that. With your raw material export as your bases of trade and low population you are carbon negative. This however does put the burden on the countries that ship finished products to Canada to enjoy. Thankfully the law of averaging makes it possible to balance out some of the more industrial countries with the less industrial countries. Art
  11. The level of CO2 in modern vehicles has greatly improved. Quote Emissions of these air quality pollutants from road vehicles have been reduced by improving the quality of fuels and by setting increasingly stringent emission limits for new vehicles. As an example, it would take 50 new cars to produce the same quantity of air quality pollutant emissions per kilometre as a vehicle made in 1970. Over the last twenty years increasingly stringent emission limits have been set at a European level, starting with the "Euro1" limits in 1993. From September 2015 all new cars currently have to meet the Euro 6 standard. Since 1st January 2011 all models sold have had to meet the Euro 5 standard. End Quote. Taking this with a grain of salt and even halving the number of 50 claimed it would make more sense to give tax credits or a buy off all of the pre 2011 cars to reach these numbers before going to an alternative fuel vehicle. We already know no one wants a nuclear plant near them or a wind farm for that matter. Solar not yet it is still to cost prohibitive just look at how few solar houses you see in places that have access to the power grid. The area i live in had 1 year emission testing to keep your vehicle on the road they have been monitoring roadway CO2 levels and are finding so few vehicles failing the tests that they have moved to eliminate the emissions requirements. We then have to look at the fact that almost all of the contractors I know need a vehicle that can go over 200 miles a day and haul parts and tools that would tax even the most robust E vehicle. We could then explore the commercial vehicles used to haul products cross country. Think Boat, Railroad, tractor trailer or aircraft no amount of electricity can do there job. The final hurdle is what if you want to go on vacation from your house even as close as cottage country you would have to still have a car that uses some kind of fuel that is portable semi safe and cheap enough to make it possible for you to own and support the extra vehicle. A tax break and or an old vehicle buy back is a realistic way to lower emissions standards while E cars for the working, mass movement population technology is not there yet. It does have a place for the people who work 50 miles or less and commute but to set up the grid for any further is cost prohibitive but that is not who they are targeting with a pick up. Quote How much of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions are associated with electricity generation?In 2016, emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) by the U.S. electric power sector1 were 1,821 million metric tons, or about 35% of the total U.S. energy-related CO2 emissions of 5,171 million metric tons.2 CO2 emissions from U.S. electric power sector by source, 2016 Source Million metric tons Share of total Coal 1,241 68% Natural gas 546 30% Petroleum 21 1% Other3 12 <1% Total 1,821 Electricity production (29 percent of 2015 greenhouse gas emissions) – Electricity production generates the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions. Approximately 67 percent of our electricity comes from burning fossil fuels, mostly coal and natural gas.2 Transportation (27 percent of 2015 greenhouse gas emissions) – Greenhouse gas emissions from transportation primarily come from burning fossil fuel for our cars, trucks, ships, trains, and planes. Over 90 percent of the fuel used for transportation is petroleum based, which includes gasoline and diesel.3 Industry (21 percent of 2015 greenhouse gas emissions) – Greenhouse gas emissions from industry primarily come from burning fossil fuels for energy, as well as greenhouse gas emissions from certain chemical reactions necessary to produce goods from raw materials. Commercial and Residential (12 percent of 2015 greenhouse gas emissions) – Greenhouse gas emissions from businesses and homes arise primarily from fossil fuels burned for heat, the use of certain products that contain greenhouse gases, and the handling of waste. Agriculture (9 percent of 2015 greenhouse gas emissions) – Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture come from livestock such as cows, agricultural soils, and rice production. Land Use and Forestry (offset of 11.8 percent of 2015 greenhouse gas emissions) – Land areas can act as a sink (absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere) or a source of greenhouse gas emissions. In the United States, since 1990, managed forests and other lands have absorbed more CO2 from the atmosphere than they emit. End Quote. Art
  12. I think this will have a worse showing as the new E VW mini bus. The idea that E vehicles are emission free bugs me since they really aren't.They are using electricity that has it's own emissions issues just out of sight out of mine i guess. Art
  13. Please be careful of racial profiling here I would like it to be about the original post and continue. If any more people flag this I will lock it. Thanks Art
  14. This should be moved to announcements but since it is for a charitable cause I will let it stay here until someone complains. Good luck with your search Art
  15. Very cool Shark fishing is a blast. We spent many nights sitting on the beach with a fire going until we got a pull down. The whole area is black and you have no idea what you are fighting until you get it in the surf. Art
  16. To help some people who have not found and there for read the rules here they are THE RULES We'll keep it simple. Be nice and be respectful. Like your Mom probably told you, if you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all. Debate is encouraged, but please follow the basic guidelines of debate. No name calling. Back up your claims with proof. Don't get your knickers in a knot if someone disagrees. KEEP IT CIVIL! Threads that are negative in tone or are inflammatory including political or religious will be locked if they are deemed to be detrimental to OFC's community feel. Political threads are limited to fishing related issues.This board is about bringing people together it has no tolerance for snipping or bashing members or non members either for their beliefs or country of origin. Things that will not be tolerated. Flaming, baiting, name calling, prejudice, racism, sexism, sexual comments and inuendos, swearing, spam, and general boorishness. Deleted or locked posts. If you disagree with a moderators decision to lock or delete a post, send them a Personal Message. DO NOT make a post complaining about it. We have opened the forums to children so we expect you to show them how adults should behave. Spam will get you banned faster than anything else. Spam is any unsolicited business ad or offer. If someone happens to ask about a product or service you may offer, then you are of course free to mention it. If you come in here and spam, you will be given a pretty rude welcome by the population and it will only hurt your business! We have very reasonable ad rates and can set you up very quickly. Contact TJQ for ad rates. We would prefer that you do not post pictures of fish caught out of season. Please do not post VERY SPECIFIC information on fishing spots, ie pinpoint locations and maps. It is our belief that sharing this type of knowledge to the general public is not at all good for the resource itself. When communicating info on spots, please keep it to email or a PM. Please do not post copyrighted material. Please keep your avatars tasteful and not degrading or insulting to any race, sex, religion or political entity. One image in a signature is allowed. Images in signatures must not be greater than 500 pixels wide and 75 pixels in height. Signature images must not be more than 100K in file size. Its OK to have a link to a website in your signature line, but if you do so it is mandatory to have a prominent link back to www.ofncommunity.com on the site. Signatures must also conform to language and content guidelines. Please keep signature lines brief, a line or two of text is fine. No lists! If you post is not about fishing please put "NF" at the end of the subject thread! If your post contains hunting images that may offend some, please note Hunting Images in your post description. We have a group of Administrators and Moderators all here to help you out.If you have any questions, ask us! Troublemakers will be warned and then if that doesn't work, placed on a Mod Queue. This means every post you make will need to be approved before it is visible. If being in mod queue doesn't help, offenders will be banned. Posting profanity, (swearing) is not permitted (this includes video)! Neither is the use of creative spelling or intentional mispelling, the use of symbols in place of letters and acronyms to get around the word filters. Offending posts will be deleted! We have children on the site, so behave accordingly. Before posting anything in the classifieds be certain to read the classified rules. Get together threads may be requested to be pinned, but no longer than 30 days before the event. AND JUST SO WE ARE CLEAR... these are the terms you agreed to when you registered... Forum Terms & Rules Please take a moment to review these rules detailed below. If you agree with them and wish to proceed with the registration, simply click the "Register" button below. To cancel this registration, simply hit the 'back' button on your browser. Please remember that we are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of this bulletin board. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary. You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this bulletin board. One account per member, accounts cannot be deleted. StatCounter Check They are located on the bottom Right side of the main page. Art
  17. Nice shots guys thanks for sharing. Art
  18. very nice video but due to the title I have a you tube channel it has been moved to announcements. The site does not want to become a you tube begging site for views. Please change the title to something like my fishing trip and I will be happy to move it back to the general section as you have requested. Thanks Art
  19. I sleep under mine with the first fold up and some screen over it. When it rains I close the top and open the tailgate with screen. Art
  20. Nice smallie for sure thanks for sharing your trip. Art
  21. Wow Camilij And Gerrit good to see you both. Art
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