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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Sorry to hear this Brian but you are alive that is the good thing. You should talk to your insurance company and show them it was in excellent shape with pictures and work tickets. Show them comparisons of the same vehicle for sale and get a quote from the ford dealer on what the true value is. They should be able to reach a fair price to replace it with a vehicle from the 2012 era with the same features. You will need to not sign off or cash the check they issued before you get a final answer that you accept. Art
  2. Welcome back and thanks for the report. Rick thank you as always for stepping up and helping. If you fall short in an area let me know I go a whole wack of tackle that I have amassed over the years that are still boxed I seem to find a great lure and then buy to many. Art
  3. To the few who keep going political you are on your last round of forgiveness. It is summer time we are all busy with the great outdoors I do not have time to read all of the threads so I expect people to police themselves for the most part many have done a good job. For the few who keep pushing the political thoughts here you are going to become really unhappy when your account is Mod Qed if you have to ask if it is you then it most likely is. Enjoy the summer and if you have forgotten the rules then please reread them I prefer NOT to have to Q anyone. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules Art
  4. Sorry you all are getting to political change directions or I will lock it. Thanks Art
  5. Nice load of kittys thanks for sharing. Art
  6. It kind of depends on what you want the knife to do and what you want to spend. A kitchen knife can be either a paring knife if they do a lot of hand work and peeling or a 7 chef knife for chopping. The blade material has 24 or more ratings the higher the rockwell scale the harder the metal is. The harder the metal the harder it is to sharpen but the longer it stays sharp. A knife can be 45 dollars or 245 dollars depending on the metal and the handle material. When you go custom you are adding cost because the handles are hand crafted and finished. The average knife I build has over 5 hours in the handle alone. 440c and aus 10 are what most knifes are made of and are a good balance of hardness and flexibility. VG10 is a better metal and is harder than 440c it is what I usually use for higher end chefs knife with a damascus finish (patterned). For a nice knife tha is factory made here is a website you can visit. If you find a knife you like send me the link and what you plan on using it for and I will give you an opinion on if it is the right knife. I would not engrave the blade if it is etched or engraved it will stain in the metal that is removed. A laser engraved blade is where it is discolored by energy and in some cases wears off and fades. A nice note with the blade explaining why he deserves the knife will be a better way to say thanks for all that he did. http://www.cutleryandmore.com/japanese-kitchen-knives?src=Google&cam=Gen+Cutlery&sub=Japanese+Chefs+Knives&kw=japanese%20chef%20knife&gclid=CPrR57KhyMsCFc8lgQodxlgFHA While my name is Art you can find me as aplumma on this site. Art
  7. Been using this on e and the dog https://www.tickedoff.com/ Art
  8. Awww sorry I would have stopped you if you had told me. After all friends don't let friends drive chevys. Very nice truck though. Art
  9. I'm running out of fingers. after grabbing a few snapping turtles you start to miss being able to hold a beer. lol Art
  10. I guess I should clarify the bass boat gets about 10 hours a year run time, The jet drive boat gets 20 hours a year and the big boat gets about 30 hours a year. The balance of fishing is on the 10ft pelican. Now if I had only one boat the payback would be really fast. Art
  11. I start fishing when the water hits 50 for cats. They are sluggish and have just started to disperse from their winter holes. Catfish are in the winter pattern meaning they are sluggish and in large schools in deep holes and current breaks. If you find the winter spots you can clean out an area of decent cats so as a rule I leave them alone. After 50F they start to move back to their summer patterns areas until 60F then they spawn. They shut down for the spawn but reemerge hungry for the late spring bing. This continues as the water warms up they feed more often. By 70F they are on humps and ambush points and feed 24/7 with weather and water levels driving feeding. The bait you use depends on what you are fishing for but remember a catfish over 7 lbs is top of the food chain eating mainly other fish rather than scavenging from the bottom. I use fresh pork liver or fresh squid for quanity of fish but cut bait for size. Art
  12. Put a rubber snake in the place they are trying to rebuild. it has a good chance of discouraging them from rebuilding. Art
  13. Nope good call I think. I have a GTX150 with 28 gallon tank, wide open it is at 55 mph and sucking 9/10 gallon a minute. I would repower but the cost of repowering is not worth the fuel it would save. Besides being a classic it seems a crime to put a modern motor onit. Art
  14. I am a firm believer in spending the money for quality tools and the right tool for the job. I restore old motorcycles and cars as a hobby but have a better shop than alot of seasoned mechanics. Art
  15. I have a 28 year old Ranger and it is still a solid boat. I will say decide after you have ridden in the boat. I have ridden in a few different brands and some of them really stink in the chop. The G2 motor is a motor my mechanic says is amazing and a big step up in the Evinrude line. Art
  16. Depends on what the tork is. Most likely they are cheap. I use a 1/2 800 ft lb unit that was around 200 dollars. An 8 gallon compressor is not reallybig enough for running air tools effectively. Art
  17. Very nice thanks for sharing your trip. Art
  18. Follow the link here it gives a nice picture of the hook ups for all charging and battery hook ups http://www.batterytender.com/connecting-chargers Art
  19. On the big boats we have what we call a scupper drain or two. They are strainers set in the floor of the boat that are just 90ed to the outside on the back of the boat above the waterline. They keep water above the deck from filling the bilge when as you said backing down but they are also for hosing off the deck without putting fish slime and other organics in the bilge. After the day is done we put the boat on an angle and then break out the mop and bucket. The boats have an onboard raw water hose that we then hose down the deck with and the boat doesnt stick on the next trip. Art
  20. Looks like you need a pilots licence to run that toon Brian. Thanks for the video can you do one on your fishing machine sometime please. Art
  21. The unit can be sold with and without a transducer just make sure the one you are getting for the price has all of the pieces you need. Art
  22. Do you have 2 batteries in series 24 volt or two batteries parallel 12 volts? Is the charger made to charge two separate batteries or just one? Here is a very good site that has pretty pictures on various hook ups ad why you do it. http://www.batterytender.com/connecting-chargers Art
  23. Good deal it is never to late to mend fences. Art
  24. Art. You want a job trouble shooting electrical issue at my shop? LOL Dan. I was lucky enough to have a great teacher in HVAC who was old school and didn't teach you how to fix a specific unit rather what electricity did when it worked correctly. I thank him for this talent as well as teaching how to read a schematic. My first Bike was a Triumph with lucas electrics or better know as Lucas "prince of darkness". As a hobby My brother and I restore 70s and 80s motorcycles and cars. Which involved either mice chewed shorts to what the heck did someone else do to this thing.. After making a few wiring harness for boats, motorcycles and a car or two the short answer Dan is NO. Thanks for the offer Art
  25. I run a motor guide with a hand fob and foot pedal. I have the foot pedal up front to use while I am fishing and anchor lock. The hand fob is for the person in the rear of the boat to use when I am distracted. It works out well I could lose the foot pedal easily and just use 2 fobs. Art
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