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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Thanks all for the well wishes. I am indeed happy to be celebrating this holiday with family and we are thankful for the friends we have on both sides of the boarder. Art
  2. I would try to see if you can be a mate for a season in the area that you are close too and hopefully the Captain will share his wisdom with you. I think you will find that the amount of planning is very high if you want to have a chance at it as a career. Art
  3. Happy B day Rick now you are only 3 years younger than me. Art
  4. Nope I saw it all. it's just funny that the infomercial Dave posted actually was a true one here in the states. Art
  5. O.K. here it is right below the kick tail minnow and the led bite lite lure. walking worm Don't forget to order extra for your buddies...... Art
  6. that's were my decoy went.......give it back when you are done with the pictures. Art
  7. A secret (no longer) is when the surfcasting competitions people would degrease/clean their reels and then lube up the bearings with lighter fluid to give them just the right oil but not the drag of a heavy lube. The downside is it has no rust or corrosion prevention so after the contest they would oil the reels till the next time and then degrease and lighter fluid them again.... Art
  8. Very nice work she has a hand /eye coordination that I do not see often but I am in awe of whenever I see it. I hope that when the Tyler event comes up she would offer up a piece for the cause I am sure it would be a real money maker. Art
  9. I almost had a great fishin shirt but that Fuzzy Canook won't send it to me. (yes T.J. it's you I am hollerin about). It says OFC on it with a collar and pockets and it would make me look official but if T.J wants to continue breakin my heart and sending me to the tournaments looking unprofessional I guess I have to live with it........ A very sad member of the Southern Contingency... Art
  10. yes in these tight times even the televangelist are looking for an angle to save us mere mortals from the evil money we have plaguing us... Art
  11. try here craigslist use the right side to pick a state and city that is close to you. Be aware it is people dealing with people so make sure you get all of the info and paperwork needed to get your prize home. Art
  12. Thats wicked...I am not sure how he did it even after the 12th time I watched it. Art
  13. No alcohol but you might need a shot of penicillin after Dawg gets done. Art
  14. Gee and that is before you figure that The rocker was a full blow alternative lifestyler (not that their is anything wrong with that)(just so I can be politically correct).... but man could he sing. Art
  15. Just remember the rules first time you send snow down here..... no more warm weather goes up North. Art
  16. My thoughts and prayers to both Big Cliff and Sue I am sorry to hear trouble like this for such a great pair of people. While we are far away if their is anything that we can do Cliff give Roy a call he has our number. Art and the Southern Contingency
  17. You should look at the Tica Reel series it is a great bang for the buck. They are available from tica reel at all american outdoors .This reel I have 4 of for 3 years and have pulled in over 1000 lbs of catfish some as big as 56 lbs with no issues. Chris has one that is 2 series higher and he so far has been very happy with them. They also are Canadian friendly and was/is a sponsor of OFC. Art
  18. They are a most excellent site. I have purchased reels from them over the last few years and never had an issue with them. I how ever can not address the shipping question but can vouch for their integrity. Art
  19. Since the gun was free why not go ahead and treat yourself to a good lookin over by a gunsmith. He can check the bore and see what choke is if any is in the gun. He can also check the trigger and other parts for wear and lub it up for a fraction of what a new one would have cost you. When you fire it you should shoot it from the hip in a safe area to keep any injury if it malfunctions but after the gunsmith I would not be worried about issues. Art
  20. I have seen the dawgs truck and it is nice ...except for the loose nut behind the steering wheel. Art The Titan owner
  21. Nice crop of eattin their good job. Art
  22. I am not sure how this applies but when using chunks of shad (6") plus for catfishing the hook of choice is a 7/0 to 9/0 circle with anything from 8 lb to 56 lb being caught. I would be thinking the 2/0 or3/0 a good choice to begin. Don't be afraid of the bigger #'s the mouth on the bass is more than enough to inhale the larger hook. Art
  23. Sorry to hear Joey, While I did not get a chance to sit down and talk with your dad the love and guidance that he put into raising you shines thru and puts him into a category of men I wish I had known. Art
  24. lucG it looks like they are still in velvet? Nice picture all. Art
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