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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Havent you learned I am a pain in the butt???? Art
  2. So how hard do i have to beg to get this little jewel made. Thanks Art
  3. Sooooo Chris can you make me a Pike sized minnow fly between now and Lak Air? I will trade you a real manly muskie lure for it. Art
  4. Not only do I have a degree in the "old languages" I also have a minor in astroprojection and mind control. You all have been warned. To the original poster please do not take my replies for any disrespect I am by nature a comedian when religion and politics appear here. Art
  5. I live in Virgina in the Leesburg area does this help??? if so PM me. Art
  6. You might want to change this to the pipes and fittings are soldered with 50/50 lead/tin solder. The carbon filters that are found on the end of tap water are useless due to the contact time and the tunnel effect that occurs as the water passes thru the filter. If you want to remove Taste Odor and organic contaminants then a gravity carbon filter or a Reverse Osmosis system is the best choice. Art
  7. I keep a few bottles around in the truck, boat and such just to have in case it is needed. The well water here is really good and the city water quality is in the top ten in the nation. The only issues from the bottled water industry is it is unregulated as far as location claims. The crystal glacial water could come from someones kitchen sink faucet in New Jersey and be perfectly true as long as they applied for the name. Art
  8. I guess I should clarify.... Please put me in for the drawing but I decline the lure's if I win just the toque pick someone else who can play by the rules for the lure package. Thanks T.J.
  9. I'm a little unorthodox can we still be buds? Art
  10. I know of a few people here that carve, whittle,make lures or paint. Lets see some of the winters projects and how they are coming along. Joe and I are working at bringing a 83 Virago back to new life but are still working on the mechanical stuff so it is not very photogenic yet. Art
  11. I caught a 46 lb Blue cat that when you shook it it rattled. After unhooking it it left a few mussel shells come up. I then checked with a few other fisherman and found it was pretty common. They root them off the bottom and swallow them whole and let the stomach acid open them. Then they pass them from one end or the other to get rid of them. Art
  12. Cliff I vote for sell them all. After that you can chose for the camera or the flasher unit. I personally like the colored flasher units they can show you lots of information once you take the time to learn what they are saying. Art
  13. Can I be entered for the toque I don't get the fine show that Dave puts out down here in the States??? Art
  14. you should see them here in the Cheasapeake when they blow out balls of bait. It is cast, hook catch, start the boat and follow repeat till you are tired. We call it gun and run as you look to the sky for diving birds then you just follow the school until the action stops. Art
  15. Nice boat Albert I have never owned a Ranger but all of my friends that do love them. Art
  16. Nice Truck Lew I like the color it is right on for a fireman. Art
  17. It saddens me to read this...I am sure that your reason is valid but if it changes please come back their is room for all of us here. Art
  18. It seems Cliff that while they did not break the letter of the law... I agree that if a sale item is gone with in a 1/2 hour then the supply offered up is insufficient to the demand. I think that the real crime is the employee that made the comment to you that really was uncalled for. If you went in and bought 10 gallons of milk as a staple for your orphanage instead of a seafood delicacy would he have made the same comment ? I guess you have to look at the fact that he did not know you for the generous person that you are and made a bad judgment call. So go ahead and FRY up them lobsters for Sue and enjoy a good meal. Art
  19. Thats the toughest woman's gymnastics team line up I have ever seen....... Art
  20. sorry to see the bad luck....you really need to talk to the doctor about the lack of movement it might be from inflammation or something else. Best to not guess since a hand without a thumb is a paw.... Art
  21. You can also make it with ice cold carbonated water with ice cubes to keep it cold it makes it light as a feather ( thanks food network for the tip). Art
  22. Thanks for taking the time to post that Chris it was a good read. Art
  23. If you want to make pastries just like Grandma made use lots and lots of lard. It is the secret ingredient that the doctors have convinced us is killing us. (yaa I know it is bad but it still is the best) Art
  24. You don't have to count the time you hibernate. Happy B day fuzzy one. Art
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