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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Yea the pet/ livestock thought pattern does not apply. I have both and to put down a farm animal is easier emotionally than a family pet. I go with the thought that you chose the pet so it is up to you to provide them with a food shelter and medical as needed. The decision should be made as to whether or not to put them down is if the quality of their life has declined into a place that is no longer rewarding to them. When that occures it is up to you to step up and pay the emotional price and put your family member down. I have paid for the health care for seven dogs and a few cats over the years and don't regret a dime of it...because at the end of the day it is the look of admiration and total joy he shows you no matter how bad your day was that makes you glad he is your buddy. Art
  2. I guess you called it right ..... I like the video... go figure. Art from Pigswallow Virginia (no GLen it is not pig swallow its pigs wallow)
  3. Down here in the USA the maps that GPS cartographers are pulling from are outdated at best. I have the TOM TOM because while they use the same map base they also allow users to make changes on the fly and submit them via internet for tom tom to confirm. Every time you log in with your gps they up date the maps quarterly and you get all of the information that people have edited and confirmed as well. The first year is free and then it is like $50.oo a year for current maps. The unit itself has all of the features of the Garmin depending on the model and the GPS price wars have made them all a real bargain. Hey DAWG I bet my GPS can kick your GPS ass in a geography tussel...... Art
  4. Shhhhh I think I hear banjo's ......... Art
  5. YES score..... I checked my pm and I am one of the lucky good lookin lads that Mercy wants as her love slave. She has a friend who lives in Nigeria and wants me to help him also by cashing a few money orders and sending him 25% and guess what guys I get to keep the other 75% So so long you bunch of chumps I am going to be livin the good life soon........... Art
  6. Why fish with them when you can eat them? Art
  7. Rename it bud the renaming myth is from all of the paperwork you have to do if you are a documented vessel....however just to be safe you might want to do the hokkie pookie dance and throw salt over your shoulder 3 times before putting it back in the water. Art
  8. Never buy a truck with a 4 letter word n it's grill.... Art
  9. I think I am in love with the blue houseboat. Art
  10. I also own alot of regular rods some as cheap as $35.00 some ten times that cost. It is not actually the cost that dictated the rods purchase it is because it was the correct tool for the job. The rods that were purchased from brand names are perfectly suited for the job I use them for but their is something lacking. They started their life with no owner in mind it was a machine that put them together with only profit in mind. I have another rod that is just as light as the Spiel but it does not make me smile when I remember the story behind the rod that he built for me. I guess it is like looking at your favorite photo of the fishing trip you took with your dad. This post was more to encourage people that have a special rod or item to take it off the pedestal you set it on and use it for the job it was created for it will prevent you from forgetting how much you enjoy the item and the memories it has created and the memories still left to come. Art
  11. I guess when you describe the quality of a rod the builders reputation precedes him. Yes it is an original Spiel rod and one that means alot to me both for the action and the person that built it. Glen just say the word and I will be happy to order you an original Spiel rod bud...C.O.D. Art
  12. So when does that banana finish ripening? Nice boat looks like the perfect getting away from the crowds machine. Art
  13. I had a friend on the board build me a rod 2 years ago. (feel free to name yourself you deserve the credit). The rod was built for me with the following criteria. It had to balance a 6.4 oz titanium reel and be able to fight a 30 lb fish and still make a 3 lber fun. Well he built it and it is a dream to use and it will forever be in my arsenal for fishin up North. I had it spooled with 30 lb crystal and it set in the rod rack waiting for it's Northern trip till this Sunday. I decided to spool it with some 12 lb line so I can use it down here for bass fishing. I had forgotten how nice it is to cast a lure all day with a combo that weighs in at 14oz.... I had alot of fun Sunday fishing for smallmouth bass casting rattle traps and other light lures while the largest fish was but 2 lb's the joy and the memory of the person who built it for ME will always be appreciated. Thanks again and take a bow I hope that you can give someone else the same quality and memories that you gave me today. If you decide not to step forward I will be happy to give anyone who PM's me his name. Art
  14. If you want to give the fish a correct size then give some form of reference that is a standard size. In the picture place a 5 dollar bill and people will be able to gauge the fish size. You also can use a pen or pencil or sunglasses anything that people can relate to. The one thing that the photo can't give is the adrenaline and the feeling of weight that you feel so the size of the memory and the photo will never compare. I carry a tape measure and scale on the boat if I am going for braggin right..... Art
  15. If you want a good supplier in the USA their is a site called jrcigar.com. They have great prices and alot of brands that I find are better than the Cuban cigars. The Cuban cigars were the top at one time but with the seeds getting out and the climates that are so close to them the wrappers and fillers are just as good from either the Honduras or Equidor. If you want a friend for life get him a few onyx #4 reserve they are about $3.50 a stick and will make him a friend for life. I am not sure if they ship to Canada but if they do give them a holler. Art
  16. I think that it depends on the clarity of the water you fish most often. Down here the water has to much sediment in the places I fish to be a viable tool. On another note the price of the unit appears to be low it might be either refurbished or an older model that they are selling out. I would check the fine print just to make sure you are getting what you think you are. Art
  17. I see you want "GREEN" turning your powerboat into a sail boat.LOL. Don't let them fool you bud when they are all freezin this fall you will be warm and dry and it should keep the Canadian Airforce from eating you up in the evenins to boot. Art the I like it warm and dry without bug bites fisherman
  18. Pat I had you pegged for a real mans reel.....the baitcaster. lol. Here we go tiller/console. Spinner/ baitcaster....No lets not go their now. I did get a few new TICA baitcasters recently to add to the arsenal and their are even a few people up North who have seen the quality firsthand. If anyone wants a reel that I feel is a level above the abu's give them a look see they are a very good bang for the buck. Art
  19. That aplumma sold me a watch that is broken....he claims it works fine and he wont give me my money back. Theirs the feedback now what? What does aplumma do to clear his name because in this case the watch was never sold or it was fine till the buyer broke it. Now I have no recourse except to expend lots of energy defending my name to clear it and I will still dislike the person that started the slander. Since the focus of this board is not selling things then it doesn't need a special area for people to complain about sales. If someone do's decide to buy something from someone long distance use a site that has checks and balances to negate the damages of false sales and business practices. If someone decides to buy off this site then it is important to do alittle research to see if the person is just here to sell stuff or if they contribute to the site and appear to be decent folks to deal with. If the buyer is even the slightest queezy about the deal then stop DON"T BUY IT it is the buyers choice their is no contract or bid it is 100% their decision. Art
  20. Norm can you past a picture of the faucet so we know what brand and style it is. Faucets are many and repairs are different for each brand and style. Art
  21. 2 OZ of bleach will be diluted more than enough. no worries. Art
  22. Congratulations Pikehunter you get the prize. The key to the puzzle was that it was happening only at one sink. The odor that is occurring is all of the nasty chemicals we combine to make ourselves beautiful. The sink has two passages for water to escape from one is the stopper at the bottom and that goes down to the trap and down the drain line. The other one is the overflow that is an inter passage that gets gunk in and decomposes to give us that sulfur odor. The answer is to close the drain plug and fill the sink up to the overflow then add 2 oz of bleach as you slowly continue filling the sink. You want the water to flow down the overflow for 5 minutes without overflowing the sink. Then drain sink and repeat if needed in 24 hours. Art
  23. Come to the dark side Luke convert to MPH and Gallons...............The litre gas thing is the one that kills me first you got to times it by 4 and then hand them USA money and they make up the exchange rate depending how far North you are. ....Gas is really expensive then. I thought I had the system beat using a credit card but they charge me a conversion fee. It's one of the reasons I put a 28 gallon fuel cell in my little boat. Art
  24. I used to hunt "aswells" but so far I haven't seen one to shoot. Does anyone know what to use for bait? Art
  25. Happy B day to you bud I am glad to see ya around for another year or two...... Art
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