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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Well the good news is we have a decent sized tractor with a bucket and blade so I will survive fine. The bad news is Daplumma and Bec's with Mom and Pops are all sitting on the beach in Costa Rica laughing at me I am sure. I'm off to get some extra fuel for the tractor before it starts that nasty white stuff falling from the sky. Art
  2. Well the storm is almost here and the forcast is set for 18" to 24" before it is all over with. It seems it would be rain except for Canadas generous donation of the cold air.... So in the same spirit that you gave the cold air to us. We ( The Southern Contingency) Have officially decided to not send any Warm air up North till you stop your unwanted cold air attack... Feel free to Email this note to all of your friends since we are working on a limited budget here at the Contingency Thank you for your attention to this note. Leader of the Southern Contingency Art
  3. If you add it I will show you what a real catfish is. Art
  4. your going to go blind if you keep tiein things that small. I will say though that I thought the thread work on your rods was tedious and very exact but your flies are even more proof of your skills. Art
  5. :whistling: :whistling: so many things to type.... but this is a family site..... Art
  6. Hey /dawg you in chat yet??? :P Art
  7. Sorry I cant join till I have a category for CATFISH the forgotten HERO of the waters..... Art
  8. I was right with you till the Testes thing. Art
  9. Being so far away I won't be able to join in on the Tyler Event like I would like too. The online auctions while fun it seems in the past they had a few bad elements that Our fearless leader begrudgingly had to bring to light. So I figured it was a good way to help a cause that I have helped in the past. So yes I will send my almost worthless American dollars to Canada before they run out of any value. The good news is every time one of them blood sucking mosquitoes goes to bite me I will show her how I had one of her sisters mounted that should slow the buggers down. Art
  10. To Tylers Parents Chris (Spiel) was kind enough to tie a special fly for me and would not take payment so I decided to send it to you all in his name. Please send me a paypal notice for $50.00 to [email protected] If that is not possible send me an address that I can mail a check to. Art
  11. Wow thats a great job Chris. I will accept it as a gift if you deliver it to Lak Air this year. Actually I will go one better $50.00 has been donated in your name to the Tyler Foundation. Art
  12. Actually #2 is don't bite your fingernails. You can use your putty knife as a spoon after you clean it. Art the plumber
  13. Dawg that is fine just let me know as soon as you can so I can Tell Leslie and Kevin what plan we want Coonass is actually an acceptable in public nickname for Cajuns...like Cajun was not funny enough... Thats to bad Lew I will miss you and look foward to our next fishing trip. Chris nasty cough you got their it looks like a bad case of Fishin flu in June. For all the other we sure can't wait to see all of the old and the new that show up at this G2G. Art
  14. Dawg have you been drinkin at 4:24 in the afternoon? Everyone knows Lowrance is the king of the universe in the /sonar world..... Let the fight begin ..... O shoot did I type that out loud ? o well to late now..... Art
  15. Hey Lew As you know I am a plumber so I install quite a few countertops and get to see them a few years later as I visit the houses for other plumbing issues. I am not against natural stones but I have found if you can find a pattern you like in the solid Dupont materials then they have my vote hands down. The weight of the natural stones sometimes means the cabinets need to be reinforced (not a big deal but something to ask the installer about). Islands that have overhangs so you can put a chair under are not well supported and will find any pressure cracks in natural stone. The corners on stone unless rounded are tough on the hips when you run into them. While Corian is not any softer the ability to work an edge is easier and cheaper. The seams are the weakest point in naturals and are dictated by the size of the stone but also the weight of the stone so you will have more exposed joints in the project. The solid surfaces Dupont use the same resin they are made of to make the joints so you have no visible lines and they are as strong as the top. Any of your average damage that is done with a knife cut or other can usually be sanded/buffed out the damage to stone is permanent unless you have it professionally buffed out. The ability of naturals and Corian to resist damage is greater than the effort it takes to damage the laminate tops. Hope this all helps and good luck on your choices. Art
  16. soooo can you tie me a mosquito? I need it to lure the real ones away from my ass while I am up North this summer. art
  17. Dawg you in here yet?? Sure is quiet tonight feels like I am the only one in here. Art
  18. both good choices but I choose the Nissan because I have a Titan and they have been quick to make sure I am happy on any issues and recalls they have. Both minimum. Art
  19. send me a p.m. for my next step bud. Art
  20. Car dealerships are funny about the credit card thing. I wanted to buy A Mini Cooper and was going to pay for it using the card so I got a 1% discount back. They informed me that I could only charge $3000.00 max the rest could be a personal check... go figure. I guess that they can't absorb the percentage or don't want the risk of it being a bad card? Art
  21. Not only a warm ol milwaki but one that has been aged in his hand for how ever long his nap is..... Art
  22. It looks like Brians name is still on the Email form so he should still be their. Art
  23. This just proves once again that all clowns are evil and they really do scare the kids. Uncle Arttie clown for hire
  24. Nice truck it should get you and your kayak to the river in style. Art
  25. Jack I would use the adapter/hose that lets you run off of a #20 bottle it will last you along time and you do not worry about the small bottles shrader valve leaking because it did not seal back up. If you can't find one P.M. me and I will send you one. Art
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