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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Thats a nice wack of Crappie you all found. It is one of my favorite fish to eat. Art
  2. Glad to hear they were able to put a new spring in the old ticker. Follow the Doc's orders and you will be fishing in no time. Art
  3. Finally Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas to you T.J. Art
  4. I had a friend go fishing after "Southern Ice up" and he busted the ice up to get the boat into the water then set the motor in idle forward and layed over the bow with a 4 lb maul till he got to the channel. His reward was one of the best days of perching he has had in a long time. Art
  5. Merry Christmas to all of you. Thanks for another wonderful year of friends and fun. Art
  6. Good for you all. I am glad to see your heart has opened and brought in a new member of the family. Art
  7. Why do I get the feeling that he will die twice as quick with that advise Roy? Art
  8. Happy Birthday T.J. Being a Christmas baby on December 25th is a most powerful and special day. Art
  9. We are sorry to hear that Peanut was put down. While painful it was the correct thing to do. If it helps he has 2 labs, 2 sharpeas, and a slew of mutts to watch over him and play with from my heart. Art
  10. If you know you are in water deeper than 60ft then the flasher will show 10ft meaning 70Ft etc. Art
  11. Congratulation to Team 1 way to go. Next year for a small fee my Catfishing services can be purchased. Brian you quietly do the job that makes this contest run smoothly we are grateful for your time and effort that entertains us all in the spirit of sportsmanship. thanks Brian Art
  12. 4 stroke approved oils and tests. Hope this helps Art
  13. I think all of the advise has been given here and the circle is complete. Art
  14. If you are still looking at the Nissan look at the Titan instead of the Xterra. The fuel millage is not that different but the room and power of the Titan is a lot higher. The Titan is poor mileage in the city but the highway driving it is very respectable. I drive my Titan with a load of gear and a Ranger bass boat up and over the mountains to Canada every year and it is a real pleasure between the comfort and the ease of towing you will hardly feel the boat behind you. 14 Hours in the seat and you can still walk the next day too. Art
  15. I am assuming that it is the original cover for the boat so a 6 year old canvas cover is not in prime condition. The damage was done under normal weather conditions I would not expect them to remove ice and snow from all of the boats on the lot. With that in mind I feel you will not make any headway as far as having them accountable because they were not negligent. Their is a sign somewhere that says in effect "Not responsible for any items damaged or stolen on property left here for repair." I personally feel for the job contracted and the end product it should be the correct unit that does not damage the boat and is installed to manufactures specs if their is not a way for them to correct the unit then you should get your money back. They can then locate the unit that has more bells and whistles that fits your boat for a new price to do the job correctly. Don't expect them to remove this one which has less features than the one you wanted and put on the Deluxe model for the same price. Be realistic with your requests and I know if they are interested in keep your business they will make things fair to both of you. Art
  16. I/m pretty sure even the hardline Cajuns ain't going to be Noodlin for that one. Art
  17. Thanks for taking the time to keep us updated it appears between your strength and our prayers it is working. Art
  18. If it isn't a baitcaster then I WON'T use it.... Art
  19. Sounds like a guilty conscious to me..... Art
  20. Wish we had more of these in the water to catch. Art
  21. I saw the statue of liberty a 747 and an elephant disappear on T.V. and they claimed their was no funny business while doing it..... Art
  22. Just wear your magic earrings Joey. A few days of them and he will acting like a puppy again. Art
  23. Sorry to hear that. You might also decide to take photos of the damage and have the shepherd documented by the local law enforcement. It might get the owner to step up to the plate and contain his animal before it hurt a kid one day. Art
  24. I have found that a fishing rod is something that you need to buy with lots of though behind. I have found that when you buy the rod spend what is needed to get a rod that you love. Don't settle for like and don't chose a price before you find the rod you want. I am not saying not to get value for your money so you will still be shopping around. I have or had many fishing rods in my life some were $5.00 and some were up to $400.00 many of them have been either gifted to friends or are seldom used. Those are the ones that I "settled" for either because of price or in to big of a hurry to buy. I finally figured out that when I am fishing for a type of fish I would grab my favorite 3 or 4 rods for that species of fish and rig them with different baits and they were the ones that got to go fishing with me. I have found that if it was not the perfect combo then it was a waste of my money because I would not take it fishing. The materials of some of the rods I have are as common as fiberglass to some of the newest hybrid materials the other components are chosen for quality and durability with regards to the species I am fishing for. I am sure their are lots of rods that will do the "job" but I prefer to fish with equipment closer to art work than a tool. Art
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