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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Marc is still on my bucket list I love that man and I havent ever gotten to shake his hand. Art
  2. Thanks to all of the sponsors and all of the people who participated. Art
  3. Way to go Dirt glad you and Dad got out fishing. Art
  4. The Snakehead is an invasive species here so the rule is catch and kill do not return to the water. I found they are a very light colored firm fleshed fish that tastes very good. They are meat eaters and have the taste of Catfish for the most part. The fillet is very meaty and can be baked, fried or fixed in almost any manner of any fish that is not oily. Once you put them on someones plate and don't tell them it is snakehead they all decide that they will eat it in the future as long as they aren't told what it is before hand.lol. Art
  5. Went down to the Potomac river today with Earl. We ran across the river through a wet mess of rain and waves to get to a backbay area that we had fished before. First up we ran back into a weeded area that had potential for a few good bites. We started with a rubber mouse on one pole and a spinner on another. The spinner was the first to get blown up but it was a swing and a miss for Earl. We then worked down the weedbed and picked up a few bass nothing big but fun to catch. We continued and the mouse was the next lure to get mauled. About 4 lbs. We fished on with 2 more blow ups but no hooks where sunk. The weather got worse so we packed it in and headed back to the launch. A good day was had by all and the Snakehead is being prepared for dinner tonight. Art
  6. Figured it was however it holds true for all of us antique 2 stroke users. Art
  7. If it occurs and you have the time. Remove the covers and expose the carb. opening and place your finger over the edge of the opening of the carbs. while it is running. This will richen the carb. and when you hit the carb starving instead of the rpm dropping they will pick up. Next run the motor 2500-3000 rpms and cover that carb with your hand to make it draw all fuel for 1 second that will make the carb. suck fuel under vacuum rapidly thru the ports and passages. This is sometime enough to free up a piece of crud in a jet. This does not replace a rebuild that is needed but it will help you from burning out a two stroke piston from a lack of lubricant. Art
  8. Happy Birthday Roy I hope all the best and then some. Art
  9. Be careful doing this in a neighborhood if you treat to large of an area the neighbors will call the police from all of the screaming noise the worms make from the soap burns.... Art
  10. Happy Birthday G man I hope you have just as good a birthday as your fishing season has gone so far. Art
  11. I use a pair of julbo RACE with the octopus lens. link to glasses They shed water,breath well, adjust tint to light and are fully shielded from the sun. The difference between a cheap pair of glasses is the standard of the lenses. Any imperfections of the lens and thickness differences will cause your eyes to constantly compensate for this flaw and can cause eye strain. They are also impact resistant to keep a hook from getting to your eyes. I broke the nose clip on mine and called the company I shipped them back and they said the lens coating after 5 years was no longer shedding water correctly so they shipped me a new pair. I paid $130 US 5 years ago and the price seems to be in line still being 5 years later. Art
  12. A tiller is where you sit in the back of the boat and hold on to a handle called a "tiller". A console has a seat 1/3 of the way up the boat with a steering wheel and cables that turn the motor and controls the throttle and shifting from forward and reverse. The tiller allows you more connected room in the boat and an easier ride in rough water. It also limits what you see till you are on plane. A console has a windshield in most cases and while the ride is slightly rougher in bad water it allows you better visibility as you are getting on plane. Art
  13. I echo Roy on his input so far people are giving you their opinion on a boat for them not one for you. I fish anywhere from a farm pond in a plastic pontoon to a 28ft for fishing the big river and the ocean. Give us a list of what waters you fish and the type of fish you are pursuing. Art
  14. Never owned a tiller but I never missed not having one either. Console all the way. Art
  15. I guess we can do it either way after all we are just going to grind them up and make muskie burgers anyway. Art
  16. I forgot... what size gaff should I bring to land the muskies Lew? Art
  17. O.K. it is official Joe and I will be up there 5th to the 10th of Aug. Mr Lew I do believe if you have time you owe me a muskie. I seem to have drawn a blank the last time you were generous enough to take me out. Art
  18. Canada actually provides a large amount of Moen repair parts that we use in my trade it has not even crossed my mind that things from Canada are imported. I guess I consider the Great White North our neighbors and friends. Art
  19. No I am in agreement with you on that thought. I am a plumber by trade and I do not purchase aftermarket parts to install. All of the products are brand name units and that still does not rule out parts were made abroad. I have found that the labor rate I command makes cheap parts a foolish investment on both ends, me because of my warrentee and my customers for a short life of the products. I try to keep my purchases intelligent and research them thoroughly but once decided it is rarely the price that changes my mind. Art
  20. We can only hope we learn from our past or we are condemend to repeat it in the future. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/tfp2O9ADwGk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  21. Just to play devils advocate ...Blame the consumer for unrealistic price expectations from a market that is bending to their cries. No one is forced to purchase an off brand item in most cases there are two levels of products available. We as consumers shape how a product is made by setting a cost point on how much we will spend for the product. The first thing sacrificed is labor the second is material and the last and only if it needs to be is looks. It is not always about how much excess profit can be made but whether enough of a product can be brought to market and sold for it to become profitable. Art
  22. I am thinking it will be the same as the Pontiac GTO re-release lots of hype but sales did not even get off the ground. They though the big motor would be the ticket but it was the body lines that killed it. Art
  23. This wall is to memorialize the people who did not return from war. It is not to answer the question of was it right or wrong politically. If you have an issue with the politics keep them for another day if you support or are part of the military be thankful you have the chance to see this great tribute and are alive and free to do so. Art
  24. I would not bother for crappie they are not set up in as effective way as tying 4 tubes on taglines with a bell sinker to keep it straight. Art
  25. 1988 I think you got your money's worth treat yourself to a new one. There are no fuses built into the 1988 trolling motor it would have been a fuse you installed between the motor and battery. Art
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