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Everything posted by bassboy

  1. Not meaning to hijack the thread here, but I was thinking of getting one of these, preferably an autoinflating one (if I smack my head and become unconscious I want the thing to go off) but the question I have, is the difference between the bobbin ones and the hydrostatic ones. I know what the difference is, and I know there is a bit of a difference in price. What I do want to know is, how are the bobbin one in the rain? Last thing I want is for the thing to pop while I am fishing in a deluge (but Ill make sure I hide the manual inflation pull tab when I am around my wife ) Again.....sorry if I am jacking the thread but it reminded me that I wanted to ask this.... Thanks Bill
  2. I was blown away by the simple fact that is has an AIR BRAKE LOL.....what was it they said about it? It has the same stopping power (the air brake, or speed brake or whatever you want to call it) as a small family sedan?? I was amazed too at how little he overran that mile line mark on the runway too. Im curious though.....I wonder if the jet was restricted in airspeed....I would imagine so....but I wonder how much it would have won by had he been able to go supersonic?? I dont think the shows insurance (let alone the MOT) would allow this...as I am sure there would have been a multitude of broken windows from the sonic boom! LOL Glad people enjoyed it!! Bill
  3. Came across this, and with all the aircraft discussion on here recently I thought I would add it. Not sure if has been posted yet, but if so, my apologies. Quite a race, and I think it would be really cool to be a passenger in either one........ The video is here: Veyron vs Eurofighter Enjoy, Bill
  4. If you look here: http://home.comcast.net/~bzee1a/ at some of the stills, you can actually see the shock waves (other than the vapour cone) forming on various surfaces of the aircraft. Some amazing photography there....and can you imagine being on one of the boats?? ßill
  5. Im in full agreement with you there Wayne....I have seen much worse than that....he did a bit of a job on the wingtip though but an awesome job just the same. Picture of it here: http://www.airliners.net/uf/view.file?id=5...e=phpOltUWB.jpg I bet this pilot would have had a cakewalk landing at the old Kai Tak airport in Hong Kong.....there are some good videos on YouTube of some Kai Tak landings......amazing! ßill
  6. Neat stuff....will have to have a look for that program.....sounds like a neat thing to play around with. We used to mess about with an 8 track when I was younger......not so much music per se....but a whole bunch of stuff all bowled into one......certainly nothing like you are/were doing though.....but it was neat to play around with. IIRC it was a UHER deck that we used.....not sure why but my friend had one LOL. Computers certainly make thinks a lot easier thats for sure. Great job Cliff!!!! ßill
  7. Awesome job Cliff! Sounds pretty perfect to me!! Did you edit it all on computer or do you do it with tape/mixer?? WTG! ßill
  8. Wow..... But I am wondering..... Is there a nuclear plant on that lake/reservoir?? ßill
  9. Indeed two very hard hits.....especially Jeff. He even said he had never hit that hard. I only saw an on-board view of Tony's hit but it looked pretty hard too....and I saw him limping away.....there is a lot to be said for the COT......I think had they been in last years cars they may not have been so lucky. Excellent race though. Even better since my boy won!! Go Carl!!! ßill
  10. A tip that has really helped me, and was given to me by two totally unrelated people was to turn the reel 90 degrees when you cast....IE: instead of casting with the spool horizontal......cast so the spool is in the vertical position. It amazed me how much of a difference that made, and how well it worked. At least for me anyway. Good luck too......I am still getting the odd birdsnest here and there......and my neighbors (and my wife) think I have lost it as they keep seeing me dry casting... LOL Bill
  11. You guys certainly had a great day....sounds like a great time was had by all, and all for a worthy cause....what could be better??? Ill see about going next year.....have not been ice fishing yet ever.....and thinking that next year I may give it a go (Should have a floatation suit by then). I was up there today (Wifes parents live on the west side of Simcoe just north of Carthew Bay) and it looked awesome out there.....kinda made me want to go out and give it a shot. WTG everyone!!!! Bill
  12. Nice job Kemper! You almost have me wanting to go out now WTG!! Some nice fish there! Bill
  13. 15th ? Bill
  14. Wow....she has been through a lot!! Glad they were able to get all of it and that hopefully now she will be free of it forever, as you said Wayne. Wishing her a speedy recovery and I hope all goes well. Bill
  15. I think I may be in the same boat Newman and Busch did a great job......and the Toyota's too. Last 40 or so laps were about the best in my estimations...... Off to the pools page and see whats going on...... Bill
  16. My goal this year is to actually catch fish when I go fishing Didnt land a whole lot last year......it was my first year fishing in a number of years, So I guess technically, to actually learn where the fish are, and how to go about catching them. Above all, as a few of the others have said.......to have fun!! Bill
  17. Thats a great picture Cliff!!! And yes.....we can send LOTS of snow your way if you would like.....in fact its almost getting to the point where some of us would even PAY to ship it somewhere Bill
  18. Was my first fishing show....so I cant compare it to past ones....but I thought it was pretty good. Seemed like some good deals to be had, and I ALMOST was coerced into buying a carrot stick rod (Ill be damned if I can remember what they were really called LOL) Lots of boats.....and the place I bought my boat from was there, which was good as I have been trying to get the ownership paperwork sorted out with them (had not gotten paperwork from TC since buying the boat in June).....so its all sorted...for now anyway. Bought a new BC rod and some power pro from Tightlines (which exists not too far from me, and I drive by it several times a week and did not even know its there!) and a few lures from other places. Enjoyed AL Lindners talk too but did not hang around much longer than that. Didnt meet any OFC'ers there as I wouldnt know anyone if they hit me LOL (have only met one person from the board yet, but Evster could not make it). My wife was even enjoying it, and ended up talking to a few lodges for perhaps a trip up north this summer. Parking was good (and so was the price) and admission price was good too as far as I am concerned....... In short I was quite pleased with it......but those that went in years past may be a little disappointed by the sound of it..... Bill
  19. Wayne, I cant read the reg on the tail in that pic..... is it C-GIMT?? Bill
  20. Hmmm.....if he is in Montreal,, why does it look like it has Oklahoma registration numbers on it??? And if he actually is in Oklahoma, why is he trying to sell it in Montreal? Call me skittish but something just does not seem right there..... Bill
  21. Nice ride Memart! Looks sweet!!
  22. Me too!! What a dolt that guy is. "Ummm Sorry" he says...... No matter how much we partied at his age, we were not disrespectful like that.....at least the group I hung out with wasnt. The local constabulary would kick our butts....and our parents would have urged them on! ßill
  23. LOL I wonder if Henry will have them all on fins and skins...... Bill
  24. Here is a great place to start for info: AudioKarma.org If you are looking for info on anything BUT BPC (black plastic crap) this is a great place. I have never met a more knowledgeable bunch of people than I have in there. I went through what you are going through now, but last year. This is where I went to find out what I needed to know. What I ended up doing was keeping an eye on epray for something within what I wanted to spend. I got a gem of a Sansui AU-D9 (early 80's) for about $200, way below what I planned on spending, with the specs I was looking for and the most amazing, ear pleasing sound. Some people may shy away from this (old stuff dont know where its been etc etc) but I was expecting to have to do work to it when I got it (recap, deoxit the controls etc) so it was not a big deal for me. It ended up only needing a slight bias voltage adjustment and I was all set. I really did not have any plans on spending upwards of $3k on an amp that sounded the way I wanted it to sound, and so this is why I went the way I did. If you do go the ebay way....audiokarma is a good place to see what you would or should pay for what you are looking for, and a really good place for advice too......much like this place is for fishing info. Are you looking for an integrated amp or pre/power amp? There are a number of manufacturers of tube amps around, but as you mentioned....cost is a factor, but the sound.....oooooh the sound. Dont be intimidated by the fact that they use tubes either. There are a multitude of sources for tubes these days. I have a few tube radios here (ham radio equipment) and they sound far nicer and perform better IMO that alot of the newer solid state stuff. Good luck in your quest.....and by the sounds of it you are well on your way to a good start!! Bill
  25. I am on Bell Distressview too......and the loud commercials really make my toes curl backwards. Especially the blonde ditz advertising bored games. Sound is ok though. Bill
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