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Everything posted by bassboy

  1. Small or not....its a nice looking fish. Great colour/markings!! WTG!! Bill
  2. bassboy

    2 Firsts!

    Awesome fish Guys!! WTG!! Very nice markings on the second one. Bill
  3. Yeah....what Brandon said Always love hearing harmonics........first time I ever heard them was by Alex Lifeson as a teenager and HAD to learn how to do that Never got as good (or anywhere near for that matter) as you.....and did not keep up with it. Excellent Cliff!! Bill
  4. Great report and great pics......sounds like you had a great day!!!!!
  5. I agree! Lets see it!! Bill
  6. Nice fish! What a way to start!!! Welcome!
  7. Honestly....there is more lead in that thing than my whole spinnerbait box LOL. Glad to know I got something decent though....and Pigeon troller got the weight right on. Looked at it tonight and it has 4 oz written on it. I dont even think I have anything that will take it LOL Evster.....at least if you get a dog, you will be able to walk it in shade Thanks for all the info everyone! Bill
  8. Excellent report! Cant wait to read more!!
  9. HI Everyone..... My wife and I were out on Sturgeon today (did not see Cliff on the dock again) and did not really get into much. Some perch, and I missed 2 decent fish....figuring 'eyes by the chunks missing out of my senkos..... However....at the end of the day, I was pulling in the anchor and lo and behold......Look what I got!!! Talk about hook line and sinker........somehow it managed to wrap itself, along with a 36 inch leader and about 25 feet of PP around my anchor. So the day was not a total waste, and I can say that I did not get skunked!!! Looks like it has been there a while.......a lot of the varnish/head cement holding the wraps around the bucktail was weathered/gone. Perhaps Ill be off to the bog in the morning to try it out...... Bill
  10. Great Stuff Ev!! I used to fish that place quite a lot when I was younger. We used to go out all the time and hang out on the rock damn down by 4th ave and hwy 10. In fact I remember when they stocked it with bass and pike. There were some decent rainbows in there at one time too. I heard they rented boats with electric motors in there but had never given it a shot. Caught some nice pike in there.....but looks like there is some nice bass in there too! Great post and WTG!!! Bill
  11. Nice one! Thanks for the heads up!!
  12. Nice one Cliff! Do you do snowblowers? I am supposed to be getting one from my in-laws that needs some stuff.......When I get it Ill drop it off on my way to Moorings.... Bill
  13. Thanks Cliff.... And if you dont mind Ill probably take you up on that.... I did indeed hit the Long Beach area. Piddled around there for an hour trying this spot and that. We were also considering going right to fenelon at one point but headed back to Moorings instead. Still a nice day out on the water anyway..... Thanks for all your help! Bill
  14. And so cometh my Sturgeon report. I am putting it in here because there really is not anything to report....at least fish wise anyway. A few idiots on the lake last night, including one guy in a float plane that taxied to within 50 feet of us drifting and did his take off run beside us. I could almost read his wristwatch LOL. Went out last night for a few hours and got diddly.......skunks smell really revolting dont they? LOL Parked the boat at Moorings for the night, and went out again this morning after staying at my parents in Lindsay. I had a few bites......my wife got a mid sized perch, a sunfish and a small bronzeback that took one look at the boat as she was bringing it in and virtually spit the hook up onto the bow . Lake was on the rough side this morning too. Where did we try? We were in the beginning of Goose Bay for a while, east and west of Moorings....then we went towards Bobcaygeon and fished the north side of the lake where there is a bed of grass next to a small inlet. Tried the shoals around McConnel(?) island and then trolled a bit from just east of McCLarens marnina, up passed Kennedy Bay and towards the channel. I did have a nice tap on my 7" Orange and Gold Rapala last night but did not see a follow. Also tried the west shore going towards Fenelon (to get out of the wind this morning). CLiff......I do have a GPS but its an older one with no maps....so uploading isnt really an option. The charts sound good though. I have the transport Canada set....Saw the burgundy door but did not see anyone on the dock Thanks (and I am sure not just from myself too) for the phone number and the offer of help if needed. Nice to know there are people around like that. I did end up with a trailer load of weeds this afternoon when I came out.....the wind had blown all the loose weeds into the launch at moorings....so I guess I did come out of the lake with something LOL. So there we have it......my Non-Report! Hopefully Gnoddy will have a better report. Bill
  15. Moorings at Snug Harbour is where I go in. We tried it once and both my wife and I agree that its suits us just fine. Hence we bought a seasons pass there. The guy there is a great guy to deal with (Jim). He was charging us $10 to launch and park. The trip up the river is why we went there in the first place. Glad we found it. My parents used to live at Kennedy Bay so you would think I would know where to fish but alas....I lived a long way from there and did not get up as often as I would have liked so thats why I couldnt help much. Just knew some of the general areas. I was told that Goose Bay is really good for bass but have never tried it, as I was warned not to go anywhere near the good spots without an electric motor....so I have stayed on the outskirts of it with only a few sunfish..... Thanks Cliff for also pointing us in the right directions.... Bill
  16. Geoff.... If you catch anything, please dont tell me. I usually get skunks or tiddlers and if you hit it big Ill be peeved LOL. I have never launched at Lindsay.......its free though. I got a seasons pass at Snug Harbour. The few times I have been there, it has not been busy and I have not had to wait.....$10 to launch and park. Tight lines and GL!
  17. Hiya, Cant help much on locations really......but Ill wave if I see you! LOL. Going out Saturday evening and again Sunday morning. I believe they get 'skis along the shore on the south side just east of Snug Harbour....start where the channel markers finish when coming from Lindsay. Apparently both pics and skis in there. My father got a 20" ski there a few years ago on a flour red #3 blue fox, so they are there somewhere. Troll to the point where Kennedy bay is (if you have a map. If not, Kennedy bay is a small cove on the south shore...has a small marina tucked in there.).......cant guarantee you anything though.....my luck in that lake (along with most others I fish in is minimal) Wave if you see us Sorry I cant be much more help...... Bill
  18. And you guys thought that flare guns were used in case of emergency..... :clapping:
  19. And let me guess.......its a nice 'ski too!
  20. Crap...if you brought that thing in my boat I would jump out! :clapping:
  21. Crap.....sounds like I missed a good one. Have a visitor here from Denmark so I could not watch.....will have to try to catch up somehow....I did take a quick look to see what was going on and was disappointed when I saw Carl Edwards in the garage......but did not find out what happened. So Ill have to find out what Robby Gordon did. I have some friends that live in Moorseville (and spent lots of time there going to the shops too). They have a friend who used to be catch can for RG and he said he was a hard guy to work for, which confirmed my suspicions that the guy is an idiot Keep in mind....its my opinion.....if someone here likes RG....sorry. I just dont have a whole of time or respect for the suck. Will have to watch Inside Nextel Cup on Monday and see what they say.....off on a field trip tomorrow so will have to catch what I can of Pocono on Sirius..... Bill
  22. I have been using 6lb flouro for all this year so far and have tied a number of knots with no issues. Clinch knot, uni knot and a trilene knot all seemed to work. However, I did have this problem with some 12lb spiderwire mono.....and everything broke. I summoned it to a bad spool of line. In fact the line never made it to water. A few years ago I had a similar problem with some Gold Stren I was trying for the first time. I have not used any Stren product since then..... Perhaps you got a bad batch/old spool of line? Bill
  23. Thanks MJL I have a whole whack of it here (5 reels worth) and loath to throw it away....like those plastic things that come around cans....I always cut them up so no birds (even if they are seagulls) choke on them or get caught up somehow....I would imagine fishing like would be the same. Never thought of using it for backing though. Thats a great idea. Thanks! Bill
  24. Hiya! Just curious what everyone does with their old stripped off line? I dont want to throw it in the garbage......and dont know what else to do with it. I heard some time ago that bait and tackle shops take it in but have never seen any facilities for this. Any help is gratefully appreciated! Thanks, Bill
  25. Hi PH, Not sure what its like at the store level, but I had dealings with Rona a few years ago with both the IT departments and the Finance departments. Visited the head office in Boucherville as well, and they were very good to deal with in my estimations. They were organized very well, and were very easy to work with. I hope that helps....I know its not at the store level, but if corporate is any reflection....you will enjoy it. I also had dealings with Lowe's head office with similar results, and have a very good friend who works at the head office in Mooresville NC. He loves it there.....left a great paying job in Boston, Ma to go with them and has not looked back since. Best of luck in whatever it is you do at any rate!!! Cheers, Bill
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