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Everything posted by bassboy

  1. Drive backwards if you are able to.......seriously. This used to happen to me on my '88 Ranger. If you drive in reverse, it causes the self adjuster to re-set the shoes and will quite often snap the cable back. I had to do that on several occasions........ My 2 cents worth anyway. Hope it helps.... Bill
  2. Wooohooooooo!! Nice fish Bly!! WTG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bill
  3. TJ...I am very envious As well....my most fav band of all time. The lyrics have thought put into them and tell a story. The music is very technical, complex, and well thought out (at least in my estimations anyway). I have seen them a number of times myself, though not as of late. As for fav songs, I could list far too many here, but if I were to pick three, would be La Villa Strangiato, YYZ.....was amazed when I learned Morse code and figured out that the first part of the song was based on the morse code for the airport code for Toronto, and then Jacob's Ladder...Does anyone know how many times Neil changes the timing on the fly in that song? Ill give that air guitar champion a run for his money if they want to do it to a rush song. Or even air drums for that matter The talents of these guys never cease to amaze me...... Thanks very much for posting the pics TJ!!!!!! Bill
  4. Sorry to hear the news.....Both of you are in my thoughts and prayers. Bill
  5. Excellent!!! WTG Bly!!! Nice fish too!! And there are more where that came from too!! Bill
  6. Some nice fish there Evster. WTG!!! Catfish on a spinnerbait though?? Thats an odd one. Had crappie take them before but not catfish. Kinda like the guy I saw catch a catfish on a red devil..... Sounds like you had a good weekend. Did you find any good hunting spots or were you pre-occupied? Great report!! Bill
  7. Nice fish!! Note to self: When Lew talks......LISTEN!! WTG!! Bill
  8. I will not get zoned on youtube videos. I will not get zoned on youtube videos. I will not get zoned on youtube videos. :lol: Nice link. Of course once I am there I went and checked out some other vids too. Had to drag myself away..... Some neat stuff there......like a 15.5 Kilo pike (34 pounds?). twas a beeeeeg mawnster. Bill
  9. I would be too!! Nice Job!!! Bill
  10. WTG Iceguy! I am glad there are people like you around, and I like hearing about stuff like this. I agree with slowpoke.....you WON the derby!! Bill
  11. What the h e double hockey sticks is wrong with people????? *shakes head* I am with you Shawn....I hope he is not someone from here..... Brutal
  12. After watching a couple of those on utube, I noticed this address......lots more where the utube ones came from. I had no idea we had UAV's....... Candian Forces Combat Camera Bill
  13. The big one is out there waiting for you Cliff!!!! Happy Birthday!! Bill
  14. Cripes..... 3 days in a row now........Awesome Nice brown Bly!!!!! If you guys are taking numbers and starting a line for people to go hang out with you.....Ill start the line here WTG!!! Bill
  15. Great pics and nice report Shawn!!! Sounds like you guys were busy!!!! Nice Muskie.....what am I saying.....nice everything!! WTG! Bill
  16. Awesome Cliff! Two nice ones!!! You are going to have me out on shore now...... WTG on your PG too. Bly's turn now!!
  17. Nice fish!! Great markings! Also nice to know they are there! WTG! Bill
  18. Congratulations!! Bill
  19. Nice fish Cliff! Congrats and WTG! Got me thinking about some Salmon from shore now........I am sure my wife will be impressed! LOL Do you think I could introduce her to Bly perhaps?? Please??? Bill
  20. Congrats and Good Luck!!!! Bill
  21. Note to self: Dont wear a matching hat and PFD! :clapping: Nice report Evster!! You caught more fish in a day there than I did in a while when I used to fish there years ago. Never did pull any bass out of there. It always seemed to be pike in there. Nice report and WTG! Bill
  22. Nice fish....and nice reaction from the cottagers too WTG!!! Bill
  23. The motor was broken in the day before in excess of the manuals instructions. Manual called for varying throttle for first hour of operation but not wide open, and second hour was similar with short bursts of WOT. The engine was run at varying throttle (but not WOT) for 2 hours and similar for the three hour and next half hour mark with occasional WOT. Explained this to the dealer and was told that was more than adequate. They checked the engine over and found nothing to be out of the ordinary....so them and me are still none the wiser....
  24. If its an older motor it may not...It was a 25 HP Yamaha I had the problem with. Thermostat stuck closed and it would overheat. Stop the motor for a bit and it would be ok for 10 minutes or so more. Was out in the middle of Moira lake when it happened.....was lucky someone stopped to give me a tow to the marina. My new Merc has an alarm so bloody loud you can hear it clear across the other side of the lake. Second day I had the thing out on the water the cooling system packed it in......and there is no way you could miss the alarm. Needless to say I let it cool....restarted it and it was fine idling...enough so to get me over to someone to ask for help (after they already went by me as I was waving my hands above my head frantically to get them to stop....to which they replied with a wave and kept going for a bit.). The odd part about it was that I took it back to where I bought it, and they could not find anything wrong with it. Had no problems since then either (touch wood). Bill
  25. Any chance of a bad thermostat/overheat problem? Sounds like it runs long enough to get hot.......bogs......cools down and then goes again until it gets hot..... Just a thought anyway. That happened to me a few years ago. Still a cheap fix but a PITA just the same Bill
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