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Everything posted by fishermccann

  1. Annandale golf course, under the 401 bridge.
  2. Yes they are OK I have dealt with them many a time, even bought my first canoe there( 1976) and last year a new 9.9.
  3. Glad to be part of it!
  4. Sorry , but I think ALL muskie should be catch and release. Let every-one you catch go.
  5. I work in long term care ,and we a NOT allowed to restrain residents, they must be given the freedom to fall. You must have a fence and gate around a pond or pool in your backyard, what is so wrong with that.
  6. I think that it is to prevent people from claiming ignorance of the law as a defence, " but you passed the test". Guilty.
  7. They all have a GPS in them , we know where you are!!!
  8. Yes I have used it but not on a boat. Garden furniture, white metal, put it on 4-5 years ago and still holding strong. PS. wear gloves when you mix the putty together , it was almost impossible to get off my fingers afterwards.
  9. Balsam and Cameron Lakes.
  10. I played hockey with a teammate who had an artificial leg, and the other team did not know it. He was hit and the leg flew off into the corner ,a guy on the other team puked on the ice when he saw it laying in the corner. true story.
  11. Do people really want a pat on the back when they post? OK then " nice fish".
  12. WHY? We will take it( if we have too), at par.
  13. He was in one of the best movies of all time , The Blues Brothers.
  14. Mountain Lions ? Any pics? Lots, would love to see proof!
  15. In T.O. "packin" , does not mean snow!
  16. Great story, and pics. I felt I was there with you, congrats on the beast.
  17. Happy B.DAY . You are a voice of reason on this site, thanks.
  18. You, are being naive ,if you think ,that innocent people do not pay to prove it.
  19. OK, What if your daughter IS the drug dealer. Makes as much sence as your statment.He is busting people who are breaking the law, I have no simpathy for criminals. If you talk on the phone while driving YOU ARE a criminal.What they should do is take away the phone untill you get to court.
  20. Till your hit in the rear by someone on a phone, need more violent than that?
  21. Yes, you can do what you want, BUT you saw his badge, and would most likly be found guilty in court. You would have made your point, but you would still pay the price for refusel.
  22. I do not think you have the right to refuse a lawful request by a police officer.There is also a charge for that.
  23. You are X times more likly to be in an accident, if using a phone while driving, lets call it what it is ," impared driving", impaired by phone.
  24. Lots of people launch from the beach on the west side daily , some 2 wheel drives depending on the boat/trailer.
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