Where on Frenchmans Bay are you talking about? The beach on the east side spit, has large rocks placed so you cannot drive onto the bay in winter and those rocks prevent boat launching the rest of the year. Swans marina on the west side will let you launch there for a fee. Still slushy ice on half the bay on east side.
Last Friday Jan 29th I was on Frenchmans Bay and we had 8 inches of ice under us. Went out on Monday Feb.1st in the same spot , only 5 inches of ice , that shows how quick it can disappear.
I am on Cameron Lake where the slot size is 35 to 50 cm. About 50% of Walleye that I catch are in that slot size , 30% would be below the slot size and 20% would be above the slot size. How it is working I could not tell you, but I do know that I have caught more big Walleye in the past couple of years than I did before.
Many anglers wanted and asked for a hard water fishery in the Kawarthas. How do you do what is asked but not provide an avenue for the criminal element to take advantage?
You should try saying anything bad about harper on the OOD website forum, you will be flamed for weeks or even months. It seems on there that you must be a conservative to enjoy hunting and fishing.
My B. in L. lives right on the west side of the bay and I live 200 yards from the east side. I only fish it in winter, on the ice ( trout, pike, panfish) ,when I don't have the time to get to Simcoe, and the early spring from shore for big pike.
I feel that if you get 4 years out of a battery you have got your moneys worth, I have had many that last only a couple of years and many that last 5-6. Sometimes same make and size.