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Everything posted by pigeonfisher

  1. Happened to me when I was young. The girl driving the car I was in was 16 and sober, I was 15. She was in the hospital for 8 months following the crash. I lost all memory of my childhood, remember nothing. I was in Europe two years before it happened. I didn't know that until I was almost 20 years old when it came up in conversation with the family. The guy who hit us was three times over the limit. It would have been his 5th conviction. The only thing his family asked the police when they called to notify them of his death was if he hurt anyone "this time". I laid in the middle of the street like that girl as the helicopter landed beside Mayfield Rd in Brampton. They put a steel blanket on me to protect me from the glass flying in the streets. I thought that was it. Guess not, I am fine. But a good lesson.
  2. Did you get funny looks at the post office?
  3. this didn't work out well last time...
  4. And to you all....
  5. Looks good, Rick. Hope he picks up over the next few days.
  6. Merry Burfday FF#2. I know, how original.
  7. If anyone has earned it...Glad to hear that your day has brightened up. We do have a real community here.
  8. That's funny. Your buddy will love that pic.
  9. Dang Rick. We had a big one with one of our cats a couple years ago. He just woke up from a nap on my chest! Gotta love'm. Sorry to hear about the divorce also.
  10. Good morning all, Seems like a couple may be hitting the egg nog early. Be safe out there today. It is icey and many others have been into the egg nog. Keep your wits about you. Merry Christmas and best wishes for all in 2008.
  11. Agreed, where is steve? Merry Christmas Aaron. and Joey, dawg, and all the other members from the original swillers.
  12. If you can't fish there, Maybe hit Lake X!!!
  13. Awesome...And you guys have the same haircut.
  14. i got wet...but only half way...hahahahah
  15. You got it. What river? I am clueless.
  16. Raf, i will have a deck and cold beer. starting end of April...
  17. Heading to Hanover, PA. Just this side of Baltimore, MD if you are on a map. Rick, Life is a 2 for 1 wing night. Now if only I could convince the bank that the negative number in my account is a positive number I would be truly set!
  18. It's only like my favorite animal.
  19. We try as we may, to keep ourselves prudent Reading the laws of the lands, today we're the students As we sit by the table, our catch is our feast a knock on the door, Oh No it's the beast It's Maw and Oh my he thinks he's the police An unwanted search, with nothing to seize "Donny" says jim from across our friends table "We have nothing here, Move on if you please"
  20. I passed this year on offering the standard bottle or gift card to those that I spend my days with and will be passing on other "standards" for those closest to me. I read many, many books and few actually touch me or teach me to be better; however, I am always able to take something from them that I can use in my day to day life. Think & Grow Rich is not a “get rich quick book” but truly an enabler, Napoleon Hill teaches a few thought processes that will become tools in your tool box of life. You or those that you pass the book on to can take home the ability to become “Rich in mind”, set your goals high and desire with every ounce of your body to achieve them. Desire is what separates the good from the great and the great from the best. This book is about selling ideas to the most important decision maker in your life, YOU!!! I am a believer in "The Good Life" earned through hard work, dedication and perseverance. What I learned over the last few weeks was how to define the difference maker, "Desire". I set (at the time) very lofty goals for myself when I was 18 years old, both family and financial. Now an old man (29) I have achieved ALL of my major goals. I have a beautiful wife, two beautiful little boys, a couple of pets, a white Ford station wagon and a clear mind. My wife and I are transitioning into a new life in 2008. Moving into a new house, in a new country, with a new job. I say bring it on. I have busted my butt over the last 10 years to get here and I can't wait to take the next challenge. If you want to be better next year, have a goal that has been hanging out there that seems unattainable or need to improve your lot in life (financially, mentally or otherwise) then take some time and invest in yourself. This is a good way to get the juices going. Sorry for my ramblings...I woke up VERY MOTIVATED today! Come on life, Let's Get it On!!!
  21. I sampled Glen Breton at the Royal York a few months ago. We were doing well in the Library and looking for a single malt to pass the evening. Barkeep brought us three very small samples of his top three singles. Twas nice, very whisky tasting compared with others. Could be thoughts in my mind playing that trick but I thought it to be a rye tastes
  22. Roy called from above "Now you children play nice". For soon you shall have that bounty on ice.
  23. i signed my last one ( a second mortgage) at 5.25%. The new one in the states which is higher interest will be in the neighbourhood of 6%. I agree with Rick. Use your money, cash is best spent making cash or making fun.
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