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Everything posted by pigeonfisher

  1. I sure was laughing when I typed it. Looks like a great day. Never met Cliff and Carole but have enjoyed my time with Doogle!!!
  2. The mud on that fish, you should be disgusted with yourself. If every fish were handled in such a way neither you, nor your peers will have the opportunity to catch them in the future... I hope you are proud. Next go for goldfish at the Mandarin.
  3. Where was the little one?
  4. Beer going up in price?
  5. Grolsh Pop tops Grolsh Tall Cans when on sale for $1.95 per Blue Moon
  6. that is one of the funnier jokes of all time.
  7. I never found one of those comfortable head reasts... That was a lot of drink that weekend. I was able to trade it for rides in boats, food, other drink, smoked fish...the list goes on.
  8. Wow...Never seen this before...hahahaha
  9. DANG, BEER, CHICKEN WINGS, ELITISM... Formerly from Paul Dillons Garage Floor....Presently residing in Grand Valley...Soon to be Resident of New Oxford, PA. Just wake up and enjoy...
  10. CHAT?
  11. That is true about the stress thing. I wake up every day and do the very best I can to make that day one of my top 10 days of all time. 1-5 are taken for some pretty serious stuff. 6-10, it's game time. The very worst blow life could deal me would leave me in the top 5% (Mental Wealth) in the world. We are blessed to be allowed to worry about the frivols of life. Now I also understand passion, entitlement, accessibility, and even the debate over backgrounds in a photo. IMAGINE for one minute some of the terrible things that people within a 5km radius (10-20 for you guys out in the sticks) are having to deal with tonight without the support networks like we have. Anyhow...I love it. Opportunities are ready to smack you in the face tomorrow...are you ready? I am !!!!
  12. hahahaha, Dude, it get's better by the minute. Just proof that Truth is stranger than Fiction.
  13. So then, Let's us it on the Near North Anglers and Swillers!!! TEP, Colin, Raf, Gerritt, Spiel, John, Kelvin...I can't even remember! Can't forget Lew coming out to a couple. Mepps came out to a couple...DANG I know some nights lasted a long time. One night we ended up at Gerritts house and he showed us the "lady shows" on the big screen
  14. It was a long, long time ago, but I can still remember...the day the first swill happened. Myyyyy, Myyyy did the pitchers run dry. Drove my chevy to the firehall but the taps were all dry. Good old boys were eating wings and telling lies. The day the swillers tried...
  15. Fortunately I have no rage, hahahahaaa.
  16. hahahahaa.... BEER, CHICKEN WINGS, ELITISM
  17. I can't wait for fishing to open up again. Not that I fish but you guys all have the rage. If you can read the posts with a smile it makes it all seem like a bit of comic relief. People from one side of the country calling people on the other side losers for not liking the weather, nets or no nets, why would you make a post to say you caught fish, it goes on...and on...and on. FYI life is pretty good. If these complaints (other than poor Rickster who's brother does need out thoughts today) are the worst things that are happening in peoples lives it goes to show that we are a very wealthy (Mental Wealth and Monetary Wealth) and happy society! I hope you all have a wonderful day today. Please keep this up because it sure is entertaining!!!!
  18. Tiller!!!
  19. Be well. I hope that bro is OK and we hear back from you soon. We have london "people" that could meet you for a pint or a wing if some time off is what you need.
  20. DANG, Beer, Chicken Wings, Elitism!!!! Anything you can imagine has been discussed on here, sometimes pulled, sometimes left alive to live it's course. We have had family and friends have great successes, great heart aches, live through pain and live through the support of the OFC. As with anything in life, you can watch and learn the environment which you live. Understand what get's punished and what doesn't. Sometimes you will find that the good old boys network will prevail, praise be to the good old boys!!! You will get upset because your post gets pulled but Big Cliff posts the same thing in two days and it is met with great reception. Such is life. If you feel you need to defend, rather than explain your position on a certain subject you may consider whether or not it belongs on a fishing forum. I don't defend topics in life as I tend to get emotional in defense. If I can't respond in an explanatory or enlightened way then I don't do it. In life and here. Enjoy it kids. It won't be around forever and if it gets abused it will be gone before you know it. No spell check, grammar check, OFC RULE check or other checks have been performed on this post. DANG, BEER, CHICKEN WINGS, ELITISM
  21. You are always such a positive contributor Nate! Keep up the good work!
  22. nice to see a fresh bloom! cheers.
  23. I am there...
  24. You just should have asked if you wanted to know. Regards, Chuck Norris
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