DANG, Beer, Chicken Wings, Elitism!!!!
Anything you can imagine has been discussed on here, sometimes pulled, sometimes left alive to live it's course.
We have had family and friends have great successes, great heart aches, live through pain and live through the support of the OFC.
As with anything in life, you can watch and learn the environment which you live. Understand what get's punished and what doesn't. Sometimes you will find that the good old boys network will prevail, praise be to the good old boys!!! You will get upset because your post gets pulled but Big Cliff posts the same thing in two days and it is met with great reception. Such is life.
If you feel you need to defend, rather than explain your position on a certain subject you may consider whether or not it belongs on a fishing forum. I don't defend topics in life as I tend to get emotional in defense. If I can't respond in an explanatory or enlightened way then I don't do it. In life and here.
Enjoy it kids. It won't be around forever and if it gets abused it will be gone before you know it.
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