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Everything posted by Harrison

  1. We would like to wish everyone on OFC a very Merry Fishmas and a Fishful 2011. OFC was the first place to display our Toons a year ago this month. Thank you to TJ and the rest of the mod squad for helping us get to where we are today and to those OFNers who have shown their support. Stay tooned, there is lots planned for 2011. We wish everyone a fun, safe holiday season. All the best, Phil (Harrison) and Maureen (Lake Ranger) Creators - Off the Dock Toons December Toon as featured in this months OFC Emag
  2. HEY, atleast we can eat our words!
  3. I saw the quote but forget exactly how it went. Something around "they have to wake up and smell the breakfast"
  4. Another year wiser, and on the rocks please! All the best Teej!
  5. That is awesome Craig. About a decade later that area was our #1 go to opening morning. Can only imagine what it was like early 80's. Great shot!!! I have the same Stanton, and the later one with the handles. Once and a while I let my bro borrow it...
  6. Humour has many tastes. Persoanlly, I think it is a great ad. Some people don't like or get the movie Napoleon Dynomite, I can't get through the first 3 mins without busting a gut.
  7. I have two lil gals 4 and 2. This by far has been the worst year with them being sick. Guaranteed atleast one has a cold or flu at any given time. Makes me madder then Roy with a yo yo.
  8. I found some of these on an old OFC photobucket account: Here is one from when I ran the guide service. and a small promo ad I ran for Simcoe spring fishing, anyone recognize the purdy lady... Some may renember my posts around trying to figuring out lake Scugog smallies a few years ago. One of my bro and I from the first BoQ GTG years ago. Here is one while I was playing around with a digital camera when they first came out. I remember it was around $700 or $800 for a 3 mega pixel. Great OFC memories, fun idea Joe.
  9. I remember going to one of those, but can't recall leaving.
  10. I mentioned Otter because it is cheaper then the other Muskoka lakes, or was when our family bought there. There are still good deals to be found there I believe. 7 figure mark you mention above would go further on this lake from what I know. Good luck in your hunt.
  11. I was going to PM you slowpoke, but if you can afford it.....it is a really nice lake. Small, intimate, great scenery and good fishing. I have property there, it's a nice lil cottagie fell place with-in reason.
  12. Hey Shane, I was meaning the decoys my friend when I said birds. I agree 100 percent with you re: lead. Yes sir, I'd love the chance to get out with you. Actually, you will join me up north for the ponds next year.
  13. Another little gem is Otter Lake. West Muskoka's. One of my personal fav's.
  14. hey Shane. No not over these ones. But have shot over wood birds once on Lake Erie. Late season divers, it was a blast. Haven't done alot of waterfowling as of late. If the lead ban was on years ago, there'd be alot more of these birds in better shape! I have contacted that gentleman, thanks for the link.
  15. 3 or 4 boats one day. 10-12 after the post was made in the spring about filming there. Part of the game unfortunately. Wait til this spring. Been there, done it. We've ruined a couple lil spots filming over the years. As years go by you relieze how valuable these little gems were. There are no secreet spots, just well kept ones.
  16. Hey Floatman55. That's awesome! Good for you. I think if you had them now, well, you could more then furnish your house! Your right about the internet. Just put them up and see what happens. Thanks One of the Hen Whistlers by Ferman Eyre.
  17. I know alittle bit about decoys. Here are a couple others. I used to be an avid waterfowler, not so much anymore with a young fam. Not a collector either really, these will be up for sale soon. Thanks Randy, I'll have a looksee at that carver. I do think they are Eastern Ontario though. We'll see. thanks again Whistler Drake, Carver Ferman Eyre. Have 2 Hen Whistlers too by him. Bufflehead, Dunville Ontario
  18. Hi all, is there anyone here that collects or has knowledge of old wood duck decoys. I have come across a few of them and need help identifying some. Mostly Ontario birds, Prince Edward county, Brockville and Thousand islands area I believe. A few are from Ferman Eyre(1882-1969)Brockville Ontario. Here are 3 I am looking for help with... Est. 1920's 3 pc. Black Duck Eastern Ontaio Est. 1930's Black Duck Eastern Ontario 1930's Tack eye Canvasback Lake Erie Thanks Phil
  19. Agreed but very tough for a young man to get. What ever you do, DO NOT get sucked into the 10 and 15 yr loans. I know some folks who have and after 5 or 6 years, well, they wish they didn't. Lets put it that way.
  20. You can call Tightline Fisherman's Warehouse (905) 837-0544; 1050 Brock Rd, Pickering, ON, L1W3X4 They are on the way.
  21. Glutten eh. Great story CPH. And thanks for the heads up on the ice cond.
  22. She is a very talented artist, teacher and an amazing all around person. I am very fortunate to have a business partner and friend like her. Love the print John, it is almost like Prince Benson was posing for it.
  23. I was thinking of going today as well to Rice but the temps the last couple days and with the rain last night and this morning I have other thoughts...... to the Riva.
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