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Everything posted by Stoty

  1. I run a 36" LG LCD in our bedroom, 46" Sony Bravia LCD in the living room and 55" Samsung LED in the basement. Have to say that the LED kicks the crap out of both the LCD's in pretty much everything. In my experience, I'd say go with the LED, hands down.
  2. No harm? Just because they can't reproduce doesnt mean they wont cause any harm. By the sounds of it, these things demolish a big chunk of plant life in the water, which isnt a good thing... especially when half of it goes back into the water as waste. Sure, them not being able to re-produce is great, but that doesnt have any bearing on the damage they do while they're alive. What if a few hundred or thousand get into our lakes..... that's A LOT of plant life gone, and A LOT of waste put into the water which isnt good for our native and self-sustaining species. I just don't get why people cant respect the rules. It's for all of our own good.
  3. EXACTLY!!! Typical ignorance of today's world though..people only care about something if it's for their own benefit.
  4. Tekota's FOR SURE. Awesome reels! I fish Quinte a lot and have used Diawa's, Okuma's and Shimano's, with Shimano's being superior BY FAR. The Diawa's/Okuma's freeze up during cold weather, so they're useless on Quinte in the Fall (when it counts). I've been running Tekota's for a years now, and haven't had a single issue with them. I literally fish until the ice wont let me in early/late November, December and even January.
  5. Thanks for the reply Dave, however I will have my Nitro with me. That might be a little heavy to portage.
  6. That's insane!!!! What an Absolutely get a lawer and go after him. "poop happens"????? Give your head a shake moron. Should have laid him out before the cop arrived and claimed it was from the accident! Stick it to this jerk.....
  7. I actually had this happen to me with a chug bug (topwater) bait!! There was this MASSIVE explosion, so I waited a second and set the hook into what I thought was easily a 5lb+ fish.... turned out to be two 2.5lbers that had literally hit the bait at the same time!
  8. Thanks for the replies gents.
  9. Anyone been fishing Restoule/Stormy/Clear lakes recently? How's the bite for bass/walleye/pike? What's the water temp? Any info is much appreciated!
  10. Congrats Roy! My wife and I are expecting our first child (a SON!) around the start of October, so I can def appreciate your excitement!
  11. Have you thought about a Flasher unit for ice fishing, like a Vexilar or Humminbird Ice 35, 45, 55? I used to guide on Quinte for Walleye and I swear by them. I WILL NOT go on the ice without one. BY FAR the most crucial tool for landing Quinte monsters on a regular basis, IMO.
  12. The spring was unreal. Since the water temps have skyrocketed.... its been a little slow to say the least. Best bet is to find a deeper weedline and work it hard. On another note... the Bass are on fire though! lol
  13. Find a weedline in 8-10 fow and rip bucktails along it, and throw cranks along the line.
  14. Looks like a great trip for sure! Can't beat GoPro's! Love those things!
  15. Just think.... if everyone actually weighed the fish, there wouldn't be so many embellishments! Cause fishermen never lie....
  16. Weird... cause it was pretty easy to find out about you....
  17. Absolutely! I don't use anything but them. Awesome hooks! For smallies I typically use the Size 2 ones.
  18. Frodo, do your research a little better..... I have a 225HP and not a 200HP.... LMAOOOOOOOO
  20. If it makes you feel any better, last year on Bass opener on Rice Lake, I lost an HD camcorder (with internal hard drive) and the tripod it was attached to after forgetting to take it off the back deck before taking off.... lmao. Thank god for GoPro's!
  21. LMAOOOOOO Ya, and might as well tax anyone that doesnt drive a Chevy Volt as well.... Last time I checked 9.9 HP motors use GAS too. LOL
  22. Marshmallow....................
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