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Everything posted by Stoty

  1. THAT A BOY! Great choice! When you get some footage, be sure to shoot the links my way as I'm looking for some great footage for use in the project I'm working on.
  2. LOL that's awesome! Let's just hope you dont piss a few people off by not putting "NF" in the title!
  3. Exactly! I love my Nanook!
  4. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PS - You owe me a new monitor and bottle of coke!
  5. 400lbs....?? Maybe ask your two buddies that are sitting on it while you tow, to jump off!
  6. Congrats on the new PB's!! Some beauty fish for sure! Sorry to hear about the prop though... but good on you for marking it out so others don't hit it.
  7. We even have professional dieticians on here too eh! Who would have known!?!?!
  8. Twin Peaks in Napanee is where I normally stay.
  9. No ice bungalow's on Quinte... but get in touch with Jeff C of the "Quinte Ice Fishing Team" if you're looking for a good guide service for the hardwater!
  10. Nope...their videos!
  11. Hey everyone, I'm looking to get some great footage for a new project I'm working on that is dedicated strictly to the use of GoPro's while fishing. Please PM me the links to your favourite pictures/videos and I'll choose the best footage to display on the website. Please ONLY submit pictures/videos that have been taken using GoPro's. Cheers, Stoty
  12. Didn't want to piss anyone off!!!
  13. Caught on an XZone "Slim" Slammer!!!!
  14. Apparently he failed his "boaters exam".... AMEN brother, what a tool behind the wheel!
  15. I'm not sure about that....seems like those are their everyday things. They can just afford to do them all the time because they're rich. lol
  16. One of my fav shows for sure!!! Willie has a MINT wife, MINT truck and MINT bass boat! Si and Jase crack me up, big time!
  17. List of all the Black Friday Flyers...
  18. I have a Nanook and pull it by hand ALL the time, as I dont have a sled or ATV. It's really not bad at all. I've rigged mine up to be able to remove one seat when I'm fishing along, and that cuts the weight down a bit. As long as you have cleats you're fine dragging it by hand.
  19. Yes, Quite is def a year-to-year/day-to-day type of ice fishing place. There's a few "community" spots where you can walk-out from but again, depends on the ice. Hopefully the ice will be a lot better than last year. PM me later in the season when the ice is in, and I'll try and provide some info/safe spots to get out there.
  20. Yup! I was filming in 1440p, so it must have compressed it quite a bit.
  21. My buddy's (and board member) new PB Walleye he caught today on Quinte. Measured a solid 31.5" x 18.5" and weighed in at 12.52 lbs! Got to test out in the new Hero 3 camera, and boy it is sweet! Awesome to have on the boat. Video
  22. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
  23. I'm gonna have to disagree with that. With the technology we have (cameras, taxidermy, etc), there's absolutely no reason to keep a trophy fish these days as the replica's are identical and a lot of the time look even better than the actual fish. What's the point of harvesting a 15lb Walleye anyways? The meat isn't great from a fish that old. Edit to add: I had a client in 2010 catch a walleye that went just over 10lbs. It was hooked deep and was bleeding pretty badly. He obviously had the option to keep it..and declined, and since I knew there was a good shot at the fish not making it, I decided to not let it go to waste and kept it myself. The meat was JUNK. It was a greyish colour and rubbery.
  24. Def make the drive to Quinte if your schedule allows it.... But do yourself a favour and focus on Walleye. It's a world class Walleye fishery and by far the best chance at landing a true trophy (well over 10lbs) plus tons of 2-5lb "eaters" as well. Mind you, while Walleye fishing, you're likely to hit some Jumbo perch, and the odd other species as well, but 95% of people go to Quinte for the chance at a MONSTER walleye. Def worth it if you land that fish of a lifetime!
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