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Everything posted by Stoty

  1. Ya, exactly. I have a brand new '06 Merc on my boat, and dont feel like ripping it off the back of my boat! I have the Adventure Fishing Maps of Clear/Stoney, but would prefer a nice topo of them. Anyone have a link to download a topo map?
  2. Ahhh, that's not good to hear! And with the past few days of poopty weather, probably isnt going to help either. Maybe I will just try to get some crappie's as well. I am new to the Stoney/Clear lake area, so don't know much about it. Does anyone have a topo map of clear/stoney? Are there any good spots in Clear to find crappie's?
  3. Hey everyone, Has anyone been on Stoney/Clear Lakes for walleyes yet this year? I am heading to my cottage on Clear Lake this weekend and hoping the bite is on! Anyone have any reports yet?
  4. Thats great, I will have to look that unit up! Eagle is a decent make then? I am going up to BPS Friday morning to check out the selection they have. THey have the Eagle FishElite 642c iGps on sale right now for $649. Thanks again for all the input.
  5. I will mainly be fishing lakes around the Kawartha chain, so they are all relatively shallow. I will be targeting bass/walleye/pike/crapppie. I see that BPS has an Eagle FishElite 502C iGPS on sale right now. Is that a decent unit? I don't need a $1500-2000 unit, even though it would be nice! I just want something that will function as a fishfinder/GPS, with the capability to store topo map information. Would that eagle be a good bet?
  6. Great, thanks for the help! I will take a look at the Lowrance models, but am not sure if I want to spend that much!! I was hoping to spend in the $500-700 range. What about software, the eagle website has a few different pieces of software available (HotSpots, etc). Do most of the units come with software? How do I download map data? Sorry for all the questions, but I want to make sure I do my research before spending a bunch of money!
  7. Hey everyone, I am looking to buy a good Fishfinder/GPS/Mapping unit for my boat, and need a little help figuring out which one to buy. What I am looking for is: - Colour fishfinder - Built-in GPS - Spots for memory sticks, so I can download maps of Ontario lakes. Which is the best unit to go with? What "mapping" software is the best for lakes in Ontario? I have looked at the Eagle FishElite 642c iGps. Is this one of the top units? Any help is greatly appreciated! You can reply to this or email me at [email protected] Thanks in advance, *Stoty*
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