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Everything posted by Riparian

  1. The GRCA has apparently put the kiebash on ice fishing at Belwood this year. Not that I am a regular to this lake, but plans for trying it out have been squashed. http://news.therecord.com/News/Local/article/284642 I think someone has mentioned this before, but I just thought I would put it out there again.
  2. Ya im with you guys... to hell with that
  3. it is not a set of "Y" bones as if it were a pike. The culinary term for it is "pin bones" and they are easily removed with needlenose pliers after 24 hours in the fridge. if you buy a salmon fillet in the grocery store it will most likely come with the same set of bones, Unless you ask them to remove it for you.
  4. Clamp It, how many times have we told you... you cant use your Pancor Jackhammer with the lazer sights and the 48 shot clip to hunt geese here! :D
  5. That is quite a mix bag of lures. Did you aquire them as some sort of package deal? I see some name brands in there.
  6. how does the VPG work for you? It looks like it comes second to your flasher.
  7. This thread has gone terribly wrong
  8. The legend Elite series rod seems really expensive compared to whats out there in combo form. But I like the idea of the spring tip. Seems to be a better design than the panfish popper spring tip. I use a medium light premier series for perch. I like it alot better than the ultra lights Ive had before.
  9. Nice report.
  10. Good to know. Thanks, -Rip
  11. you call that a trout...
  12. I just had to look this one up. Apparently, there is such a thing as a "Tigon" as well. who knew.
  13. Whats a spider hole?
  14. I pay 260 for my 97 skidoo 440 mxz. Keep in mind I am 23 years old.
  15. Dead on "bottom" for me. As long as the swim bladder within the fish has not ruptured, the dead bait will float up off the bottom a few inches, being weighed down by your weight. I try not to let the bait get waterlogged and lie on the river bottom. Lake smelts, head on and uncleaned are my favourite for still water or drift fishing from shore. The pike fishing in my area using this technique this year has produced a big fat nothing. All my favourite holes are low and clear. They never recovered from the summer.
  16. Fast moving snowmobiles or any vehicle are hard on weak ice. They create pressure waves in the water under the ice which can blow the ice apart if conditions are right. It was an accident, I dont think "natural selection at its finest" is an appropriate comment at this point in time.
  17. Alot depends on the size of the carcass, if it was a fawn or not. All the coyotes ive seen in the london area woodlots have been coyote/dog hybrids, and have been traveling alone, not in packs. In my area they are hunted with dogs quite frequently. It is open season on them all year round. Alot of them carry mange, and need to be taken down.
  18. This time of year weak deer are dying off from the onset of winter. Some get hit by cars and wander off before dying. I have found several carcasses stripped of meat as you describe in my woodlots that border major highways. My guess is that the legs of the animal wont be far. All the carcasses I found were void of appendages as well, but Ive discovered them as far as a half mile away. Coyotes, or "coydogs" are refered to by locals because they are almost always a coyote/domestic dog mix around the london area. From what I know, they will not expend the energy to attack and kill a deer. Pack animals such as wolves will, but they are non existent in this area.
  19. Thanks for the review.
  20. No problem. What I like to do is scope out an area with the crown land use atlas, figure out how to get there with the road map (google earth) then start looking for local bait and tackle shops or guide services via the internet and telephone. They will hold the local information that you need. Call them, e-mail them, they will be glad to talk to you.
  21. http://crownlanduseatlas.mnr.gov.on.ca/ use road maps to find lake access points. You would be suprised at the backroads that are listed on google earth.
  22. Im not sure why they call them all season tires... they should be called 3 season tires.
  23. Im from Tavi. When were you planning on going?
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