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Everything posted by Riparian

  1. Thanks for the replys
  2. Nice pics Sherriff.
  3. The Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake, the only venomous snake in the province of Ontario. Its seems unlikely that any snakes can survive our winters, but apparently they do. http://www.massasauga.ca/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Massasauga_Rattlesnake http://www.ojibway.ca/rattler.htm According to my research, they are only present in four areas across Ontario. Windsor, the wainfleet whats his name in the Niagra region, the Bruce Peninsula and the eastern shores of Georgian Bay. Has anyone ever ran into one before? I would love to see one in the wild. From a distance.
  4. They are probably confused as hell wondering what all these things are on the other side of the glass staring at the all the time.
  5. my guess is you are talking about the marabou jig. Most likely the riverwood or varient since they have gained alot of hype these last few years. I would not worry about them too much. Sure they are effective, but they need to be fished properly to be. I have not mastered the jig technique myself, I buy several every once in a while but they all end up stuck in a rock somewhere. Like I said they need to be fished in the correct manner. Perhaps one of the other members can explain how to rig a marabou jig for steelhead properly, But I doubt it. When i do try it I take most of the shot of my line. I try and fish it as if I were fly fishing a beadhead fly. I try and rely on the drift to keep the jig moving and off the bottom, but it is hard for me. All my jigs end up snagged, but thats probably due to my lack of experience. Hope this helps.
  6. I liked Waynes idea. Find someone close with a hardline and buy your own gear. It would cost a bit more, but I wish I had done that from the get go instead of installing the crap I have now. Sorry things havent worked out for you Hookset. But loosing the highspeed and the online gaming world was the choice I made when I moved out here. It would take quite a bit to send me back to the city. I love the sticks and my 100 acres, my woodlot, the deer, wild turkeys and lack of neighbors make it worthwile.
  7. Assuming the pictures were taken on a digital camera, all you need to do is upload them to an image hosting site. Once you upload you will be given a hotlink that you can copy and paste into your post. I use www.imageshack.us
  8. I couple year back I had a bell sympatico dial up account that cost me 24 bucks a month. I used it at work and where ever I could get at a 56k modem. I was always suprised at how well it worked. I was achieving 49 kbs download speeds. If you plan on doing much online gaming, or file sharing with torrent programs, then dialup wont work for you. If you only check e-mail and surf the web I had no problems and I was rarely waiting for pages to load. Pictures came in quite quickly. I currently have a point to point system at my house coming from a grain elevator. It cost me big bucks to install, and is not much faster than that dial up account. In fact I wouldnt call it high speed. I cant play online games or seed torrents properly. If i could make the choice again I would have kept my sympatico account and paid for another phone line. the sympatico account was unlimited use.
  9. I personally dont find it any inconvenience to see a non fishing thread... not sure why it upsets people?
  10. Its funny, the first thing people are going to do when gas prices hit record levels is to re-evaluate every trip in the car, every litre burned. you might find you can better manage gas consumption by cutting down on the amount of times you drive your car. Im looking forward to these high gas prices... it might mean a little bit cleaner air for all of us.
  11. I dislike shows that are edited with scenes that are filmed after the fish has been caught and landed, ie shots of the guy setting the hook, shots of his buddy grabbing the net, shots of his buddies turning to look at him once he says fish on ect... all filmed after the fact and it looks so cut and paste. I also dislike this latest fascination with extremely aggressive hooksets. I think setting the hook hard and firm using the weight of the rod to drive the hook home is plenty, no need to put your back into it. I know the majority dosent hold this same opinion but I belive that setting the hook hard sets the hook just as good as setting the hook as hard as I can. Strangely, I love to watch Rolland Martins show, even though every 5 mins hes trying to showcase something. I like shows that showcase fish that I dont have the opportunity to normally catch, ie tarpon. I think these fish look really cool and I enjoy seeing close ups of them.
  12. Nope, I used Quick Tax through Scotiabank online. Cost me 15 bucks.
  13. I had this same problem. It dosent matter how many times you tell bell or rogers where your new adress is, they will always tell you right off the bat that you can recieve service there. I would stray away from sattelite internet due to its high latency, and go with sympatico dial up. works suprisingly well.
  14. Pike can be dispatched with with the throat slice just like salmonoids. Put them on a stringer in the water to bleed out.
  15. I must disagree. The point was quite valid and I detected no such feelings. I saw a quote in a recent in fisherman article called "our fragile fisheries" by Gord Pyzer. "Whats legal isint necessarily ethical" I belive this to be true. If you read the article, you will understand why. I trust the limits set by the MNR and I obey the law to the letter.
  16. I agree with the above.
  17. If they were tasty, people would eat them. If people harvested them like other fish they wouldnt be so destructive. There is a reason people dont eat them. Granted this species was farmed in asia for food for thousands of years. But no carp angler can deny that carp are an invasive and destructive species. Throwing them on the shore wont solve anything, its just a drop in the bucket in our changing ecosystem.
  18. As the world runs out of oil, (and we will run out of oil) we as a society will be forced to adapt and find other sources of energy. I for one am looking forward to it. Until then, you can combat raising gasoline prices by finding other alternitive methods of transportation.
  19. I get no such "floater days" Man that would be sweet.
  20. Im at work too. I dont think that its the provincial or federal governments fault that my company dosent recognize a provincial holiday. I really think every one in ontario should get it off just like the rest of the stat holidays.
  21. I wonder how long it took for him to figure it out...
  22. I have no idea what you are talking about.
  23. There will be no end to this debate. We could go on forever debating the sport fishing thing, but I think its pretty easy to tell who is an athelete and who is not. To me, an athelete is someone who participates in a "sport" but devotes a particular amount of time from their life to it in regards to physical training.
  24. Is fishing a sport? Definitely. Is golfing a sport? Definitely. Are fisherman athletes? Absolutely not. Are golfers athletes? Absolutely not. A sport is simply an activity governed by a set of rules and boundaries to achieve a goal.
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