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Everything posted by Riparian

  1. Not sure if this is what you are after, but it is a very informative how to by Fang. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...961&hl=FANG
  2. I am thinking that bird died if it wasant able to reguritate that. Think about it, the stomach would have to digest the fish in sections. how would it fly after eating that? Amazing.
  3. Ricky: [about their illegal gas station] Regular goes into this can, supremium into this one and diesel into that one. Cory: How do we know which is which? Ricky: By tasting, you moron. Regular tastes sour, supremium tastes a little tangy and diesel actually tastes pretty good.
  4. Mods can change it for you live and learn.
  5. Its too bad you decided to slam him rather than answer a perfectly fine question about fishing.
  6. I probably fish 50 to 100 times a year. It would be far greater if I owned a boat.
  7. I think he was inquiring about different fishing tactics in relation to a changing barometric pressure, not weather or not he should go out fishing at all. For example, if a decline in barometric pressure causes small mouth to feed more aggressively, then a hard and fast presentation would be appropriate. Not sure if the above information is correct, im just using it as an example. bong hits will cause you to over analyze everthing
  8. Wait... when do I get my package from Mr Mercer... tell me that theres one coming for me too...
  9. The homemade ones wont give you any trouble if you can find some sort of hill to park at the bottom of to even out the angles. but those ramps look pretty soild TroutnMuskieHunter, I like how they fold as well.
  10. lol thanks.
  11. Your lawn tractor would need a PTO (power take off) to drive a snowblower. If you have one, its a good choice. Not sure if you are talking about a lawn mower or a small tractor. If you have a 4X4 ATV, you might consider a plow attachment for the front, but I would rather seperate blower myself. hope this helps.
  12. Im not refering to his wrestling skills. Your right, wrestlers do well in the MMA. Just look at Kevin Randleman. What I hate seeing is the scripted drama that you see between fighters, like Tito Ortiz and Ken Shamrock.
  13. Definitely would have pitched it. rotting fish smell is pretty much impossible to get out. I left a bag of dead smelt in a backpack with my pike gear once, after washing the backpack three times and dousing it in every scent killer available, I had to pitch the bag.
  14. I just hope UFC dosent turn into WWE.
  15. Ya, I realized that after I posted it that people who dont fish cooks bay would still read the topic. I wasant complaining, I just noticed that in 40 min 70 people looked at the topic and didnt vote. my mistake. Sorry for offending you.
  16. Was there last spring with Beats, the lake supports good walleye, pike and smallmouth fishing. Not exactly remote. Saw quite a bit of boat traffic. Talk to locals and lodge owners in regards to catching the walleye. There are lots of small bays with weeds and sunken timber that are mini pike factories. Watch out for sunken logs and rocks. We had a good time, would go back again.
  17. Support the troops, not the war.
  18. i see it.
  19. good post.
  20. It is possible to sharpen them back to scary sharp with the correct tools. those "toothed" blades can be sharpened with rod style sharpeners, A spyderco sharpmaker works really well DMT sets and a range of sandpaper on a flat surface will work. Then again its easier just to buy new ones, but i'll be sharpening mine.
  21. 70 views and 6 people voted lol
  22. It sure is.
  23. Thanks Clamp-it
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