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Everything posted by Riparian

  1. This thread is turning into a "how to" combat a bear in the bush. All thanks to those who replied. It seems to me that the experienced and guides dont hang food packs... and dont seem to have a problem. Run a clean camp, keep your food air tight and you should be fine. Bears are naturally curious, im sure if one was in the vicinity it wouldnt matter if your pack was hanging from a tree or down on ground. In fact, protection from coons in the from of a barrel or locking cooler is advisable.
  2. I have one of those...
  3. lol. I can see the headlines now "man gets attacked by bear, Man didnt bear proof campsite" I hear what you are saying tho.
  4. How many of you dont bother to hang food bags while in the back country? I make frequent trips in and I find hanging my food pack to be a real pain. I know its better safe than sorry, but im thinking the original settlers and natives of this land didnt go around hanging their food from a tree.
  5. what the...
  6. Ah, I see. I do snap my rig off this way when I am hooked on the bottom. never thought about using that method on a foul hooked fish, Not that it happens to me often. Thanks, Fishnfiend. I once saw a guy break some other guys line with a cigarette because he had a foul hooked fish and was probably going to keep it.
  7. I will take all your gear if you wont be needing it anymore.
  8. the fold holds more salt.
  9. how does leaving a 3-6 foot shot line with a float attached to a fish increase its chances of survival? I would rather see the fish at least partly disconnected from the rig as think this betters its chance of survival more so than than breaking off 20 or 30 feet of line that is still attached to the fish.
  10. there were trout in that creek back then right? Thats way before my time. its all pike in there now, and some largemouth.
  11. i made the mistake once on the river of using the phrase "snagged it" instead of "foul hooked it" to another float angler. the guy got really upset and gave me an ear full... I felt bad because i wasant saying that he had snagged it on purpose because I was fishing right beside him for a while before this happened. We were fishing a small pool with muddy water and I had seen several rainbows "foul hooked" in this spot in the past few days. none were intentional. Anyway this guy called me an idiot so I moved on. I didnt mean anything by it.
  12. I wish I could complain aout the rain here. We have barely had any, and when it does rain... its few and far between and far too little. Let the farmers get their crops off i guess... then give me 5 inches.
  13. Nice slabs Barnie
  14. dont eat spawning salmon from the creek if thats what you are asking. If it looks like its rotting from the outside in, dont eat it.
  15. Ah yes... love those fish.
  16. Thanks Brandon, I will look into those rivers.
  17. Do any board members have any info on fishing the English Bay/ Burrard Inlet area of Vancouver BC? I have a cousin that I would like to visit and I am thinking about taking my float rod and reel with me, and getting into some west coast steelhead. If anyone can point me in the right direction I would be grateful, as Ive never been to Vancouver before. Feel free to PM me if you can. -Rip
  18. wait till you see his Labrador show... good stuff
  19. I would say that it is more the force of the rod bending that sets the hook rather than speed or motion. If you hold a lure that is attached to a medium action rod (or any rod for that matter) and pull until the rod flexes you will see how much force is behind that flex. I'll bet if tests could be done it would show that there is not alot of force required to drive a sharp hook into a pike, muskie or bass. Ive heard setting the hook too hard when using no stretch braids and crankbaits can actually rip holes in the spot where the hook set causing the lure to be shaken out more easily. I always think that alot of the hooksets you see on TV are more for show than anything else. Ive seen Karl Kalonka set a hook so hard into a bass that his reel popped out of the seat. His show is also called "extreme angler" and how extreme would it be if he had a sissy weak hookset...
  20. I agree with the above...
  21. Still waiting for rain here and the steelhead to show up... I went down to the one of my favourite spots on lake huron today to check out the water levels. Was suprised to see not even one dead salmon, the water is that low.
  22. I caught that pike last year on a trip to Rice Lake...
  23. I had confidence in Fitch all along... guy is a monster.
  24. UFC 76 Knockout... every fight went to the judges scorecards... except for one submission victory. My predictions for the fights were right except for the Lidell/Jardine match... but I never thought I wouldnt see a knockout through the whole event.
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