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Everything posted by Riparian

  1. it all depends on how the fish are reacting on any give day to your choice of presentation. For example, fish may choose to slow presentation of live bait under a float, or completley ignore it and favor the flash of a quickly retrieved lure. Based on what the fish are reacting too on any given day, its best to bring both options to the table and let the fish decide what to choose. But I would say in GENERAL, IMO live bait out performs artificials even if it is berkley gulp or whatever.
  2. Good luck Doug
  3. I feel dumber just by reading that...
  4. looks great... nice work.
  5. The runoff from the rain enters the headwaters of tributaries all over the province, which in turn raises water levels as well as changes temperature and water clarity. This in turn causes fresh "runs" of fish.
  6. Jesse... it is a still early in the season yet. That is not saying the fish arent there but its when they show up in numbers that they get easier to catch. Wait for rain, cold nights and keep trying.
  7. I hear ya Bowshep... best of luck man. -Rip
  8. I dont think all commorants deserve to die... but a respective cull is definitly in order.
  9. A paintball "gun" is only refered to as a "gun" by the people who see it as one. Not everyone sees it as a war game, where you are mock shooting to kill... but as a game of "tag". To the athletes that play, it is referred to as your "marker". just expressing the other side of the story.
  10. Do you think thats biodegradable paint they are using to paint the side of the freighter? http://www.greenpeace.org/canada/en/recent...-arctic-sunrise
  11. This site may help out http://www.rogersmushrooms.com/
  12. Theres alot of people that live in this province that dont even realize that over half of the electricity we generate is from coal. They think its all nuclear and hydro electric. No wonder our air quality sucks.
  13. Thats price gouging for you. No reason except marketing.
  14. Try drifting a frozen smelt along in the current...
  15. I gave up watching the prices of gas a long time ago and just accepted the fact that gasoline costs somewhere around a buck a litre. I got sick of trying so hard just to save a few bucks a tank. Price gouging sucks, but I think gas should be expensive to aid in conservation and make people use less. Someday, we wont have that resource to complain about.
  16. I have been told that using a reel with a non metal spool will help with this problem... Or a heated hut is good too.
  17. I love braided line for ice fishing. Its all I use along with a leader of some kind to match the species im after. No stretch. Thats what its all about.
  18. I dont understand why people choose to turn this into a conspiracy... And we are talking about carp here... a bottom feeding species that thrives in poor water conditions. The same water conditions Columnaris would also thrive in. It makes sense to me that the nature of the animal caused the die offs. It is also possible that other species were in fact effected by the bacteria. Just because they didnt wash up on shore dosent mean they arent dead at the bottom of the lake. And why would a species of fish that lives higher in the water column, dosent frequent silty muddy areas and feeds on baitfish be expected to be as suceptable to the bacteria as a fish that does all of the above?
  19. I will agree with the above.
  20. A heavy storm just passed over us here in Stratford... The sky was lit up for a good half hour.
  21. its like 30 or 40 bucks to buy the PPV over my dish... THats way to much I think. You can go see it for free at alot of sports bars. And I think spike tv is airing this one for free on sept 8th.
  22. Im sorry that you feel that we got suckered into "what sells these days". Im gona stick to replying to fishing related topics...
  23. Gonzaga has been my hero ever since he gave Crocop a taste of his own medicine and kicked him square in the head. As far as Gonzaga vs Couture id say Gonzaga.... but I will be rooting for Couture.
  24. So... let me get this straight. There are accusations of the MNR putting something into the water with the intention of deliberatly killing carp?
  25. in general, the salmon caught off the peir arent as beat up as the salmon in the rivers. And I would say 10 people fishing the bronte harbour is a very small amount compared to what I have seen.
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