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Everything posted by fatherof3

  1. nice report and video
  2. great report and a fun time with friends
  3. After seeing the fish daddy caught yesterday my 6 year old wanted to go.So we went down at dusk for a half hour or so using worms again. He had the first fish,good size for him. After that I caught one about the same. I said five more minutes and we would go when this guy took my worm. Not as big as yesterday but way more fiesty complete with jumps.I had told the little one he could hold the fish for a picture.As he is bending down the fish jumped one more time smacking him in the leg.He freaked out and started crying,calling the fish bad and mean.I tried not to laugh as I calmed him down.Even after that he wants to try again tomorrow so I hope I have another report for you.Sorry the pics are so dark as I forgot to change settings on the camera.
  4. great job,love the scenery shots as well
  5. nice fish,looks like you did well
  6. glad you are ok,nice fish too
  7. great report and pics
  8. some good fish,good job and can't beat the price of the boat
  9. great fish,congrats
  10. good report,looks like your kids had a blast
  11. sounds like a great day,look forward to the pics
  12. MJL,you might be right after looking up red horse.My bad.
  13. sorry you didn't have a lot of luck Must just be the river
  14. great report
  15. nice fish and looks like everyone had a great time
  16. they are a great fish to catch
  17. shots are pretty cool with the mist
  18. at least no one was hurt or worse
  19. sorry for the bad day but good for you for helping someone out
  20. Went down to the Nith in search of my pike yet again.There was no sign of them but saw one trout so starting casting spinners with no luck.My fiances daughter was with me so I sent her to the store to get worms.While waiting I saw 2 big shapes move through the water.I figured it was my pike but the guy looking down from the bridge told me there were about 7 big carp swimming around.I figured why not so when the worms came I put on one with a weight and threw it out.Within 5 minutes the line starts moving so I real slowly and sure enough there is some weight there.Carp on! It was not really fighting until it swam towards my pkie spot.the line starts peeling out and I watched the carp swim by with a pike right behind it!Couldn't believe it.The pike chased it around until I got the carp on shore.Here are a couple pics. Hate how I look in the 2nd one.After letting the carp go I figured I would try again.The line starts moving again but this time it is a small bass.Again the pike comes out and follows it around.Of course when I decide to try for the pike again it has no interest.Have to get some live bait.Anyway,still don't have my pike(really getting on my nerves) but did catch a fun fish.
  21. good job,congrats on the pb
  22. nice fish,congrats
  23. nice fish,would be fun
  24. good for you for getting the young ones out.Good luck today
  25. nice bass,congrats
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