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Everything posted by fatherof3

  1. wow,nice fish Bly! wtg on another good night
  2. great report and pics.Looks like you had a really good trip,congrats
  3. Well,the 3 of us went fishing for carp again.When we got to our spot there were a group of guys bass fishing there so we had to work around them.We had a couple of hits but little action.I did manage to catch 2 fish. The weather was ok when we arrived.A little overcast and calm. But quickly turned to this. Needless to say this put an end to our night as there was a lot of lightning as well.Sorry for the quality on some of the pics but I was walking trying to avoid getting caught in it.It didn't work as we were soaked all the way home.Hopefully will have a better report tomorrow.
  4. looks like a great day of fishing,congrats
  5. welcome to the board and sure you will find lots of tips here
  6. congrats on the car and puppy
  7. nice fish,judging by your reports you have had a pretty good year
  8. something we should never forget
  9. wtg! 2nights in a row. nice fish and congrats on new pb
  10. hey Rizzo,my secret is simple.Be low man at work,get laid off and have nothing better to do.The free time will come to an end soon though.
  11. think that is a great idea,look forward to it
  12. Well,after seeing the pics they wanted to go so off we went again.We just took my rod and I told them we would take turns as I wanted them to have a try.First up was the 6 year old.I hook into a carp for him and hand him the rod.I pretty much worked the rod for him and told him to real or to stop.He did a very good job actually getting the carp right to shore.I tell him to just hold the rod and I will go get it.Just as I am reaching down he pulls the rod back and the line goes SNAP! I actually made a mad dash after the carp but with no luck.He was pretty upset as this one was bigger than the ones I had this morning.After calming him down and setting up again I hook into another one.I hand the rod to the older boy,who wants to do it himself, and the fight is on.I am trying to offer tips but after 1 long run he lowers the rod just enough for the carp to spit the hook.Now we are 0/2.I told them that at least they now have a taste of it.Now it is my turn and sure enough... This one took forever to bring in and the boys were amazed at the fight.We tried for a little longer but with no luck so we left.They are both already talking about when they catch one tomorrow.I guess I can force myself to take them out again,lol.
  13. sounds like a good day and some cool pics
  14. too bad about the job.hope you find something else in the mean time enjoy your fishing
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