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Everything posted by fatherof3

  1. thanks guys,that was a very fun time fishing and can easily get addicted to carp fishing.
  2. After last night this is all I was thinking about.I had an hour to kill this morning so went back down.After all the baiting of the area figured I might have a shot.I almost left home without my camera and man am I glad I went back and got it.I was down there and 3rd cast I get a solid hit and fish on.Fight it for a bit and line snaps! Here we go again I figure.I did put heavier line on but drag was too tight.I set up again and soon get another hit.No way am I going to lose this one.Here is the proof! I was by myself with no scale or tape so the only thing I could think of was to use my foot(size 11) for comparison.Very next cast this guy decides to hit. He put up quite the fight for his size with a few good runs.By this time I am really having fun.I cast out again and wait but nothing.I bait the area some more for later and cast out one last time before I head home. Just as I am about to give up and go home I get another solid hit.This one takes off for the other side of the river in one big run as I just hold on. The next thing I now the rod eases up and no more pulling. Great,I lost him I think as I start to real in. All of a sudden I catch up to the fish,who is still on as he is charging at me!The fight is back on and after a couple more runs bring him in. So,after losing 3 last night I go 3/4 in an hour.I am quite happy right now and can't wait to show the kids the pics and get back there again.Here is one more pic for now.
  3. thanks Rizzo.They want to go out every day(fine with me)and being a 5 minute walk to 2 rivers is just too tempting.I only had 6lb test on yesterday but upgrading today so hopefully have some carp pics tonight.Really hurt losing every fish I hooked.
  4. sounds like a good day on the water.Seeing the helicopter would have been cool
  5. nice report,looks like you had a good day
  6. have a great time and good luck
  7. love seeing your pics from out there,keep em coming and thanks for sharing
  8. great report and nice fish.goes to show that you never know till you try
  9. Went down to the Nith on Sat evening with the older boy so he could try to outfish me.We had a lot of nibbles and saw some fish go by.I ended up only catching this little guy. The boy actually hooked into one of the bigger suckers but after a short fight he lost it.Here is a pic of him after losing it.Does he not look happy.lol Sunday morning I thought I would brave the rain and go out on my own before anyone else woke up.Was not very pleasant fishing but I did end up with 10 or so in a couple of hours.All were about this size. While down there I saw a guy I knew had shown up so went over and tried fishing for carp with him.He lost a huge one but did end up catching this guy. After showing the boys the pics of the carp when I got home they wanted to go out of course.So, after supper off we went. We got there and my friend came back too.In 3 hours I managed to lose 3 carp,the oldest boy lost one and we all agreed to try again tomorrow.Here are some pics of the evening.. After getting the area ready for tomorrow we called it a night.Was fun getting out with the kids and seeing them starting to get into bigger fish
  10. nice fish.too bad about the pic
  11. couple nice fish,congrats
  12. great report,nice to see you guys had a good day
  13. great shots.would be a little nervous taking those I bet
  14. nice fish, congrats and better safe than sorry
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